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10-18-2005, 05:43 PM
my new 9 week old puppy just came home with me on saturday. when he takes naps he always makes suckling noises, so i assume he is dreaming about his mom. well just like 5 minutes ago he was making those suckling noises but them he started whining and started, like, twitching. i started petting him cuz it was kinda scaring me and he jumped up and barked/yelped. boy, did that scare me!!! :eek:

has this ever happened to anyones dog? was he just having a nightmare?

10-18-2005, 05:45 PM
He is just dreaming that he is chasing something. All dogs do it, I think its pretty cute!

10-18-2005, 05:48 PM
molli does that sometimes, but she doesnt make as much noise. lol, when he suckles, do you think he is dreaming about him mom? its cute when he does that. i love my baby boy :) (and of course my little girl!)

10-18-2005, 05:49 PM
That happens to Tango sometimes, when she does that she starts shaking though like shes terrified of something so I wake her up aswell...

10-18-2005, 05:55 PM
my dog dose it all the time all i do is say wake up and she stops its kinda cute tho

10-18-2005, 05:55 PM
All my dogs dream like that. They whine and wimper and twitch. I guess they are dreaming that they see a big juicy steak but it keeps going farther away so they start to run but they can't catch it so they start to whine.:);)

10-18-2005, 05:57 PM
lol maybe

10-18-2005, 06:09 PM
DOn't pet your dog though while she is doing that, She is in a deep sleep and if you do pet her and she does wake up she can have a heart attack. Its like waking a human up from sleep walking

10-18-2005, 06:11 PM
weirrd. i didnt know that. so a puppy can have a heart attack just from that? hmm, interesting.

10-18-2005, 06:35 PM
Bon always does it. Today he actually acted like he was running in his sleep...too cute:)

10-18-2005, 07:27 PM
I finally foundTHIS-PRESS HERE!!! (http://webjay.org/iteminfo/2046692/c537361fda3576d1b8400437482914ca)

Press the play button to watch this cute commercial!

10-18-2005, 08:09 PM
my new 9 week old puppy just came home with me on saturday. when he takes naps he always makes suckling noises, so i assume he is dreaming about his mom. well just like 5 minutes ago he was making those suckling noises but them he started whining and started, like, twitching. i started petting him cuz it was kinda scaring me and he jumped up and barked/yelped. boy, did that scare me!!! :eek:

has this ever happened to anyones dog? was he just having a nightmare?

lol That would scare me too, if you don't know what your looking for. :p

10-18-2005, 08:19 PM
DOn't pet your dog though while she is doing that, She is in a deep sleep and if you do pet her and she does wake up she can have a heart attack. Its like waking a human up from sleep walking Pardon me for butting in, but deep sleep is just Stage 3 & 4 of your sleep cycle. It does the body no harm (other than feeling a bit more tired) to be woken up during these two stages. Our REM cycles only go during Stage 3 & 4 (deep sleep) which cause us to dream, but we cycle throughout our sleep cycle 4-6 times a night. It does NO harm to be woken up during this time. Think about it - you're alarm wakes you up in the morning, correct? How does it know if you're in deep sleep or not? It doesn't. It just goes off and you wake up. Sometimes you feel more tired because you were in deep sleep, but that's it.

I've never heard of what you're talking about. Just because her dog was dreaming and she woke him up, that could cause him to have a heart attack? I don't believe that's true either simply because it's just dreaming. There's nothing *REAL* about it. If I was sleeping around someone and they saw me twitching and making noises, I'd hope they'd wake me up so I'd stop dreaming like that. Also, sleep walking is just "reenacting" what we are dreaming about.

I'll go research this a bit and talk a bit more with my Psychology teacher.

(sorry for the hijack)

I've never really seen Daisy do this because when she's out, buddy she's out! LOL I'm glad your puppy was all and well though, hehe.

10-18-2005, 08:39 PM
:eek: I never heard of the heart attak thing either.

i do know if that if you startlel a dog when its sound asleep... that biteing is sometimes an automatic instint to protect itself.

just like when my parents or brother wake me up when im sound asleep.
they touch my arm or start talking to me... like "yo wake up" LOL and it scares the crap out of me.. and i JERK awake.

one time my mom almost got decked in the face because i was having a nightmare.... :eek:

10-18-2005, 09:46 PM
lol. oh and by the way, sammy got his fist check up, shots, and deworming today. totally healthy! and he doesnt get drowsy, and moody like molli does when she gets her shots. yay :D

10-19-2005, 08:59 AM
Buddy always looks like he's running in his sleep, and a few times has barked quite loudly in his sleep too!!

