View Full Version : Sigh. :(

10-11-2005, 07:23 PM
Some of you may remember the thread I posted about a month ago about Daisy and her "problems" with agility classes. (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=88447)

Well, she started limping again last night and doesn't seem to want to put much weight or pressure on one of her hind legs/foot. She's not her usual self at all and it also looks like she's been straining to get up and walk around. I've checked her paw pads for anything that may have gotten caught or stuck in there, and I haven't found anything. I'm HOPING she may have just sprained something, but I know something is definitely bothering her.

The closest day that we'll be able to take her to the vet is this Thursday, though I wish it could be sooner.

By the way, we will most likely be dropping out of agility class. I just don't have the time with school and other family problems that have been happening lately and as much as I don't want to do it, there isn't really any other choice right now.

So, if it isn't too much trouble to ask for, could you please keep my baby girl in your thoughts until then? I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks. :)


10-11-2005, 07:39 PM
Aw, Daisy will be in our prayers. Poor baby!

10-11-2005, 07:45 PM
Oh, poor Daisy! She will be in my thoughts. Keep us posted on her.

10-11-2005, 08:39 PM
Ohhh, poor Daisy babe! Julie, you and your beautiful Daisy will be in my prayers.

Ginger's Mom
10-11-2005, 09:15 PM
Aww, poor Daisy. Positive thoughts and prayers are going out for Daisy.

10-11-2005, 09:22 PM
Aww daisey you will be in me and my dog's prayers

10-11-2005, 10:20 PM
The poor girl. :( She'll be in my thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS)))

10-11-2005, 10:50 PM
Poor Daisy! How old is she? I've had puppies up to 1 year old that grow so fast they get pains in their legs etc... They've done well on Remadyl. Maybe she has a touch of arthritis? Remadyl can help with that too... Whatever it may be, she is in my thoughts. Get well soon!

10-11-2005, 11:28 PM
Thanks for the get well wishes, you guys. :)

Kara, she's almost four years old, so she's physically done growing. I thought of arthritis, too.. the hind leg that she's having trouble with looks a little swollen as well, so she might have sprained/twisted something? She doesn't seem to be in any pain, she's just not her usual perky self.

Thanks again, I'll keep you all updated.


10-11-2005, 11:36 PM
Thanks for the get well wishes, you guys. :)

Kara, she's almost four years old, so she's physically done growing. I thought of arthritis, too.. the hind leg that she's having trouble with looks a little swollen as well, so she might have sprained/twisted something? She doesn't seem to be in any pain, she's just not her usual perky self.

Thanks again, I'll keep you all updated.


She may have twisted it wrong, have you recently practiced agility in the rain? I have seen dogs pull things on wet ramps, etc. You might want to try giving her a baby asprin, 81mg. I'm not sure on the dosage, so you may want to call your vet for that, or maybe someone else knows. It may give her some short time relief. But it's not something you can give her all the time. Other than that I would say bed rest, keep her quiet, crated if you can with potty walks outside on leash. No steps, etc. Let me know if I can help you in anyway, kisses to Daisy!

10-12-2005, 12:15 AM
sent for the sweetie!
and we need pics btw!

10-12-2005, 04:26 AM
Uhoh. :(

paws and fingers crossed for her.

10-12-2005, 09:46 AM
Oh no, poor Daisy girl. You're both in my thoughts & prayers. Good luck Diasy girl!
Are you getting x-rays done?
Keep us updated.

Laura's Babies
10-12-2005, 10:27 AM
I don't normally come over to the doggie section very much but have some free time so here I am.

IF the vet does not find anything in the paw, PLEASE have him/her X-Ray that WHOLE leg. I have a friend that had a wonderful dog and she started limping from time to time. The limping came more and more often and started getting real bad. She took Bonnie to the vet and they took X-Rays of her paw up to the elbo and nothing showed up so they said it was arthritas (spelling looks wrong on that?) and gave her medicine for that. Time passed and she got worse and worse and Bonnie started chewing on her leg. She took her to another vet and he X-Rayed the WHOLE leg... She had bone cancer.

Don't let this panic you but keep it in mind if they don't find anything wrong with the paw.

10-12-2005, 10:29 AM
I hope Daisy is alright!

10-12-2005, 02:31 PM
So, if it isn't too much trouble to ask for, could you please keep my baby girl in your thoughts until then?

Of course :) I really hope its nothing serious, Micki started limping when we went to agility classes and he still isn't able to do agility. The vet x-rayed his whole leg and found absolutely nothing wrong but he still limps from time to time but is usually only on rainy or cold days, he has also been getting arthritis pills (hes not even 4!) and he seems much better. Sorry to get off subject...Both of you will be in my thoughts, please keep us updated!!

10-12-2005, 03:01 PM
Julie, Honey has a touch of arthritis in her back left leg and when she "overdoes" things, she limps just like you describe. Dr. Robinson diagnosed the arthritis about 3 years ago (Honey will be 7 in December). It may be what Daisy is dealing with as well. Usually a day of rest takes care of it for Honey, but I do completely understand your worries.

Keep us posted.


PJ's Mom
10-12-2005, 03:04 PM
IF the vet does not find anything in the paw, PLEASE have him/her X-Ray that WHOLE leg. I have a friend that had a wonderful dog and she started limping from time to time. The limping came more and more often and started getting real bad. She took Bonnie to the vet and they took X-Rays of her paw up to the elbo and nothing showed up so they said it was arthritas (spelling looks wrong on that?) and gave her medicine for that. Time passed and she got worse and worse and Bonnie started chewing on her leg. She took her to another vet and he X-Rayed the WHOLE leg... She had bone cancer.


Peej has a limp from time to time and it appears to be his right front leg. I told his doctor about it and he said it sounds like arthritis, (he's almost 7) but now I think I want it x-rayed. :eek:

10-12-2005, 06:19 PM
Thanks so much for the replies. :)

Daisy looks SO much better today. She's putting weight/pressure on that hind leg and the swelling is just about gone. She's back to her chipper self and wants to run around and play with Molly, definitely an improvement from yesterday, but I'm trying to reduce her activity until she's better. I have a good feeling she may have sprained/pulled something when she goes out in the yard every morning and tries to go after the birds in the trees.. or, Logan, like you mentioned, she may have just overdid something. I would like to still take her to the Vet just to be on the safe side, especially if we decide to go back to agility sometime in the future, but it looks like she's on the mend. :) We'll see how she is tomorrow.

And Staci, I'll try to get some new pictures up of the girls sometime tomorrow or over the weekend. Thanks for asking!


10-13-2005, 09:14 AM
I'm glad Daisy is doing better. ^_^ Get well soon girl!

10-13-2005, 09:23 AM
Aww, poor Dais.. :( Prayers are on the way! Glad she's feeling a little better. :) ((((HUGS))))