View Full Version : Zoe is afraid of

10-15-2005, 10:53 AM
her brush. We gave her a bath yesterday because she decided to go swimming in the lake, across from our apartment building and the water was really nasty! I went to brush her and she had a fit. She ran off.
When I try to brush her today, she's SCARED... :( :confused:

Any suggestions in helping her get used to it?

I've left the brush sit where she can smell it, and get used to it's presence, but that's not working.

Ginger's Mom
10-15-2005, 11:07 AM
My advise would be to distract her. Can you have one of your girls hold a chew-chew of some sort, and allow/encourage her to chew the chewie, while someone else is brushing her. It may take two people to accomplish this for the a while, but maybe she will learn to just keep herself occupied with a chew-chew while being brushed. Not sure if that will work or not.

10-15-2005, 11:20 AM
My little Huney girl was afraid of the brush too. It's still not her favorite thing after 3 years, but she's learned to live with it;)

We started with my husband talking to her while I brushed, then when he was gone i would give her small treats and talk to her. She's finally gotten to where she'll let me brush her without causing a fuss. It takes time but it's worth it:)

10-15-2005, 01:57 PM
When Tito was a puppy, he hated the brush too, but now he loves it! Maybe she will learn to like it in time. Make sure it isn't scratchy, I bought one brush before and it was really sharp!

10-15-2005, 06:48 PM
I think that's the problem. It's scratchy.

I'll have to buy another one.

Thanks guys!

10-15-2005, 07:35 PM
I have a double sided brush, one side it has metal, but tipped in plastic. and the other side is soft bristles.

10-15-2005, 09:07 PM
Kirby hates getting brushed.. but he tolerates it. :o

you dont need a one sided slicker brush with no nubs(steight wirey kind) for a short haired dog. slicker brushes are ment for long haired dogs. try finding a double sided slicker brush.. one side has the matal stuff,, and other has a soft tooth brush like brissles.. that should be perfect for a short haired dog.

i cant brush Kirbys coat with the soft tooth brush brissles. the brissles just slide off without even brushing anything. so hes blessed with what i call the 'spark-plug brush' end. LOL

see,, it really does look like a spark-plug brush. sorta. LOL

the nubby slicker brush(wirey things with plastic tips) is harder to find.
i never have seen one of those in Wal-mart before. i wish you the best of luck in finding a brush you like. :)

10-16-2005, 08:45 AM
Bijou doesn't like being brushed either (she would run from me the minute I showed her the brush!), but I've discovered that with timing, preparation and a Greenie, she does okay. I make sure I brush her when she's feeling relaxed (after playing outside, for example), and I keep her on leash to maintain control and so that she can't run off. I give her a Greenie and let her nosh on that while I brush - she has a double coat so it's really important I do a thorough job! With Bijou, I have three tools, and I use them all depending on how cooperative she's being and how much time I'm able to spend on her coat. I try to brush her every day, even if it's just a brief time, so that she gets used to the process. I don't stop if she tries to pull away - just like with anything, I'm the alpha, not her! Hopefully, one day she'll love being brushed and it can become more of an enjoyable experience for both of us. :)

Good luck!

10-16-2005, 08:51 AM
THanks everyone~!