View Full Version : yay! and question

10-17-2005, 06:10 PM
my toy poodle mix is finally getting along (somewhat) with sammy! sammy is my new parti color cocker spaniel puppy i got on saturday. molli was playing tug-o-war with him today for like 5 minutes.

but one question. molli is food aggresive with both sammy and me. if sammy gets two feet away from molli she'll 'attack' him. and molli is toy aggresive with only sammy. i know after awhile she will start sharing toys with him, but i am not so sure about food. (she doesnt need to share food, just stop being so aggresive)
should i say to molli "NO!" when she trys to bite him because of food and toys?? im kinda confused for what i should do :confused:

10-18-2005, 11:42 AM
Can't you seperate them when you feed them?

10-18-2005, 12:54 PM
When we first got Ebony, Jada hated her with a passion. I was scared to even try feeding Ebony near the other two. I feed my 3 twice a day. 7:30 in the morning, 7:30 at night. Ebony eats in the computer room with the door shut. All's I have to do is say, "Are you ready for supper get in your room". She runs into the computer room. I will probably always feed her away from the other two. Another thing I learned, make them sit before you give them their food. It helps them to respect you as being the top dog. I hope this helped you some I sure rambled on. ;)

10-18-2005, 02:29 PM
yes thanks everyone. its just molli picks at her food all day. she doesnt eat all at once. but really, sammy doesnt bother her when she eats, only when i feed molli her greenie. we put a room seperater in between the kitchen, so when i feed sammy (twice a day) i close the door and sammy is in the kitchen and molli is in the living room.

they dont have greenie lil bits at our petstores. (they are for puppies) so can i feed sammy teenie greenies?? it says on the back its only for toy breeds.

jadapit, does jada like ebony now? molli and sammy got in a fight today, and am hoping they will become friends.