View Full Version : Toothache (Updated)

10-18-2005, 05:15 PM
Does anyone know a good way of making it go away? :( I'm not going to waste my time at the dentist, I've been there before with the same thing and he didnt do much except poke it and made it even more sore, Im becoming slightly addicted to my painkillers and its quite worrying :o

ANY suggestions?? :( :(

PJ's Mom
10-18-2005, 05:36 PM
Go to a different dentist. :)

It depends on what type of toothache you have. Does it have an infection, or is it a cavity?

10-18-2005, 06:00 PM
Its a wisdom tooth :( I really dont want to change dentists because I know hes one of the best in the area its just last time he took me for a X - ray and gave me tablets that didnt work and I just dont want to take time from work again to be told theres nothing for him to do yet. Its affecting the back of my mouth alot, its so sore to swallow and opening my feels so painful and its all swollen :(
Kind of feeling sick of the taste of bonjela too! It's for teething I think but its getting rid of some of the pain for a while

10-18-2005, 06:00 PM
If it is hurting, go to the dentist or it can turn into a bigger problem.

10-18-2005, 06:05 PM
Its affecting the back of my mouth a lot, its so sore to swallow and opening my feels so painful and its all swollen :(

I had a wisdom tooth that abscessed, it was painful and started out like you are saying yours is. I'd be getting it pulled asap if it were me.
Hope your feeling better soon.

PJ's Mom
10-18-2005, 06:05 PM
If it's a wisdom tooth you really need to see your dentist. They can become impacted and then you'll really be in pain. :eek:

I don't know why your dentist can't do anything about it now. My daughter had hers pulled this summer and two of them hadn't even popped out yet.

I hope you feel better. :)

10-18-2005, 06:17 PM
Thanks everyone, I've just been reading up about it online and I got quite alot of the signs of it, even the lumps under the chin :eek: I dont like needles or anything and I'm getting worried about it alot, do they put you to sleep while they do it? I dont know if he will be able to see into my mouth because I can just about open it to fit in a straw
My other wisdom teeth wasnt as bad as this so Im going to see if I can make an appointment tomorrow. It sounds so painful Im a wimp :(

10-18-2005, 06:21 PM
I removed all four of my wisdom teeth in 2 days with no problems. Its actually better for you if you stay away for the procedure, they are usually more gentle when you are awake!

*edited to change wosdpm to wisdom, lol, dang typos*

10-18-2005, 06:40 PM
lol You dont know how much of a big baby I am, If I see the needle they wont need to give me drugs to put me to sleep :) I dont have problems with my other ones its just this one tooth its killing me but I guess if it needs to be taken out I'll have to deal with it like everyone else!

10-18-2005, 07:08 PM
^Ohhh, hugs!

I think you are just going to have to bite the bullet. It would be horrible if it got infected.

10-18-2005, 07:13 PM
There's no such thing as being "slightly addicted " to painkillers. It it hurts
that bad have it taken out.A low grade infection that lingers on can make you pretty sick,

10-18-2005, 08:08 PM
Get it pulled, they can probably numb the area they are going to put the needle in to make it less painful. I have to get my wisdom teeth out sometime, my dentist keep nagging me about it. They are not hurting me now, but he says they can and surgery now at a younger age would be best. To top it all off I have 6 wisdom teeth, yep 6. And it costs more for me because of the 6 teeth. Anyways, get that tooth pulled and you will feel much better.

PJ's Mom
10-18-2005, 08:52 PM
When my daughter had hers taken out they gave her a pill to relax her, then nitrous (laughing gas) then they used the needle. She didn't care at all. She had all four cut out in less than and hour and 4 days later, she was fine.
You'll go home with some nice medicine and in a few days you'll be fine. :)

10-18-2005, 09:44 PM
Sorry you are in so much pain, but it does sound like you are going to have to get that tooth removed. I had all my wisdom teeth removed while I was asleep. No problems there. Also had a tooth removed with just the gas and the numbing medicine. No problem there either.

I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Willie :)

10-18-2005, 11:19 PM
Tell the dentis you are scared of needles & would prefer to get gassed.

10-19-2005, 03:07 AM
Thanks everyone.

I didnt get ANY sleep last night, I couldn't even lye down on the pillow because of the tooth pushing against the side of my mouth after last night I really dont care what the dentist does to get the tooth out, I cannot have another night like that I have enough trouble sleeping as it is and work is out of the question until I wake up more, I cant be around animals in a grumpy mood because that just doesnt work!

Anyway I gotta wait 10 mins for the dentist to open then I'm getting an emergency appointment sometime today if its possible, I've got through nearly 2 packs of painkillers in the last 2 1/2 days so hopefully he will give me something stronger of plan to remove them if he can. I think il close my eyes if I need the needle!

Gemini how do you fit 6 wisdom teeth?! that sounds crazy I would definatly have to have them out I can just about fit two lol I dont need to pay for the dentist as I'm only 17 so hopefully! its all sorted before I need to start paying!

