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View Full Version : What an unpleasant weekend (+ 2 new Peggy pics)

10-16-2005, 12:07 PM
Great - the weekend is almost over, and it was totally wasted. At least it seems to me like that. I hate it when I'm offline, and I hate it even more when my pc isn't working at all. And now I'm facing two very stressful weeks at work, as 4 of my co-workers are on vacation - at the same time! :(

Don't know how to take the time for the new computer! Well, at least I remodeled a part of the cat's room, I removed the old corner seat and bought these new furniture instead:


And today, I saw Peggy! She has grown, and she whined in a loud voice. AND she wants to go outside all the time. I fear she's in heat, and that makes me mad because I cannot understand my mother's stupid decision not to have her spayed before November! :mad: And today, she even said "Well, when she's pregnant, so be it!" Why oh why are people always so stupid and irresponsible when it comes to this? :(

Anyway, this was Peggy today:



(Sorry, I know, this post is kind of pointless. Guess I'm just frustrated and in a bad mood:)


10-16-2005, 12:15 PM
O dear!! And O NO!!! Is there ANY way you can get the cat to the vet to get her spayed NOW??!!! Like you, I do NOT understand why people would even consider allowing a cat in heat outside(unless the yowling drives them crazy, well then get the cat spayed early)!!! I pray that you will be able to intervene and help the cat and that she is NOT pregnant!!! I can certainly understand why you are so upset. I know I would be ,too!! GOOD LUCK!! Sandra
PS: Does your mother LIKE cats??!!

10-16-2005, 12:17 PM
PS: I really like th colour you painted the walls in the cats' room!!! Sandra
I forgot to mention that in the previous post!!

10-16-2005, 12:18 PM
PS: Does your mother LIKE cats??!!

Yes, she loves her Peggy, but she doesn't want to see the risks. We argue almost every day about these things. It's so frustrating!! :(


10-16-2005, 12:42 PM
I am sorry to hear that. And of course, she will not listen to you!! Sandra

10-16-2005, 12:43 PM
Kirsten, your room is lovely! You did a very nice job of decorating it. Calming and serene.

I wish Peggy were yours, not your mother's. I fear for that little girl; I'm afraid because she goes outside AND she is not yet spayed. She's too young to be a mother.

Keeping my fingers crossed...............

10-16-2005, 12:53 PM
Thank you!

I just spoke to my mother again, and she promised to have her spayed the week after this week. They'll be out of town next weekend, and they don't want her to have surgery and leave her alone a couple of days later. But they will do it when they're back. I hope it's not too late then.


10-16-2005, 12:59 PM
If Peggy,is howling then she is probably in Heat already.
And Spaying is a very safe operation,and its far better and safer for Peggy,to have this done,than to let it go on too long.
We are praying that your Mother does the right thing soon.

10-16-2005, 01:31 PM
What are the chances that you could "volunteer" to keep an eye on Peggy THIS week and get her spayed? Then when Mother returns from her trip, she will have a cat that is spayed and recovered from the surgery??? Fingers are crossed and prayers coming your way!!! Sandra

10-16-2005, 01:41 PM
Please understand that I mean no disrespect to your mother, but I find it hard to understand her reluctance to have Peggy spayed.Peggy is a beautiful kitty and appears to be a real sweetie. I pray that your mother doesn't change her mind about this. Peggy will be happier and healthier after the procedure plus there won't be any more unwanted kittens left to fend for themselves. Is there ANYTHING we PT'ers can do to help?

10-16-2005, 04:08 PM
Kirsten, I hope that things get less stressful for you very soon.

I just love the new furniture. What a beautiful corner to sit and relax.

I'm glad to hear that your Mom is going to have Peggy spayed and I hope she is able to keep her inside til then.

Peggy is such a pretty girl.

Hang in there Kirsten. ((((((HUGS))))))

10-16-2005, 09:11 PM
The new furniture is for the cats? I bet they will love it! :)

10-16-2005, 09:39 PM
Kirsten, I'm sorry to hear that you're having computer problems and that you'll also be having a very hectic work schedule for the next few weeks. Hopefully things will start going smoothly soon.
I'm glad to hear that Peggy will be spayed soon and I too hope that she'll be able to stay indoors until after she's spayed. Please continue to keep us updated about her. She's such a pretty little girl. :)

10-16-2005, 09:45 PM

I'm sorry your mother won't listen to you about Peggy's spaying. That has to be so frustrating.

My parents would be the same way. While they'd spay/neuter their animal(s), they would always be strictly outdoor animals. :( I sometimes wish it was harder to get pets...it would help to weed out those that don't put the animal's best interests before their own.

I'm also sorry your weekend was shot. Hopefully these two weeks ahead will go quickly and then you can take some time for you. You deserve it, sweetie!!

LOVE the new kitty corner. How do Luna and Lily like their new digs??

Kelly :)

10-17-2005, 09:27 AM
The furnitures for your kitties are lovely! :)

And your post is not useless at all! Especially when we have lovely pics from Peggy! ;)

I am sure you mother loves Peggy. Some people just have other points of views on how the life of a cat should be. Since a few weeks we have the visit of a lovely little cat, may be around 6 months old in our garden and window. She belongs to our neighbours. We don't really know them, they are new here and don't talk a lot. And just this week-end my partner told me that the woman asked if Peppito (who goes outside only under supervison) was neutered. Shes seemed very relieved to hear that he was neutered! It made me quite angry! But I am sure they love animals. They also have a dog, a goat and birds.

My parents are OK with spaying, but on the other hand, they consider that cats have to be outdoor cats, and that indoor cats don't have a happy life. But I can tell you that they LOVE cats. Peppito is extra-spoiled in their house, it's just difficult to tell them (especially my father) to keep the doors and windows closed! And they are not the only ones thinking that way. I know several persons who lost several outdoor cats, and they continue having new cats again and again! :mad:

Cuddles and kisses to Peggy! ;)

10-17-2005, 11:17 AM
I'm sorry that I got you all so worried about Peggy! I'm worried, too.

I have suggested to them to stay with her after her surgery (but this would only work at weekends, as it's impossible to take a couple of days off at the moment), but they didn't want that. I do not understand their vet either! :( He even suggested January 2006 for Peggy's surgery; at that point, she will be 9 months old!!! :( Now he reconsidered and said November. :(

I hope my mother will keep her promise and spay her next week!


10-17-2005, 07:07 PM
No need to apologize, Kirsten. We understand and share your concern about Peggy. She's such a beautiful kitty girl I couldn't help but fall in love with her. I also don't understand the vet even considering putting off the spay. I pray your mother doesn't change her mind about this! Is there ANYTHING any of us can do to help?

10-18-2005, 12:51 PM
Kristen, please keep us posted on what happens to Peggy!!!! Thanks!!

10-18-2005, 03:10 PM
I will! Thanks everyone for caring so much about Peggy!


10-18-2005, 04:16 PM
We do care, you know. She is such a beautiful little girl and we want the best for her and that doesn't include more kittens.

Please keep us posted!!