View Full Version : For Moosmom,

10-22-2005, 07:31 PM
Well guess what I did a few hours ago?

Fell down the basement stairs :(

My fall wasn't anything exciting, just an uncontrolable falling slide on your butt kind of fall. However my left butt & hip is brused & so is my right arm(I don't understand how that happened). Sitting on the computer chair is VERY painfull, & so is walking.

I hope your leg feels better.

10-22-2005, 09:49 PM
OMG, we have PT'er crashing left, right, and centre.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-23-2005, 06:46 AM
OOPS....... sorry about the crash... :(

11-02-2005, 07:19 AM

Sorry, but I just noticed this thread for me. I hope you're okay! My leg is taking sometime to heal because the scrape on my shin was very deep. I still have scabs on my patella (kneecap) and everytime I kneel on it, it hurts!!

I've found lately that my ankles and knees give way at any opportune moment. I don't necessarily have to be running or anything, just walking normally. It's an awful, helpless feeling. It's also very embarassing when I do it in the company of lots of strangers.

The best way to prevent bruising (other than NOT falling or whacking a body part) is to put ice on it immediately. I did, but unfortunately it was too late.

11-02-2005, 02:28 PM
For the scab, put Polysporn on it. It'll soften it a little bit & it hurts less, if at all.

I didn't have access to any ice. I was stuck in the basement too long limping & crying. I still have my BIG ugly burse, but its not nearly as sore anymore. It only hurts if I poke at it heheh.

I've had knee & hip issues since I was 14ish. I use to scream & cry for days. Many times if not most times I couldn't use my legs. Only once they went totaly limp & I had no motor skills in them at all, but I felt pain. Stupid dog thought I was playing on the floor & he ended up dragging me all around the house until my folks returned home to get him off of me, hehehe

Now my legs only get sore from time to time, but not nearly as bad as before, its more annoying & causes me to limp a bit. My balance blows due to my knees not being able to hold much weight. Its kinda like balancing 2 tennis balls ontop of each other. So I have to stand with my knees locked.

ohwell nothing like before

11-02-2005, 03:57 PM
If it makes either of you feel better, my good friend, Carol, emailed me that she fell down 27 stairs over the weekend, had a concussion, lots of blood, an ambulance, everything. She and her friend were touring some cathedral in New York City. OUCH! I hope you all will be healed soon!


11-02-2005, 04:43 PM
OMG your poor friend :(
I hope she'll be ok. Was there any perm. damage??

11-02-2005, 04:51 PM
Yikes ... sorry about yours and Donna's accidents! I worry with every step I take, as I broke my foot in two places and had to have surgery a few years ago. My knees and ankles are extremely "weak and wobbly" as well. I had old injuries from my cheerleading days (many moons ago ... haha) that still cause me trouble!

STAY WELL and BE CAREFUL!!! :eek: ;)

11-02-2005, 04:58 PM
Ever since I fell down the stairs, I'm in constant pain in my lower lumbar from my sciatica. I've tried 1200 mgs of Motrin, Neproxin Sodium (stopped taking that cuz it made me puff out like a blimp). Nothing helps. It's like a tooth ache.


Is your friend okay??? Her fall makes mine look like I tripped!!


I've been putting neosporin on the scabs. The worse one is on my shin. I'm gonna have a wicked scar there.

11-02-2005, 05:05 PM
Moosmom: Have you tried the Polysporn Painless? It really helps. A lady at my old old old job, sliced her hand open with a box cutter (I saw her meat & it was quite GROSS, she refused to go to the hospital). So I cleaned it & took a tube of Polysporn Painless & applied that to her wound. The lady said she felt no pain for 20hrs at a time. Every morning at work I had to gently remove the bandage, clean the wound & apply more Polysporn Painless & she said it took about 30 mins to kick in & it was af if she didn't have a wound at all.

Might be worth a shot.

11-02-2005, 05:16 PM

Really?? I have to pick up some Chlortrimeton for Mollie Rose at CVS tomorrow so I'll give Polysporin a try. Thanks for the tip!

11-02-2005, 05:55 PM
Remember its the Polysporn Painless, there are MANY different kinds of Polysporn.

Its found in the larger Pharmacy chains, like Shoppers Drugmart & Pharma Plus (I don't know the big usa chains)

11-02-2005, 05:56 PM
Thankfully, after seeing a multitude of doctors, I think my friend is ok, just terribly sore and I believe she has some stitches from hitting her head. I actually tried to call her this afternoon, but didn't get her on the phone. I would so like to hear her voice and get an "in person" update.

Hope everyone will be careful with those stairs!