10-19-2005, 05:06 AM
I had to have 4 teeth pulled (when I had my braces on) with nitrous and it was NOTHING. They numbed me up, stuck the tubes up my nose and from then on I didn't care what they did to me.

I am the original wimp when it comes to dentists, so if I can do it, so can you!

Get the thing out before it causes more problems!

Let us know how you do!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

10-19-2005, 07:06 AM
.:: A quick update ::.

Well I went today and they gave me antibiotics and said that it would come back about every 6 months but they dont want to take it out :mad: I cannot put up with that pain!! they said I would need to be taken into hospital to have it done while im asleep and theres a chance of it affecting a nerve in my face which I really dont like the sound of either so Im going to give the antibiotics a try for the week and then if i dont see any improvement Im going back and asking them for the operation!

10-19-2005, 01:17 PM
Yikes! I'd go to another dentist and get a second opinion. If you're in that much pain the tooth needs to come out NOW. Antibiotics will do nothing but delay the inevitable. My dentist gives antibiotics only as a last resort as they now know that the bugs get smart and grow resistant to them, which only exacerbates the problem.

Put your health first!

PJ's Mom
10-19-2005, 01:32 PM
Perhaps they do things differently in the U.K., but here they'd be more than ready to get that tooth out, then get you started on antibiotics.

Perhaps a second opinion is in order.

Hope you start feeling better soon. :)

10-19-2005, 03:38 PM
Yes this whole situation sounds weird to me, in NZ they would also remove the tooth then start the antibots, I would not muck around anymore with this wisdom tooth and get another opinion smartly, otherwise it could be a lot worse in the long run, I cannot understand them continuing to put you on medication every six months rather than remove it, did they explain why they do not want to remove it.? :confused:

10-19-2005, 03:52 PM
:confused: Maybe the area is too infected and swollen to operate now?

10-19-2005, 03:53 PM
If they give you the laughing gas first, you won't even care about the needle.

I had all of mine cut out . . . I stayed awake the whole time . . . it was kinda neat. The dentist's assistant actually had to help me to the bathroom because I was so drugged, LOL.

You sound really miserable! Don't make it worse! You can't wish a toothache away, as much as you'd like to! :eek:

10-19-2005, 04:01 PM
Yeah, I thought it was weird aswell why not just get it over and done with instead of making it hurt me more? I want a second opinion because I cannot swallow the pills he had given me and seeing that he wasnt even my dentist I definatly want to be checked by him next time.

He said that the antibiotics should clear up the pain and that I would need to go into hospital to have the tooth removed but he didn't want to reccomend it because it has a chance of it affecting a nerve in my face but am I wrong is saying that most removals like that has that risk?? :confused:

I know one this for sure! if this pain dont go away im going to starve! They couldnt change my pills today because its the highest doseage pill of that kind so god know how im going to swallow it seeing as its huge and the back of my throat is so swollen Im having trouble just drinking water it says I need to swallow them whole but im having enough problem with them broken into 4's Sorry to moan on about it!

10-19-2005, 07:46 PM
Believe me we all empathise with you and can understand how miserable you must be feeling, I imagine most of us have experienced toothache of a kind in our lifetime, I always say it is the pain from hell, I sure hope you start to feel a bit better soon and the pain eases,can you not get the medicene in liquid from as they do for children, then it will be easier on your sore throat, as you sound like you are in definite need of those antibiotics. Here's hoping you feel well again and soon.

10-19-2005, 11:43 PM
Something's definitely not right there. Do you have emergency dentists? If so you should go as soon as possible. Just gone through tooth removal myself a few months ago and had to wait for a week before I could get it done, saved myself a bit of money on food for that week though!

PJ's Mom
10-20-2005, 08:54 AM
He said that the antibiotics should clear up the pain and that I would need to go into hospital to have the tooth removed but he didn't want to reccomend it because it has a chance of it affecting a nerve in my face but am I wrong is saying that most removals like that has that risk?? :confused:

Having the wisdom teeth removed always causes a slight risk of nerve damage in the face. At least that's what I was told by my daughter's surgeon. Having an infection shouldn't affect that either way. I really wish they would take your tooth so you could get some relief. :( I know all too well how it sucks to have a bad toothache.

10-20-2005, 04:39 PM
Well just to update, I've been taking the antibiotics and they actually seem to be making the swelling go down by a tiny bit, I couldn't get the pills in any other form because its the highest dose of Metroniazole, 200mg. Good news though, I can open my jaw a bit more today so I've found food I can actually eat so I've been eating quite abit of rice crispies today :)

One this I have noticed is that my gland under my chin seems to be quite big, My boss said something about this being about poision/infection in my body? hopefully it will go down and I'm sleeping better I slept from 2 until 5 today so thats getting a bit better too!

Thanks again for everyones comments :)