View Full Version : Retractable Leads/People!

10-24-2005, 09:08 PM
Ick, I really start to hate those things. About 6 months ago, on my way to work in the morning, I saw a lady walking her JRT on a retractable lead...the JRT was fully extended, and the side walk was right on the side of the road. He saw a squirrel on the other side of the road, and before she could react...well you can imagine. (I didn't hit him-someone else did) I see people walking dogs like that ALL the time.

And today...well this was a double hitter, I was walking my semi-dog aggressive boy in the park. He is fully controllable until a strange dog gets right in his face, and then he has a tendency to snap. A woman and her kids come through and are walking their husky mix..the child who was walking it was about 10 years old and clearly not capable of holding on to the dog, plus it was on a retractable lead...so the girl isn't paying attention and the dog just snatches it out of the girls hand. It starts to run straight up to my dog and they're hollering but it wouldn't listen. So I quickly try to turn and avoid the dog, but its trying to meet my dog. So I had to stop and hold my dogs muzzle (I also had a halti on him so he might of been O.K.) And the mothers hollering that her dog is very friendly (but i noticed also very dominant...intent eye stares towards my guy)...and I holler back that mines not. So she finallly is able to get her dog away, and she starts cutting into me as to why I have a "mean" dog at a park. :mad: I try to calmy state to her that my dog is dog aggressive and also firmly held in control on a leash, and in heel. So yeah...I was pretty ticked off. Stupid people. (Please keep in mind too..this was not a dog park, merely a neighborhood park with some swings and an abandoned soccer field. I would not ever bring this dog to a dog park.)

I guess this thread wasn't completely on retractable leads, but merely of the brainlessness of some people.
And I'm not condemning retractable leads...I think they're -great- for walking in the woods or other appropriate places, especially for the ones that runaway...but right next to a busy street, or around people and other dogs? :o

10-24-2005, 09:13 PM
I agree. I have a retractable leash but the only time I ever use it is for hiking/camping/etc. when I'm pretty much away from other people, dogs, and especially cars! When I walk him around the neighborhood he's on a normal leash.

I *hate* when people's loose dogs come running up to me...Nebo likes most dogs, but if the dog is very dominant towards him he is likely to react. Dogs usually react worse when on a leash as well.

10-24-2005, 11:34 PM
I agree. I have a retractable leash but the only time I ever use it is for hiking/camping/etc. when I'm pretty much away from other people, dogs, and especially cars! When I walk him around the neighborhood he's on a normal leash.

I *hate* when people's loose dogs come running up to me...Nebo likes most dogs, but if the dog is very dominant towards him he is likely to react. Dogs usually react worse when on a leash as well.

same here!!

I have one retractable leash that I use for Ozzy and Keesha when I take them hiking with me...it's not used on the other dogs because they pull and would probably break the leash

10-25-2005, 12:13 AM
I agree, the only time I use my retractable leash is when I'm out camping or hiking. They are very unsafe, not just to dogs, but to people as well --- I can't count the number of times I've been clotheslined by retractable leashes. They can give you VERY deep and painful slices. I had my legs completely sliced up when my neighbor and I were walking our dogs one day.

Suki Wingy
10-25-2005, 09:00 AM
Not to mention that leash is really hard to hold on to! We use it when Niņo goes to the park to run around or if we go out to the forest preserve or if he's in the front yard. I see a lot of people at shows using it to exerscize their dogs in the grassy areas, andI think it is very good for it, too. I hate it when people walk their dogs on them and their dogs runn all over in people's yards and they have no control.

10-25-2005, 09:07 AM
I think rectractable leads should come with training tips & rules.

I think if you can use them correctly AND have control over the dog AND use them with common sense in certain areas (not near roads, not in vet offices etc...)

A LOT of people use them & don't know how to control the lead or the dog on the other end. That really irks me.

I use one occasionally, like for hiking & the sorts but I also know how to use one. I know how to real in a dog even if the dog is pulling the opposite way. That rarely happens though because I also have control over my dogs, therefore they don't pull when I don't want them too.

Wolfsoul brought up a good point, I also got a nice gash on my leg from one of those. It was my brothers crazy dog who I had to babysit. That was the only leash they left me. Good thing I had spares at home.
The leashes do have warnings on them (or at least the package) stating that you can get cut, even get a finger or limb amputated!! :eek: :eek:

10-25-2005, 09:36 AM
I don't have the problem of holding onto the lead. My problem is the dogs actually snap the little nylon line that comes out of the handle. I don't understand why nobody else seems to have this problem, my dogs are only 25 and 45 pounds and for the most part trained to heel, until they see a squirrel, and I've seen bigger dogs pull on the leads.

finn's mom
10-25-2005, 09:39 AM
I don't personally like them, I've seen them break too many times, burn people's legs, people drop the handle and either hit the dog or another person with it...I had one previously with my dog, Bruno, and, will never have another one.

