View Full Version : Denver Won !!!!!!!!!!!

Den Anne Pen
10-18-2005, 02:25 PM
As some of you know i had court yesterday for the lawsuit about Denver my basenji {pet moriarails Denver} Well he won :D :D :D :D :D :D
The vet even had to get up there in front of the judge and lie because he knew he messed up the judge had a nice talk with him and told him he better take some more refresher courses or she'll be seeing him in front of her more offten. Not only that but i can now put an add in the newspaper about it so maybe i can make him lose his bussiness that would be sweet for me anyways

I know that might sound harse to some but if you had to deal with what i did and also Denver you would feel the same.

I am soo happy that he won and now he will live on in the dogs he's going to help i'm donating the money to help the animals that had his sickness i was also only asking for 800.00 but the judge gave me the max of 2000.00 so hopefully that will help alot of the others.

just wanted to give you an undate.

:D :D

10-18-2005, 02:33 PM
Great news. :) Glad it all worked out so well for you.

10-18-2005, 02:37 PM
aww i am so happy to see evrything worked out!! :)

10-18-2005, 03:03 PM

10-18-2005, 03:04 PM
aww thats good may i ask wat happened to denver i dont think i was here when he passed

10-18-2005, 03:12 PM
WOOHOO! Congrats! And by golly you sure deserve it. I am so happy to hear that the money is going to be used to help others. :D

10-18-2005, 05:16 PM
congrats! but if you dont mind me asking, what did you go to court for?

10-19-2005, 09:03 AM
I'd love to know more about the entire story.....

10-19-2005, 09:31 AM
I read your previous thread re: Denver. I am glad Denver won. He can rest in peace knowing you loved him and helped him even after he was gone. He was lucky to have you in his life and vice versa. Take care. I wish you well with your new Basenji.

10-19-2005, 09:38 AM
Congratulations! I'm so glad you are going to take that lazy vet down. May he/she never let another animal suffer again. Kudos to you for your couragous fight!

Den Anne Pen
10-23-2005, 05:57 AM
Thank you all i can't deciribe how much i feel like a weight has come off my shoulders.
I could'nt save him but i saved his memory in the vets going to have to think about that for life now :D

To answer the questions in a long story short i'd be writing for days otherwise :)

I had brought Basenji Denver in to them on july 4th and they said he had gas well needless to say 2 weeks later i was back there and same exact problems and yet again said it was gas the did erays because i had told them to and that was what they said gas well what he acally had was a Basenji disese called IPSID it's a diese that is deadly if not caught the vet never even heard of it because he does'nt keep updated on things i guess he ended up dying in my arms in bed on july 24th and was giving an atopyse{sorry can't spell}
come to find out he did have it and when he went into court he said that he said it was possablity that he could have but nothing to say he did well little did he know i did my homework and had 10 diffent vets say that is excatly what he had and had the vet the digounoised the disese in the first place send in a voice recorder with a notarize letter that he said in his proffensal opion he did have it and was miss doignoisted sorry it's late and i'm tired sorry about the spelling :( So to sum it up he messed up and was trying to save his butt but failed to do so :D :D

I was very calm althrough it even though he lyed but at the end i did get the last word and told him i hope he remembers this for the rest of his life and i hope him and his asst. burn in hell :mad: :mad: :mad: I tryed to hold back but it just came out :eek:

So now i'm sending the moeny to help with the other basenji's that might suffer from this problem the surgey is about 3000.00 so If it can go to just help one i will feel better knowing Denver will live on in a way

Again thank you all for your comments :)

10-23-2005, 08:22 AM
I'm so happy for you and Denver! It is great you're donating the money to help other Basenji! That brought tears to my eyes. :)

10-23-2005, 10:31 AM
I am sorry this had to happen to you and to Denver.

Because of your Generous donation in memory of Denver he
will be remembered by all for helping others.

10-23-2005, 10:54 AM
So sorry you had to go through this but I am grateful that you did take this vet to court. Congratulations on winning and that is great that you will donate the money. Your fight and donation will do much to help others.