View Full Version : Animal therapy..Thank you furbabies

10-14-2005, 12:40 AM
I spent many years alone and depressed and had lots of problems(mentaly) was in the hospital for treatment and hav seen doctors since I was 17.
But my daughter found a little dog that had gotton lost from her owner, so she brought her over her for me to keep till they found the owner. I never relized the impact of a sweet little face and cuddly little body till then.My kids had had animails, but I worked all the time, till 16 years ago. since then I have spent most of my time alone. any way..it was a while till they found the owner and she come over and was happy to see her baby and offered to pay me, I said oh no it was quite a pleasure to take care of her..
Then she took her..oh my I really was lonely then..It was awfully..lol..I thought i had been lonely before but now, it was even worse.
I called My daughter and told her it was her fault and she had to help me find me a dog..lol..we started looking and it took quite a while but we found Sammyj, Oh he has made such a change in my life..eveyday He wakes me up, I smile..I use to hate to wake up and face another day, but the Lord in his great way, gave me the most wonderful gift besides salvation..my little dog.
That I enjoy evey day so much I could just hug n kiss him all the time..but he gets a bit overwhelmed at times..Hes such a wonderful companion and loveing little thing.Im sure you all have your stories to of the help youve gotton from your little furbabies and how they have helped you thru some hard times..Thank God for the animals in our lifes..Im as happy as can be and if I do get depressed, I start to play with him and forget it all..hes my threapy and the best I have evey had..to bad the doctor didnt order it..lol..lol..would help a lot of people.. :D :D

10-14-2005, 05:02 AM
That's a sweet story. Yes our furbabies sometimes are all that makes life bearable! What would we do without them? :)