PJ's Mom
10-25-2005, 09:47 AM
Both of my dogs walk on retractable leashes and I've never had a problem controlling either of them. Bailey does like to take off after a squirrel from time to time, but I keep the leash short and she doesn't make it very far. ;)

10-25-2005, 10:40 AM
IMHO, this sounds more like leash training issues moreso than the type of leash. I use a retractable with Maggy and have no problems. I've used the traditional on her too and just prefer the retractable. She likes to go off and sniff things and her retractable leash allows her to do that. If I see something/someone coming then I tighten up the leash so she's close to me. Kids always think she's this sweet little puppy so they run to try and pick her up not knowing that a) she's full grown and b) she bites! I also like the retractable when we cross the streets so I can keep her close to me.

As far as burns and slices, I found that the less expensive retractables with a thin cord tend to burn more than the more expensive that have the wider nylon lead. Retractables probably aren't good for bigger stronger dogs who have the strength to snap them. My little 10 pounder isn't going to snap anything but a piece of string.

10-25-2005, 12:58 PM
I don't have the problem of holding onto the lead. My problem is the dogs actually snap the little nylon line that comes out of the handle. I don't understand why nobody else seems to have this problem, my dogs are only 25 and 45 pounds and for the most part trained to heel, until they see a squirrel, and I've seen bigger dogs pull on the leads.

dogs can usually pull on these leads all they want and they usually wont snap.
but if a dog runs or jumps forwards then that quick jolt is what usually snaps the leash...

10-25-2005, 01:28 PM
There's also the issue of if your dog hits the end of the lead, what kind of damage can occur (whip lash, neck problems). Plus...if a dog is on a retractable leash a lot, they get used to that pressure on their necks and when you go to use a regular leash, they think that pressure=go forward.

finn's mom
10-25-2005, 01:33 PM
There's also the issue of if your dog hits the end of the lead, what kind of damage can occur (whip lash, neck problems).

You have the same issue with a regular leash. I mean, Finn is pretty good on leash, now, but, if he sees a squirrel, he bolts. And, it's no easier on his neck than a retractable leash reaching it's full length.

10-25-2005, 02:11 PM
You have the same issue with a regular leash. I mean, Finn is pretty good on leash, now, but, if he sees a squirrel, he bolts. And, it's no easier on his neck than a retractable leash reaching it's full length.

I was thinking the same thing.

10-25-2005, 02:15 PM
I was thinking the same thing.

And, Maggy uses a harness, for that same reason. I think it's the same thing as with the Greenies, accidents are going to happen. Neglect helps things along, but if you watch your dog and your dog is trained, then you're obviously much better off.

My 2 cents.

Suki Wingy
10-25-2005, 03:24 PM
My problem is the dogs actually snap the little nylon line that comes out of the handle.
Really? Not ours and Niņo has broken several other leads.

10-25-2005, 07:42 PM
That makes me mad to!People should not walk their dogs if they can't controll them,One time I was walking Chica in a park when I saw another dog on a very long rope tied to a tree.Well the dog got up and started running towards me and Chica.It reached us before you knew it. I started screaming and picked up Chica in to my arms. The owner was not around during this episode.That scared me to death. I thought that dog would bite me or Chica. But I got away from it real fast!!! ;) I was fuming MADDDD!!!!! :mad: :mad:

11-29-2005, 01:00 PM
I hate retractable leashes! :mad: Not only do you have no control over your dog, they can hurt people! I dont know how many times I've seen people tripped by them, and last week when i was at the dog beach someone had their dog on a retractable leash and my dog was off leash and went to go play with their dog, but the other dog didnt want to play so i went over and grabbed Sam's collar. The leash wrapped around my arm and the dog took off and the leash cut my arm! I have this really huge gash in my arm right where my elbow bends! Those leahses just arent safe!

11-29-2005, 01:27 PM
I hate retractable leashes for that reason! If you're going to be in public or walking on the sidewalk, your dog NEEDS to be close to you for that exact reason!!!

Too many times have customers come in to petco with their dogs on retractable leashes fully extended and while checking the customer out the dog wanders off and ends up knocking over all kinds of stuff and ARGH!! Eitehr train your dog to have MANNERS or get a 4ft leash!!!

