View Full Version : Wake-up Call

10-11-2005, 07:21 PM
The weather is getting cold again. I don't like to turn on the furnace yet, so at night I pile on the blankets and pull the covers over my head, leaving only a small opening to breathe through. I then sleep soundly until 6:00 AM, when Sassy reaches under the covers to claw my nose (Ouch).

10-11-2005, 07:33 PM
Ohhhhh same here. We've had a few CHILLY nights, but I don't want to turn the heater on just yet!! Here lately its been an average of 50 - 60 a night, couple nights its got into the 40s, but theres no sense in turning it on until you can see your breath outside, right?? hehe.

I hate cold weather though :(

10-11-2005, 07:41 PM
Its starting to get into the Low Fifties up here In Catada,and Thank God,that I am a retired Old Geezer that can snooze with his Cats until he feels like getting up!!!

10-11-2005, 07:53 PM
But don't the cats get you up to fix their breakfast?

Laura's Babies
10-11-2005, 09:15 PM
I grew up in Virginia and we never had heated bedrooms up there in those days so I have slept with my head under the covers all my life and still do. (Thank GOD for A/C!) I can't sleep until my face is covered even now but my kitties don't mind. They do know when the cover comes off Meowmies face, breakfast is COMING soon!... Now Giz, if I lay down on the sofa during the day and want a nap, she will come paw my head out from under the covers. By the time she is done, I am laughing so hard the nap is forgotten! Night time is OK with her but NOT during the day!