View Full Version : Visa might get her first title today!

10-17-2005, 12:27 PM
Today is Visa's Herding Instinct Test. :) We are driving all the way to Lumby. I really hope she passes! It will give her her very first title! My roomate is coming and she is going to take lots of pictures. I will have them uploaded this weekend (along with the Kelowna PT meeting pics which should have been done AGES ago! :o).

And lastnight at agility, Visa was the best dog in our group. She was the most well behaved and she did everything properly. Last time she freaked out any time she saw Mike (her breeder's bf) running with or petting Jaguar (Visa's niece). But this time she didn't pay hardly any attention to them and only barked once (atthe end when three other dogs were barking like crazy). She did SO well. Of course, Visa's breeder had to point out "Every other person there doesn't have $700 worth of equipment in their back yard." :p

Anyways, wish us luck! Yesterday was my birthday, so maybe I'll be lucky. ;)

Daisy and Delilah
10-17-2005, 01:16 PM
Best of luck to you Jordan and Visa! What a great b'day present this would be. She sounds like a wonderful girl :)

10-17-2005, 02:12 PM
I wish you the best of luck!!! Looking foward to the "we got a title" post!!! :D :D

10-17-2005, 02:23 PM
AWW dae! I fi would have known that some of are pet talkers was going to show i would have gone!! Alot of agility freind invited me to go instead i turned it down :( I am so stupid! well good luck, wish i could have watched

10-17-2005, 05:13 PM
Wishing you and Visa all the best!

Ginger's Mom
10-17-2005, 06:46 PM
Hoping that Visa really shows her stuff today. :) Good luck Visa!!!

10-17-2005, 09:24 PM
I'm SURE she'll get it!! Belgies are awesome herding pups ;)... the test is actually shockingly easy. Basically if Visa shows any eye or any circling at all she's good. Gonzo passed it, and he's a big dork ^_~

You should definitely try to find a nearby small farm to work her at regularly, IMHO the "Herding Instinct Test" doesn't prove much except that the dog has instinct, which is a basic must for any well-bred herding dog. Getting her into lessons and actually herding in trials will prove that she has SKILL and herding ability which is far far more important than conformation in a herding dog, beyond having instinct which is a given. meh, that's my opinion at least :D she sounds like SUCH a smart girl, I'm sure she will kick butt at whatever you get her into!