10-19-2005, 09:30 AM
Maybe your little puppy has especially vivid dreams! One thing my greyhound Adele does is wag her tail in her sleep... it's too cute! She must be dreaming about eating peanut butter.

10-19-2005, 09:42 AM
My mom's dog Brandee does that. She looks like she's in a full out run, just on her side, she barks, growls, whimpers, cries, the whole 9. She'll do this everytime she sleeps, too. We're used to it. We just say, "Brandee's in REM again!" :rolleyes:

10-19-2005, 10:01 AM
Pardon me for butting in, but deep sleep is just Stage 3 & 4 of your sleep cycle. It does the body no harm (other than feeling a bit more tired) to be woken up during these two stages. Our REM cycles only go during Stage 3 & 4 (deep sleep) which cause us to dream, but we cycle throughout our sleep cycle 4-6 times a night. It does NO harm to be woken up during this time. Think about it - you're alarm wakes you up in the morning, correct? How does it know if you're in deep sleep or not? It doesn't. It just goes off and you wake up. Sometimes you feel more tired because you were in deep sleep, but that's it.

I've never heard of what you're talking about. Just because her dog was dreaming and she woke him up, that could cause him to have a heart attack? I don't believe that's true either simply because it's just dreaming. There's nothing *REAL* about it. If I was sleeping around someone and they saw me twitching and making noises, I'd hope they'd wake me up so I'd stop dreaming like that. Also, sleep walking is just "reenacting" what we are dreaming about.

I have no idea that what my mom read in a magazine and so I was just warning her if it was true

10-19-2005, 05:04 PM
Yes, I don't think it would produce a heart attack. But like Vette said-watch out for the teeth! A startled dog will probably snap at you if you shake it awake. (Especially people with older dogs...please be careful.)

10-19-2005, 07:31 PM
yes that is what sammy did when i woke him up. lol ;)

10-19-2005, 11:39 PM
Logan whines and yelps and runs in her sleep..chasing squirrels..no doubt about it! Sometimes she snores. It's too adorable! I never wake her up. She subconsciencely hears every sound anyway, so if I get up or walk by, she opens her eyes. When I get up in the middle of the night (she sleeps next to my side of the bed) she wags her tail and rolls over for a belly rub!! :D

10-20-2005, 09:48 AM
awww cute. sammy has started snoring too! lol... it really funny. i know, molli always wakes up from every little movement i make. :rolleyes:

10-20-2005, 10:49 AM
That happens to my dogs sometimes, it was probubly just a dream. But you might want to check with your vet just in case :)

My Peanuts
10-20-2005, 11:53 AM
My RB Angie was the sweetest little girl. She wouldn't hurt a fly. However, sometimes when she was sleeping and I'd pet her she'd wake up and try to nip me. Then she would realize what was going on and she'd give me the “I'm sorry” face. I think she had a bad start of life and it traumatized her.
Don't worry, it's normal. You just startled the puppy. :)

10-20-2005, 04:14 PM
awww im sorry. :( sure sounded like a sweetie.

10-20-2005, 10:37 PM
MAXIMUS does all kinds of noises and movements. He's four and a half. Most of the time it's just cute, even amusing. The only time I interfere with his dreaming, is when he has the really scared crying thing. I just
softly rub his head and back and say, "it's ok." I always try NOT to wake him. Like humans, they need their
REM sleep. I think it's cute too. He's even done the ugly bark with the mean fur also. I rub him gently then too.
It seems to sooth him. I imagine they also have nightmares as we do.

10-20-2005, 11:16 PM
How timely.. John woke me from a sound sleep this morning and I tried to nip him! :D :p

10-21-2005, 11:39 AM
lol :D

10-21-2005, 12:13 PM
Kia howled once in her sleep. It made Andy and I sit straight up in bed. It was the eeriest sound I've ever heard. It's the only time I've heard her howl.

She will sometimes bark and yip in her sleep and her paws, eyes, whiskers, and/or ears will twitch. :)

10-21-2005, 12:54 PM
lol some cute dogs everyone has here! :)