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View Full Version : Hello from Palomino21 and Star and Lizzy

10-14-2005, 08:48 AM
Hey everyone. Long time no see. How is every one and what have you been up to? Its been awhile since I have gotten to post or even read messages here. I apologize for that. I changed my screen name.

Here is what is new with me. I have moved out into my own apartment. Star and Lizzy live with me. I have gotten divorced and seem to be taking it pretty well. Star and Lizzy are dealing well too. It helped alot that I got Lizzy for Star to take care of. She takes her role as a big sister seriously. Sometimes I think she sees Lizzy as "her pet." haha

I would love to hear from you guys. Tell me what's new and catch up.

Right now I am in Canada on a vacation but I have access to the internet. Yippie.

DeAnne AKA Annie

10-14-2005, 10:33 AM
Good to hear from you, Annie! I'm glad to hear you're doing okay :) Have fun on your vacation :)

Edwina's Secretary
10-14-2005, 01:32 PM
Are Star and Lizzy on vacation with you? :D :D

Good to hear from you!

10-14-2005, 05:59 PM
No, Star and Lizzy are not with me. I have a kittysitter. I do miss them terrebly though. I am enjoying myself though. I drove all the way to Canada from Oklahoma. I thought I'd do something outragious for my birthday. Canada is lovely. I also got brave enough to get a tattoo done.

What all did I miss?


10-14-2005, 06:14 PM
Things are pretty much,the same at The Found Cat Hotel except.
A: WE have Three New Cat Beds,A Scanner,and Lots of Greenies,and Whiskas Temptations From Catsindenver,as our Gift Exchange!
B:Coalmine came into Petting Distance,must be the strip loin Steak.
C:Christine,my Dear Friend,is out of The Hospital and reunited with Casey and Digby ,her Canine Friends,and Loved Companions.
And The Pet Angels were over,and had a Big All Night Pet Party,and all including your Loved Companions had a Wonderful Time.

10-14-2005, 11:11 PM
It's great to hear from you and I'm glad to hear that both you and your furkids are doing well. :) Have a good time in Canada and a safe trip back home. :)

All of my furkids are getting along great and my Starr is still recovering from his spay/neuter surgery. Yes, he had both done because he ended up having only one descended testicle. He'll get his stitches removed this coming Tues. He may also have another UTI so he also has to have another urinalysis taken. His ringworm is also completely gone.

When you get home, I'd love to see some new pictures of your furkids. ;)