View Full Version : Help!!! cell phone question....

10-21-2005, 05:17 PM
We got our new cell phones today. We charged them fully, and were waiting for them to be completely charged before we activated them.

Along comes my daughter's boyfriend and was playing with her new phone... and set the key lock. We tried the default number that is written in the book (0000) and it didn't work. We tried 1234, 1010, 0101, 1212, and so on... anyone else have any bright ideas as to what to do? I called the cell phone company and they can't help us until the phone is activated. We can't activate it until we unlock the keys! :eek:

Needless to say, I am a little miffed at the boyfriend right now. HE can pay the $150 to repace the phone if it comes to that!

10-21-2005, 05:19 PM
Can you turn the phone on? If its turned on you should see a key to press to unlock? It should also say in the owners manual how to unlock.....what brand is the phone? That company should be able to help you.

10-21-2005, 05:20 PM
I'm afraid to turn it off for fear of not being able to turn it back on. I never thought of calling the company. Its an LG camera phone.

10-21-2005, 05:23 PM
So LG is the company that makes the phone? They would probably be better to deal with that the wireless service provider.

10-21-2005, 05:27 PM
Kim, go to www.cellphones.ca/upload/manuals/lg_s450.pdf and go to page 89

edit to say on the web page click on manual

10-21-2005, 05:44 PM
waaaaa,... the link didn't work for me. I tried LG's website... what a joke. :rolleyes:

We'll just go to the Verizon store tmorrow and have them sort it out. I mean, the phone's not even a day old so HOPEFULLY they'll help us.

I DO have to exchange hubby's because the charger doesn't fit into the phone right - you actually have to wiggle and jam it in. From a similar experience with my camera and its %*#@$ USB cord, I learned to return it ASAP!

finn's mom
10-21-2005, 05:52 PM
If the keys are locked, can you turn it off at all? I know with mine, if you pushed any button, it would light up and the word "unlock" would show up on the screen, and, usually there would be a button underneath the word "unlock" that you would push...then, it would tell you what to press next. I think it was Nokia, and, I just pressed the main "menu" button, and, then the "*" key quickly after that. That's all it was on mine. But, I do know that, if the keys were locked, you COULDN'T turn the phone off. You had to unlock the keys to turn it off. If you can actually physically turn the phone off, are you sure the keys are locked? Dumb question, sorry...

10-21-2005, 08:40 PM
Needless to say, I am a little miffed at the boyfriend right now. HE can pay the $150 to repace the phone if it comes to that! Yup, I would charge him - what a doofus!

10-21-2005, 08:52 PM
LOL... all settled. I told him to either drive over to the Verizon store in the mall and have them fix it, or he'd be sitting here all night starting at 0000, and going in order all the way to 9999 until he found the right access code. The Verizon guy fixed it in a moment.

10-21-2005, 08:53 PM
Nioka has a feature on the phone that allows you to lock the keys so no one can use the phone. However, there is no codes to unlock you just go through the menu and push unlock.
I think the more gagets (picture phones) on a phone the more trouble they are in the long run. The photo phones give me the creeps because you never know when someone is taking your photo.