View Full Version : crying histerically *UPDATE**MAYBE GOOD*

10-21-2005, 08:52 PM
I need some pet talk support!! I just got attacked by my duck. (SUNNY) I have scratches in every part of my body, t.j and zoey do too. I was going out to feed my ducks and they got out all of the sudden, sunny just started attacking me, becking on me scratching me trying to grab hold of me. I was scraming histerically and zoey and t.j. were trying there best to save their mom, but zoey and t.j ended up getting even worse scratched then me, I was yelling so loud trying to get help but it wasn't working, finally ZOey got the courage and just bit sunny and dragged him back into the cage. ZOey is my little hero!!! I love her so much. I just grabbed hold of her and started balling, anyway my parents told me its time to get rid of them because there mating and there just going to get worse. there so bad, I really don't want to get rid of two of my ducks the nice ones dixee and trixee. I really do love them there just out of controll and someone's gonna get hurt!

10-21-2005, 09:04 PM
Ducks can be vicious creatures when they want to, as you well know. I had ducks years ago. I hope you can work something out to keep the ducks and I hope you , Zoey and TJ are all ok!

10-21-2005, 09:46 PM
Oh, dear. Hugs to you and your hero pups.

10-22-2005, 08:25 PM
thanks, I emailed to a park and i am probally going to donate them to a bird park, they would have lots of probety to roam on and will probally be alot more happier, the park just has to email me back. (hopefully soon) so I have decided when they leave to get another beta just got to find a good place, I didn't really like the quality of where my old betta came from. I hate to see those ducks go, even thoguh there mean, I still love them so mcuh.

10-22-2005, 08:36 PM
:( But its better for everybody I suppose...Good Luck and (((((((HUGS))))))))

10-22-2005, 10:39 PM

10-22-2005, 11:07 PM
Are they Miscovies? All the ones we ever had were ornrey. Dad kept insisting on getting them I used to pack a long stick to get to my rabbit house that was in the chicken yard. (fact I'm not crazy about birds didn't help)
Explanation of dislike of birds:::: My leghorn rooster (raised from a hatchling ) attacked me (he was 3yrs old I was 6) I still have the scar in my leg (had to kill him to get him to stop had a hold of my bone and wouldn't let go. ) No reason for the attack but I still don't care for any bird. It was fun (not) when hubby raised cockatils for a while ( I lived in fear of them getting out.

10-22-2005, 11:43 PM
Good luck, I am sorry to hear this. I hope you, T.J and Zoey are better! {{{hugs to you}}}

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-23-2005, 06:37 AM
Oops, that hurts...! Sorry about this! :(
Giving them to a park is a beautiful gesture; you can visit them as often as you want there!

10-23-2005, 11:26 AM
thanks guys, there muscovy yep, sadly still no call from the park!!