View Full Version : Million Dollar "Baby"

Toby's my baby
10-21-2005, 01:43 PM
I have to say that I have sucessfully earned the nickname "Million Dollar "Baby" from my parents, when ever they refer to me, or one of their friends refers to me, they always say, o this must be the million dollar baby. :o I went to the doctor AGAIN today, for my knees this time, and the took x-rays, but they dont know what is wrong. I have to go back to physical therapy and do strengh training, and they hope that it will help.

Whole story:
I have sucessfully earned the nick-name by having my tonsils removed, three surgeries on my wrist after breaking it last August, one surgery to repair my ankle after I walked on it for a year, not knowing that it was broken and now this. It wouldn't be so expensive, except for the fact that we always have to travel somewhere else to find out what is wrong. Like for my hand for instince. I broke it last August 16, and they did surgery to reset it, then I had no feeling in my fingers, so they did Carpal Tunnel surgery, but that didnt help, so they sent me to Fargo, ND ,and they did a bunch of tests, but they still didnt know, so they then sent me to the infimus, Mayo Clinic, in Rochester,MN and I had to have surgery, which cost us about $50,000 just for that ONE surgery :eek: things are crazy now a days!

*~Pointless thread~* I know, but I was bored. .. :o

10-21-2005, 03:07 PM
you´ve been gone through a LOT!! my sister has a similarity with you, she had a open wound on her head from falling a step (well i might have been involved :p we were little), she had tonsils taken, she had back problems, she had to use a collar due to a car accident, had a root canal, had a tendon "fracture" (not sure if its the right term), and now she has something in her hand, and she´s been like that since i can remember.

hope it nothing to worry and you get better and over with all this kind of things, i think you had enough ;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-21-2005, 03:30 PM
Oh gosh, that is a lot to take ... :eek: ! I hope you have a good insurance that covers most costs....