View Full Version : see how far we reach?

03-23-2002, 01:09 PM
My best buddy had to leave a very bad situation in the mountains and has moved to the Eastern Shore where she now lives without her furbuddies but is safe.... now she writes this to me...

"the other day i was leaving the farm and close to the end of the lane, 2 dogs darted out from
the trees in front of the truck. one ran back into the woods and the other one, a brown
version of deuce, just stood there looking at me. they are owned by jr's niece and are
hunting dogs...they had gotten out of their kennels. well, when i asked kathy about them,
she said that any time i feel the need to be with them, just let them out of their kennel,
they'll love me and play with me all of the time....can you imagine? i'm in heaven. she has
10 cats.....there are another 7 on the farm at that end.......i'm right near a clump of bushes
that is home to a mother rabbit watching over her newborns.....she knows i'm nearby and
doesn't seem to mind.
but, i have big plans...sunday i'm going to play with those dogs and maybe i'll feel okay and
able to check out petoftheday some time soon.
see, life is good.
i swear, dogs...........i can play with the dogs!
You guys don't need to know the details but I just wanted you to know how far and how deep the PetTalk friendship goes. And my buddy is just getting back to being able to check out PetOfTheDay!! Wait until I get her into PetTalk!! love, Laurie

03-23-2002, 04:40 PM
What a beautiful letter Laurie....I hope your friend becomes Pet Talk "family" very soon!! She sounds like a true animal lover! Tell her we all say Hi! Sandra

03-23-2002, 10:18 PM

I'm so glad your friend is now safe and surrounded by furkids. Please let her know, when she is ready to join us, she will be welcomed with open arms.

03-23-2002, 10:30 PM
Sometimes I think there is nothing that one human can do to another
That cannot be healed - at least a little at a time -
By an animal's unconditional love.

Oh, romp with those dogs, and know
That sometimes life is simple
That joy is as easy as a belly-rub given
That nothing can compare with the reckless abandon
Of a running dog
And that love lives!

Look into those scamps' eyes,
Skritch those ears and see those eyes squint with glee
Romp and play and remeber what fun is ...

And know that they'll be back
As long as you have a stick to throw, or just a hand to pet them
And that life can be simple
Joy can come easily
And love lives!

03-23-2002, 10:52 PM
I too send good wishes to your friend. Hope she will soon be part of Pet Talk.

Karen-- You are SO talented. Great poem!:D

03-24-2002, 09:06 AM
Laurie, Good wishes also being sent your friends way.:)

03-24-2002, 12:47 PM
I will forward this thread when I feel it's the right time. I knew you guys would come through..she is finally coming around and she needs us... thanks again. She misses her furkids but will be OK now... I'm sure of it. Laurie kiss kiss and a big HUG

03-24-2002, 06:35 PM

I would like to join in the welcome to your friend. I'm
glad she's in a good place now . Please let her know
that she has lots of Good Wishes coming her way!!!