View Full Version : Can stress cause sore skin?

10-16-2005, 11:39 AM
Today when giving my 1 year old American Eskimo dog a bath, I noticed a few cuts/scabs in her back and then another on her upper leg. I did not see this before because her hair is long, but it was very obvious when she was wet. At first I thought it was hot spots or allergies, but then I read more about that stuff and started to wonder if maybe not. I mean, she does not itch the spots that I have noticed and there is no hair loss or swelling...

I work at All dogs Gym here in New Hampshire and have recently started bringing her to work with me at Doggie Daycare where she can romp and play with other dogs. She does ok there, although I stopped bringing her as much because sometimes it is stressful and overwelming. Anyway, I suppose that I was just wondering if she could have gotten a cut at the park while playing and then it scabbed over? Or if maybe her skin could just be aggravated from the stress of the whole thing? I hope this makes sense.

10-16-2005, 08:31 PM
she could have sore skin, at first i was thinking fleas, but they wouldn't give her scratches. hmmm it could be just doggie's playing tuff, and then her skin could be healing, i wouldn't worry about it unlees it was bothering her. Welcome to pet talk by the way.

10-17-2005, 12:06 PM
I think a lot of things can cause sores & illness in animals.Anything from
stress in their lives to the food they eat. If your dog has a lot of these
small sores, I'd have a Vet check it out. Good luck with this.

10-18-2005, 05:12 PM
Thanks you two. It seems like they may have been just sores from playing cause now they are almost gone and she has not seemed to notice them anymore. I will keep my eye on it tho.

10-19-2005, 03:54 PM
welcome to pt! i am glad your esky is getting better! what is her name? got any pics?