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View Full Version : HELP PT! MY MEOWMIE THREATENED ME! **pics**

10-22-2005, 11:36 AM
Well, I was laying in front of my Meowmie minding my own business and you know what...she threatened me! :eek:

I have proofz:
See that's me there..sleeping. My meowmie was taking the picture cooing at me (lame huh?) telling me how cute I was and all. I KNOW I KNOW how cute I am. Lay off it already lady. She babbles non-stop to us so it always puts me to sleep.

Her picture taker thing always sucks at taking pictures as that thing does me no justice. Seriously, doesn't she get I'm sleeping. Anyway, that is another complaint.

Back to being threatened...as I was falling into a deep slumber trying to block out her annoyingness, she said the dreaded word. It's like a bad nightmare. I HATE IT..She said the word SQUISH! It woke me right up!!
See the look of fear in my eyes?

PT PLEASE MAKE MY MEOWMIE QUIT THREATENING TO SQUISH ME! I HATE IT!! I don't like little kisses on my soft, pink nose..it's my nose and not hers to squish and kiss. I think I want a new meowmie! :eek:

Anyone out there willing to take me in and not SQUISH ME?

10-22-2005, 04:09 PM
Oh Callie, you're such a beautiful kitty it's no wonder your Meowmie wants to squish you. It's because she loves you so much! If I was your Meowmie I'd squish you too not to mention rub your tummy all the time. And your little nosie is just begging for kisses. There are lots of folks here on PT that love you and would like nothing more than some squishy time with you. I do understand that the flashy box is annoying especially when you're trying to sleep. But we love seeing how gorgeous you are. Anyway, Groucho the lawyer said he will help you work this out with your Meowmie and will try to keep this out of Cat Court if that's what you want. Just let him know.

10-22-2005, 04:24 PM
Anyone out there willing to take me in and not SQUISH ME?

Callie, to be honest... you are so cute and sweet, so it will probably be hard to find someone who does NOT want to squish you! :)


10-22-2005, 04:28 PM
Sorry, but I would be mightily tempted to SQUISH, also...and rub your belly, and kiss your nosie, and scritch your ears.

We just can't help ourselves!!!! :D :D :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-22-2005, 04:28 PM
Oh poor poor Callie! What a hard life you have! But you are sooo cuuute, I understand your meowmie, she cannot resist! And this cuuuute nosie! kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss! :D

10-22-2005, 04:46 PM
Be careful what you wish for Callie.
There are many Kitties,that would gie thier eye teeth,to get squished by thier Meowmie.
We Porchies would love to get squished.
Actually we would settle for our Damn Porch BACK!!!

Wheres the Porch,CatMan!!!

10-22-2005, 07:21 PM
LOL Thanks for the comments. I'm sure Callie feels a little dejected as there are others who would squish her too. Oh well. :D

10-22-2005, 11:50 PM
Sorry Callie, but if I had you within arms length, I would be squishing you also.
Who could resist such a pretty girl as yourself. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-23-2005, 11:52 AM
Sorry, I am afraid you are just made to be squished, honey...... :)

10-23-2005, 12:09 PM
Yep, baby, you were made for squishin'. Best just get used to it or move to a planet that has no humans!!! Kiss Kiss Squish Squish! :D