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View Full Version : Free Kit: Providing for Your Pet's Future Without You

10-13-2005, 11:38 AM

Because pets usually have shorter life spans than their human caregivers, you may have planned for your animal friend's passing. But what if you are the one who becomes ill or incapacitated, or who dies first? As a responsible pet owner, you provide your pet with food and water, shelter, veterinary care, and love. To ensure that your beloved pet will continue to receive this care should something unexpected happen to you, it's critical to plan ahead.

Learn what steps you can take to plan and provide for your pet's future without you by following the links below. The HSUS also offers a free kit, "Providing for Your Pet’s Future Without You," complete with a six-page fact sheet, wallet alert cards, emergency decals for windows and doors, and caregiver information forms. For the full kit, please write to [email protected] or The HSUS, Humane Legacy, 2100 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20037, or call 202-452-1100.
NOTE: The following information is intended to provide a general overview and to stimulate your thinking about providing for your pet in the event of your incapacity or death. It is not intended to provide legal advice and is definitely not a substitute for consulting a local attorney of your choosing who is familiar both with the laws of your state and with your personal circumstances and needs, and those of your pets.

10-13-2005, 03:05 PM
I have set u a will where half,of my estate will go for The Found Cats,and they will live in The Pampered Feline,for the rest of thier natural lives!
I dont ever want,to see My Cats put down,or begging for New Homes,ever!!!
They will be in a place that they will love,and there have been provisions made,for Each Cat,and thier taste.

10-13-2005, 03:06 PM
I have set u a will where half,of my estate will go for The Found Cats,and they will live in The Pampered Feline,for the rest of thier natural lives!
I dont ever want,to see My Cats put down,or begging for New Homes,ever!!!
They will be in a place that they will love,and there have been provisions made,for Each Cat,and thier taste.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/Scan10008.jpg