View Full Version : do you or/and your pets have nicknames?

10-24-2005, 06:18 PM
do you and/or your pets have nicknames?

my nickname is ry and my pets dont really have nicknames except jessie, and her nickname is jess

10-24-2005, 06:24 PM
My nicknames are Betty, Beth, Bet, Betsy and Leeza.

Fenway's nicknames are Dirt Dog, Devil Dog, Bambino, Luv and Goober.

Maxie's nicknames are Max and Maxie Pad.

Cosmo's nickname is Cosmo Jo.

10-24-2005, 07:26 PM

Shadow - Shadow baby, cow dog

Micki - Boogerman, Booga, Boog, Mickers, Mick, Mickaroo

Jack - Black dog, J dog, Jack Black, Jack dog, Jackieloo, my dads nickname for him...Jack off

Mini - Minnerd, Min, Princess, Face

Kyra - Kyrie, Ky, Kyra kid


Jasper - Jaspy
Lassie - fat cat

G. Pigs

Elvis - Elly, Mama
Mo - Mocha, Mokey, Mr. Mokey man, Moke, big guy
Henry - Henners, Hen


Geico - Geicamo

My nickname is Kangashrew, thats what most of my friends call me...or Shlea, a few call me flea

10-25-2005, 04:03 AM
- Dan (got from "Kae Dan")
- Danny Dorko
- Kae
- Kae Dog
- Kae Mart

- Bob (I really don't know how we got Bob from Kai... LOL)
- Bobby
- Big guy
- Kaka
- Kai-dyn

10-25-2005, 05:17 AM
The nicknames I have cannot be repeated on here! :o Especially the ones I get called at work! ;)
Lacey: Lulu
Mandy: Moo
Sassy: Sassafrass
Missy: Missykin
There's a few hundred other things we call them but those are their nicknames! :cool:

10-25-2005, 07:06 AM
My nicknames-
Justin calls me "Ladybug"
My parents and sister call me "Onnie", it originated from my middle name which is Ann.
Justin's parents call me "the girl" (there's a semi-long story behind it.)
other nicknames I have are Karebear and Karioke
to my pets I'm "mommy"

Bitsy's nicknames-
Bit, Bitter, Bitter bug, Ditzy Bitzy

Charlie's nicknames-
Char, Charcoal

Buster nicknames-
Pig, Piggle Wiggle, Buster Pig, Pig man

Nacey's nicknames-
Nay-Nay, Nace

Nova doesn't really have a nickname

10-25-2005, 08:49 AM
I don't have a nickname, really. My boyfriend calls me Honey or Hon, which bugs the crap out of me, frankly. :rolleyes: When I was a little girl, my dad called me Missy. Thank goodness that didn't stick!

Keito is sometimes Keito Burrito Bandito. Don't ask.

Lucky is Poo, Poo-Doo or Pooder. Again ... don't ask.

Pepper is Peeper or Peeps.

Vanilla is Nilla or Nilla Wafer.

Georgie is usually just Georgie, although my boyfriend insists on calling him George, which I hate.

Queenie is Bean, Beanie or my son's nickname for her ... The Queenie of the Green Beanie Weanies. ;)

10-25-2005, 09:20 AM
Ugh... I have so many for my pups :o
Sierra: Bear, Bear-Bear, Sierra Bear, princess, baby girl

Buddy: Buddy Love, Bud, Bud Boy, Bubba, Baby Boy...

... and the list goes on and on!!!

finn's mom
10-25-2005, 09:27 AM
Some of my long time friends call me Kari Ann. Um...I have a couple of friends that call me Karebear. Don't really like that one, but, it's ok coming from those couple of people. :) I have two friends now that call me Kay-yay, because their son, Thor, had a difficult time saying his r's...and, he called me Kay-yay (or Kayay).

Finn has a ton. I usually call him Huckleberry (which he doesn't respond to at all) or Fenton. But, some of the ones he gets called are Finley, Finnster, Finnegan, Finneas, Fenny Kravitz, Finnmeister, Hyphen, etc...anything that you can put "finn" into. ;)

10-25-2005, 09:31 AM
My nicknames are too many to count the most used are "voodoo" and "hebi tsukai".

Autumn has tons: pooh, chub, two, pup, any variation of the word autumn, she answers to everything.

Pepper is just Pep for short.

Sonny is sun-sun, tummy, bunny, and anything else that rhymes with sonny.

Epitaph is taffy.

Argor Mortis is morty.

Aires is Aires.

Clarence is Dr. Carter.

C.C. and Angel are C.C. and Angel.

Depot is Petey, Deepy, DP, PD, Po.

10-25-2005, 09:56 AM
This is a fun post! I don't have any nicknames myself but my dogs have a ton. There are too many to list, so I'll just name a few. :D

Marta- Marts, Corgi, Corgles, Cutie

Adele- Dell, Delski, Ski, Stink

We call them by their nicknames so much they know who we mean! In fact, Adele's favorite name is "Stink," since we usually only say that to her when we're in a good mood.

10-25-2005, 10:13 AM
For some reason I always call Visa "Schmisa." So she's got a few other ones like Visa Schmisa, Visa Schmi, Schmi, etc. My roomate calls her some things that can't be repeated here...lol.

10-25-2005, 04:11 PM
This is awesome! My nicknames are:
Steph, Crash, and Stephi (pronounced Shtephi-it is in German class!)

Jesse is:
Jes, Beasty, and Sweety

Sammy is:
Sam, Princess, and Furball Fluff!

Splinter doesn't have one, but my parents kitties do!

Peek-a-Boo is:

Autumn is:
Matumn and Tumn Tumn

Steph, Jesse, and Splinter

10-25-2005, 05:30 PM
my nicknames are breanna, bre, and brezzy,
zoey-baby, poodie,
t.j. buddy boy
kendy- angel
keshaw- kitty
kasey- bratty
the rest don't have nicknames

10-25-2005, 05:46 PM
my nick name is dani. (my full name is danielle)

molli- molli bolli
sammy- sam
RB missy- missy bissy

my pets at my dads:
oreo- kitty
jack- donkey face
buddy- bud (hes a goat)
black jack- blacky (goat)
cocoa- sometimes a call her mamma bunny cuz shes had a couple litters of kits
the rest dont have nicknames