View Full Version : No heat in my building...

10-23-2005, 08:17 AM
There has been absolutely NO heat in our building since it started getting cold out. I called the landlord this morning because I'm not so much concerned for me. I can throw layers of clothes on. I'm worried about MooShoo. The last thing I need is for him to get sick. I've set up my room with the door closed and the space heater on HIGH and his kitty bed next to it so he had somewhere to get warm. I also have my comforters on the floor so he can burrow himself.

Why is there no heat??? Because he shut off the electricity to the HO's apartment to try and force her out. :mad: :mad: He's been going back and forth in court with her for over 2 months now.

In the meantime, he's got 2 other tenants in the place that are freezing!!! He apologized for it and said his hands were tied. He blamed the court system.

If anyone of my cats get sick, HE'S getting the vet bill! :mad: :mad:

10-23-2005, 08:29 AM
I feel your pain, I have a crack ho living next door and who suffers for it? Us!!! Why is it the good people have to pay for the bad peoples sins? :( Try to keep your kittys warm and thank goodness you will soon be out of there! ;)

10-23-2005, 09:20 AM
There has been absolutely NO heat in our building since it started getting cold out. I called the landlord this morning because I'm not so much concerned for me. I can throw layers of clothes on. I'm worried about MooShoo. The last thing I need is for him to get sick. I've set up my room with the door closed and the space heater on HIGH and his kitty bed next to it so he had somewhere to get warm. I also have my comforters on the floor so he can burrow himself.

Why is there no heat??? Because he shut off the electricity to the HO's apartment to try and force her out. :mad: :mad: He's been going back and forth in court with her for over 2 months now.

In the meantime, he's got 2 other tenants in the place that are freezing!!! He apologized for it and said his hands were tied. He blamed the court system.

If anyone of my cats get sick, HE'S getting the vet bill! :mad: :mad:
Well he should turn the darn heat on doesn't he know that there is kid's that could be freezing and pets are cold i would be pitching up a storm..

10-23-2005, 09:20 AM
Poor Moo -- just keep repeating to yourself "I'll be out of here in no time... I'll be out of here in no time" And click your ruby slippers three times ;)

10-23-2005, 12:36 PM
And click your ruby slippers three times

Oh Kim,

If it were only that easy, I would've been outta here weeks ago!!!!

I went out and bought a heating pad for $15. Poor Parker's room is freezing!! I put it in a quilted kitty tent and turned it up high to get it jump started. Once it got warm enough, I turned it on low. I HOPE she'll go in it. I feel so bad for her. :( Her eyes are red and itchy, so I've been putting kitty eye ointment in them (thank God I save my stash of kitty drugs). I sent PurrsAbound an SOS telling them my situation. They better do something quick or I'll end up boarding her, and that'll set her progress back.

As far as the HO in the back apt, she had a bunch of people over by candlelight!!!! She was drunk as a skunk (you can hear everything that goes on in that place from Parker's room) and yelling her head off.

I may just leave on Friday. Screw this crap!! :mad: :mad:

10-24-2005, 01:22 PM
Time to knit Moo a sweater. :) Seriously, I hope she gets outted and you can get some heat before your move.

10-24-2005, 02:27 PM
Tell him you are calling your lawyer. What he is doing is illegal. ((((HUGS)))) Hope you can get outta there soon!!

10-24-2005, 02:32 PM
Yeah what he is doing is definitely illegal. I would contact the local law enforcement and explain the situation. There is NO law that states that other tenants would have to suffer because he is too afraid to talk to the one tenant he wants to leave and evict her himself!! You should NOT have to suffer because he is too childish!! If he evicts her and she doesn't leave, then he doesn't have to turn off heat or electricity, he CALLS THE COPS and THEY make her leave, or arrest her. Plain and simple.

If there are children or elderly in the building, not having heat can KILL them over a period of time!! You NEED to complain to someone NOW!

10-24-2005, 02:35 PM
Yup, thats illegal as all get go. You need to notify your local law office & NOW!!!

I'd make him also pay the difference in your electric bill for using the space heaters.

10-24-2005, 04:11 PM
Today our building was published as having big debts, so we won't see heating soon and we had frost several nights in a row. Good thing that it got warmer.
Well, I just hope that they will change their mind, or we'll have to do something.

10-24-2005, 05:32 PM
That sounds so wrong. Try to find out what the landlord/tenant laws are in your state.

Good luck - will Moo Shoo snuggle with the other kitties for warmth? :eek:

10-25-2005, 07:42 AM
I blew a fuse twice with my space heater. He had to come out and re-do the fuses.

Turns out it's NOT because of the HO in the back apt. The electric company put an "Under Investigation" tag on one of the meters outside the building because they think he hooked up the heat illegally. I called Fox 2 News and left a message. Parker is going to her new foster home tonight. I emailed my best friend Susie and asked if we could stay at her house in CT once I get there. Turns out HER furnace blew so she has no heat either!!

I'm going to pack up my car and leave as soon as possible. I don't care about what I leave behind at this point. It serves this jerk right (the landlord) for not going by the law. I think he's lying about a few things and just don't trust him anymore.

I called my CT roommate Mark and he won't be home till Sunday. This is turning into such a freaking nightmare!!

Hope everyone is warm and toasty.