View Full Version : Dear Barbara

10-18-2005, 12:33 AM
Dear Barbara,

My mom says it has been a long time since I sent you a message. I thought I would check in tonight and tell you hello. My mom is up very late (1:30 am) and she says she must go to bed. But just as she was finishing an email to her friend, Sandra, I came to the open window, begging to be let inside. And to my mom's surprise (I immediately jumped into her lap), I am covered in mud! She asked me where I got all that mud, but I'm not telling! :p I can tell you that I am one dirty kitty right now and my mom agrees!!!! :o

I wanted to tell you, also, that I am going to do my best to take care of my sister, Mimi, from now on. My mom is so happy that she is ok that I guess I am too. My mom keeps on telling us that we are her "sweet girl" and "sweet boy" and that she would just die if something happened to either of us, so I guess it is my job to watch out for both of us. I will try.

Please tell Filou and Tigress that I said hello.

I love you, Barbara.


10-18-2005, 02:38 AM
Butter, you must have read my thoughts. I missed you already. Have you been mudwrestling? And how does the other guy look?

I am sure your mom loves you nevertheless and so do I :)

Yes, what happened to Mimi was very very scary. I know you are a big boy with lots of sharp knives but you better watch out as well. D-A-W-G-S who roam around freely probably don't have a good education :mad:

And your mom needs both of you so be careful.

Kisses to you, sweet boy

10-18-2005, 03:35 AM
Sweet Buttercup, what great from you to take care of you sister! But be careful, these dogs outside don't behave! We want to see you again, both you and your sister! Belly rubs to you both! ;)

Edwina's Secretary
10-18-2005, 10:39 AM
Eddie says he knows how Butter got so muddy! Butter doesn't want anyone to know (especially Mimi!) but he was waiting in ambush for those mean doggies who were using his Mimi for a football. He had to get muddy as camouflage so they wouldn't see his beautiful yellow coat while he waited to jump out and scratches their noses!

Please don't tell anyone. Oh yes....Eddie would do the same for Edwina...but don't tell! :D :D

10-18-2005, 10:46 AM
We hope that Butter is careful,as those Dogs are pretty big,and mean.
And they may be carrying disease,as they probably have not been to the Vets.
They need Guardians just like we Cats do,to take care of them.