View Full Version : Car Accident...

10-18-2005, 04:15 PM
I was in a car accident this weekend.....

It was the scariest thing that ever happened to me I think....

It was Saturday day, and me, my mom, and my 2 nieces and nephew (age 7, 12, and 4) were driving to halifax to visit my grandparents. Where they live is probably..6-7 hours drive from here. Anyway, it was REALLY raining. I remember thinking it looked like a snow storm cause you could barely see the road. I wanted to get there so bad cause I hated driving in it. I had to slow down a bit though cause the visablity was bad...

I don't even remember what happened to be honest....I remember driving along and all of a sudden the car was kinda shaking back and forth then it started spinning. I don't remember SEEING the car spinning..I don't know if I closed my eyes or blacked out for a minute. I remember my mom saying something about turning the wheel (I was driving btw) but I just started screaming. We stopped in the ditch and I guess I just kept screaming and screaming till mom calmed me down. The airbags both went off and mine hit me in the face. It hurt a lot!!

Thank GOD no one was hurt badly. The kids were totally fine (thank god!) and me and mom only had some cuts and bruises.

The car looked horrible though. The airbag thingie broke the front window...the side of her car was all smashed up and 2 of her tires were flat/broken. I felt so bad. I kept saying it was my fault and I thought mom was mad at me. I've always thought of myself as a good driving...I'm always careful. I later found out that the treads on her tires were worn to 30% so I guess they weren't exactly safe for that type of thing.

My mom's insurance JUST went down 300 dollars for her not getting in accidents..and now it's gonna go back up. I felt so bad cause she doesn't have a lot of money...I don't even know that she has 500 for the deductable...-sigh-

It was sooooooooooooooo scary. I've never been in an accident like that before....Never want that to happen again!!!

Her car was undriveable so we needed to rent a car to get home. Insurance paid it though....We got a Chrysler 300 (http://www.canadiandriver.com/articles/pw/images/05_300_4.jpg) It was a really nice car! Drove nice...I felt safe in it...but I hated driving. Mom said I should do it, or I never will.

10-18-2005, 04:27 PM
Wow that is a scary situation. I am glad your family is okay.

10-18-2005, 04:29 PM
Audrey, first of all, I am so glad that you and your family are ok! I absolutely HATE driving in heavy rain, and even with good tires, hydroplaning is not unusual. Bless your heart, I know you were frightened and upset by this. I think your mom was right, though, you needed to get back behind the wheel of the car right away.

Again, I'm so glad you are alright!!!!


10-18-2005, 04:35 PM
I totally understand how scary that is (went through a similar situation)...really makes you rethink driving, but I'm glad your mom pushed you to get back behind the wheel.
Glad to hear your all OK, and don't beat yourself up;)

10-18-2005, 04:35 PM
Oh my gosh. How scary! I've been wondering where you've been and now I know. Thank gosh everyone is alright! :eek: It sounds so scary, I too hate driving in the rain (well, being a passenger)

She's right about getting back to driving.. my co-worker got in a pretty bad accident and now refuses to get into a car because of it. Not sure if it would have helped if she started driving again right after the accident, but it probably would have helped a bit if she slowly weened herself back into driving. She now has therapy sessions where she works on sitting in a car, sitting in a car with it running, etc.

Again, thank gosh no one was hurt.

10-18-2005, 04:44 PM
Oh my :eek: It must have been terrifing, I am soo glad you are all okay. I absolutely hate driving in the rain and in the dark. I'm glad everything...err everyone is okay!

10-18-2005, 04:57 PM
OMG you poor thing. :eek: Im so happy you and your family are ok!! :D

10-18-2005, 04:57 PM
It started raining when we got home, and I kept feeling like the car was sliding around.....I was SO scared. I drove really slow (and I think annoyed people). I was like | | that far away from the window...I was so tense hahah......!

10-18-2005, 06:30 PM
I am so glad no one was hurt seriously. Car accidents are scary. But, unfortunately, they are a fact of life. It's hard to drive with confidence for a while but you will get it back. I got rear ended one time and it took me a few months to get over the thoughts that everyone that came behind me was going to hit me.

10-18-2005, 07:03 PM
It's too bad that your mother's insurance will go up, but the most important thing is that everyone is ok. That must have been terrifying! :eek:


10-18-2005, 07:25 PM
Wow. I'm glad that none of you were badly hurt. Driving in pouring rain
is my second least favorite thing to do. Driving on ice is the first. :eek:

10-18-2005, 07:27 PM
oh my gosh Audrey, how scary! :( ((((HUGS)))) I'm so glad you're all safe. <33

10-18-2005, 07:37 PM
How frightening! I'm glad everyone was ok! Those airbags do hurt, don't they? I had one hit me in the face when my friend wrecked her car, it felt like it broke my nose! I've been in about 3 car wrecks (1 where I was driving) and they are so scary, I don't really enjoy driving because I'm paranoid.

10-18-2005, 07:43 PM
Oh Dear! I am so sorry for what you and company went through.
Thank God you got out of it with only a few cuts. Cars can be replaced, people can't. Your mom was right to let you drive afterward.

10-18-2005, 08:17 PM
YIKES Audrey!!!! That is scary! I'm sorry it happened :( I would have been just like you - scared to death to get behind the wheel again. But your mom was right...you have to "jump right back in the saddle when you fall off".

I'm glad everyone is ok!!!

10-18-2005, 11:10 PM
OMG, I'm so glad you and your family are ok!

I personally disslike it when people don't keep up on their tires. Thats one of the most important things on a car & breaks.

10-19-2005, 01:24 AM
Yikes! What a horrible experience! I hate driving in the rain, especially at night. Thank God nobody was hurt! I always think of it as "it's only glass and metal" and can be replaced. I'm just glad you all are Ok

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-19-2005, 03:08 AM
Oh gosh Audrey, that was such a scary experience! Your mom was so right to force you to drive again immediately! I had similar experience when I was 22 . I was driving to work (teaching), and suddenly the road was covered with ice. My car started spinning too, crossed the road, and bumped into a tree on the opposite side of the road :eek: . The car was total loss; only one door could be opened: mine! I didn't have a scratch, which was unbelievable when you saw that wreck... . My dad made me drive again next day; I was scared to death, but it was the right thing!!

10-19-2005, 03:44 AM
Glad everyone is OK Audrey.

10-19-2005, 05:00 AM
The only important thing is that no one was hurt (seriously) in the accident. Everything else can be dealt with one way or another, but lives are precious.

You all were very lucky and I am so glad everyone is ok. It IS a very frightening situation, esp. when you feel you have no control of the car.

((((hugs)))) to all!

10-19-2005, 06:57 AM
Ohh Audrey, I'm sorry that this happened and I know how scary it is. I'm so glad that everyone is ok. I think it was a good thing for you to get right back in and start driving again. {{{Big Hugs For You}}}

10-19-2005, 01:23 PM
Thank God you are all safe!

When you mentioned the car shaking, I thought your tire might have gone down. I've had that happen and it can about shake your teeth out.

I'm so glad you are back driving. You will be nervous for a while but don't let it stop you, just be extra careful for a while.

(((HUGS to you and your family)))

10-19-2005, 01:57 PM
I'm glad you and the family are okay. Cars can be replaced, ya'll can't.

I've had cars go into spins in front of me on icy and snowy roads. I had no less than 5 cars last winter wipe out or go into ditches, barely avoiding me in the process. Scary stuff.