11-29-2005, 01:47 PM
I used a retractable leash for the most park when Amy, Audrey, & I went hiking and such with the dogs. However, Kiara is the ONLY dog i'd ever use one on and she uses it with a harness.

She has a strong enough recall if in the case it snapped, she'd come right back to me. I don't think i'd ever use one unless i'm walking in the woods somewhere away from people, and never would I use one on Simba & Nala. Their recalls aren't nearly as strong as Kiara's.

The leash isn't the problem, it's idiotic and irresponsible people.

11-29-2005, 02:05 PM
The leash isn't the problem, it's idiotic and irresponsible people.
My sentiments exactly! Both examples given by Jessica and Neo_lover are the result of poor training, not the leashes.

11-29-2005, 03:37 PM
They don't make one heavy enough for my crew which is ok. If I go to the lake I just use a horses lung line I can haul it in faster than the retractables. I always take them to where no one is. I am sure the ugly part of the chow wouldn't come out of Dugan but I also don't want to put him, me or any one else at risk. I also have them braced so Lady can be an anchor if I yell sit she does stops him cold.

11-29-2005, 03:43 PM
They don't make one heavy enough for my crew which is ok.

Actually they do,it just costs a small fortune and is a special order item! I have one for Kayleigh. Supposed to be good for dogs up to 200 pounds. I love that thing and it has made vast improvements to Kayleigh's life. Kay is highly dog aggressive. The retractable leash means I can walk her from the house and don't have to drive into the middle of nowhere which in turn equals more walks for Kayleigh. I can control her, keep her as close to me as needed and when no other dogs are in sight, she can roam a bit.

Retractable leashes are a great thing, when used correctly.

11-29-2005, 03:52 PM
i think that if retractible leads are used properly, they are ok. i walk my dogs on retractible leads everyday.

11-29-2005, 04:26 PM
I agree, the only time I use my retractable leash is when I'm out camping or hiking. They are very unsafe, not just to dogs, but to people as well --- I can't count the number of times I've been clotheslined by retractable leashes. They can give you VERY deep and painful slices. I had my legs completely sliced up when my neighbor and I were walking our dogs one day.
It can cause more damage than that. There was a lady in the newspaper not to long ago who, because of her retractable leash, had to have 2 fingers amputated.

I think they just get in the hands of the wrong people sometimes. Both the people and the dog need training before using one.

11-29-2005, 04:30 PM
i dont like them. Mostly because some people walk dog-aggressive dogs with them and they dont have as much control. I use regular nylon 20ft leashes for my two if we take them to the beach or something like that. :) My two are way to strong for them too.

11-29-2005, 04:30 PM
There was a lady in the newspaper not to long ago who, because of her retractable leash, had to have 2 fingers amputated.

In my experience, the cheaper retractables are the ones that can amputate. They are the ones that use a string like material. The more expensive ones actually have a nylon, leash like line. I guess anything being reeled in a high speed can cause injury, however.

11-29-2005, 04:32 PM
In my experience, the cheaper retractables are the ones that can amputate. They are the ones that use a string like material. The more expensive ones actually have a nylon, leash like line. I guess anything being reeled in a high speed can cause injury, however.

The ones I've seen has a nylon leash for the first X amount of feet, but the rest of the line is a string. Hmm..

11-29-2005, 04:36 PM
The retractable Amy (wolf_Q) has for Nebo is all nylon leash.... I wanna get one of those, it was really nice.

(You can see it in this picture)

11-29-2005, 04:37 PM
In my experience, the cheaper retractables are the ones that can amputate. They are the ones that use a string like material. The more expensive ones actually have a nylon, leash like line. I guess anything being reeled in a high speed can cause injury, however.
Well, yes, but most uneducated people are the same people that want the cheapest one.

I personally don't like them. I like keeping my dogs close so I really have no use for them. I just have leather 6ft leads. And, if I want to let them roam, I just let them off leash.

11-29-2005, 04:38 PM
The ones I've seen has a nylon leash for the first X amount of feet, but the rest of the line is a string. Hmm..

The one I use for Kayleigh is nylon leash from end to end. Those ones are generally a little more expensive, but they are more durable. (Kayleigh's is extra expensive as it's built for very large dogs and fully nylon).

11-29-2005, 05:08 PM
We have one for Payson and I love it. Payson is an "apartment dog" and we don't have a yard for him to be off leash in. There is a large courtyard that is fenced it where we take him to go potty. The retractable leash is great for us because it gives him room to sniff around. It also allows him to get a comfortable distance from us when he needs to potty. However when we take him out to the park or to starbucks we use a regular leash.