View Full Version : seperating food

10-16-2005, 12:42 AM
i just got a cocker puppy named sammy. i already have a toy poodle mix. they each have their own kennels that are open 24/7. they both have water and food in there. molli (my toy poodle mix) goes in sammy's cage and eats his food, and sammy trys to eat mollis food. molli doesnt eat her food all at once because she ONLY eats when shes hungry.

so what i wanted to know is.... how do you keep the dogs eating only their food?

10-16-2005, 02:29 AM
feed them at scheduled times and give them a set amount of time to eat and a set amount of food and whatever they dont eat gets put away from later or the next day

10-16-2005, 02:35 AM
feed them at scheduled times and give them a set amount of time to eat and a set amount of food and whatever they dont eat gets put away from later or the next day

Exactly. My pups don't have food just sitting out all day. They get fed twice a day (morning and night) and I watch them to make sure they ONLY eat their own food. If they do not finish it all (haha, as if they would leave anything) then I would put it back for the next day. This way I can also monitor how much and when they eat, so if they ever have any problems that I need to talk to the vet about I'll have more of an idea and know if they're not eating, etc.

10-16-2005, 02:40 AM
oh, well ill try that. but it'll be kinda hard because of molli's eating habits.

Den Anne Pen
10-16-2005, 05:23 AM
I would also agreed with all the above When i had just cheyanne and denver i would leave there food down all day because of the way she ate also she does'nt eat alot . But when i lost denver and got Aspen and then Phoenix i had to separrate there food and feed then 2x a day your other dog will get used to it it took Cheyanne a couple days but she know'now's when it time to eat and she knows that if she does'nt finsh it that she has to wait till the next meal time also i put a little baby food mixed in with it for the first 4 days to get her to eat alittle more and relizing that the food was not always going to be down. It's worked out fine.

If i was to leave out the food now i would have 2 pups the size of the good year blimp LOL :D

She will eat if she's hungry and if your limiting the time she has it she'll now to eat or she's gonna have to wait might take a couple days but she'll get used to it just fine.

Den Anne Pen
10-16-2005, 05:27 AM
Also for the disese i lost denver to i really need to make sure Phoenix is eating the right amount and make sure he's eating period. it runs in the basenji breed .

It is alot easier because if there not eating you know right away. Not one or 2 days down the road

Daisy and Delilah
10-16-2005, 08:14 AM
Daisy and Delilah have designated feeding times too. They get what's in their bowl and that's it. Daisy is picky sometimes so she won't eat all of her food. I take it off the floor, and put it up(away from Delilah). Within the hour, I offer it to Miss Daisy again and she usually eats it. Of course I stand there to supervise. If she doesn't eat it pretty soon, I throw it away. I know she doesn't want it at all. If I left food out for Delilah she would eat until she gets sick so this plan works well for both of them. Good luck :)

10-16-2005, 10:15 AM
im sorry about denver :( thanks everyone!