View Full Version : Me wantz to plays two!!

03-21-2002, 07:35 PM
Me's sad 'cause this satonday mummie and Smudge are gunna go and plays wit out mes...and ats a barn two. Mummie sayz that if me's was olders me's could goes wit them butts me's to yung. She keeps sayings sumeting about May...wat's a May?

Me's was gunna getz to goes and watch but mummie tinks it will be to colds for mes in the barn dat and she tinks me's will barks to much...me's only barks 'cause me wants to plays to :(

oh wells...me's will gets xtra treats or sumeting while theys gone and Smudge will tells me all aboot it when he gets homes if hes not two tireds..he gets tireds when he gone all day wit mummie and he always smells of utter dogs, so doez mummie. Hopefully he'll get the pwetty wibbons two 'cause den mummie get weally weally happy and Smudge gets happy 'cause she happy, then mes get happy 'cause they happy then granma gets mad 'cause wes get to loud but she secretly happy.

03-21-2002, 08:00 PM
It's o-tay winter. I understands where you is comin from...my mommie and daddie sometimes takes Sadie places wit out me. Like last night, mommie let Sadie run at grandma's house wit Dazzi and grandma's neighbor dog Marlee. She said I couldn't cuz last time I ran away from her :( utter times do, she takes me places but not Sadie...like when I went ta Puppy 'Tindergaten. She used ta take Sadie to dayschool wit out me, but now I getta go too....so i tink they is tellin the truth that when we git bigger we will get ta do more too.