View Full Version : Something Could Be Terribly Wrong

10-11-2005, 10:17 AM
Tink just had diarhea and she can barely stand up..:( Im afraid and We are calling the vet now. Please pray she will be ok :( I'll update asap!

10-11-2005, 10:31 AM
I hope the little cutie will be alright. keep us updated when you can.

10-11-2005, 10:34 AM
Poor little girl:( Fingers and paws crossed that everything's going to be ok.

10-11-2005, 10:35 AM
Oh no! Poor little sweetie. :( My thoughts are with you both.

finn's mom
10-11-2005, 10:36 AM
:( Poor little thing.

10-11-2005, 10:50 AM
The Earliest we could get her in at the vet was 2:15...so we are going then. I am very afraid that she has parvo :( :(. I can't lose her...She's not even 2 months old :( :'(

10-11-2005, 10:58 AM
Oh gosh not the P word.
Does she have a weird smell to her? Parvo has a smell, it's hard to describe but once you smell the parvo smell well you'll know it.

Is Roxy all up to date on her vaccines? How old is Roxy? Even if she is up to date on her vaccines I'd still take extra precaution. Vaccines do not prevent an illness they just help prevent it.
Where did you get Tinks from? I'd call the breeder ASAP & check with them, see if any other pups have parvo.
Washk REALLY well before handleing Roxy, keep her in an isolated room, preferably one that Tinks has not been in.

I really don't mean to scare you but if you think it may be parvo it is better to be safe than sorry.

Oh my gosh, I feel so bad for you. I hope & pray that is not parvo, just something simple. Good luck!

10-11-2005, 11:00 AM
Omg, I hope its not parvo! Years ago, we bought a bassett puppy from a breeder. We watched her give the puppy her parvo shot before we took her home. She ended up with parvo anyway. The poor little girl was so, so sick. She did pull through. She was at the vets for a long time. I would go to the vets every day and sit with her. It was awful. Please keep us posted on sweet little Tink. I'm sure you are a nervous wreck. :(

10-11-2005, 11:06 AM
Tink is playing! Roxy stays outside, so she cant be near Tink anyways. Maybe the Diahrhea was just a reaction from eating too much puppy chow or something...I REALLY HOPE SO! We are still taking her to the vet, and although she is playing and eating, I'm still worried. Lv4Dogs I havent noticed any smell to her. When my mom called the vet the vet said if she was playing its a good sign! Maybe she's fine, but she could use a checkup before friday anyways. Will update as soon as anything changes.

10-11-2005, 11:17 AM
Oh gosh not the P word.
Does she have a weird smell to her? Parvo has a smell, it's hard to describe but once you smell the parvo smell well you'll know it.

Is Roxy all up to date on her vaccines? How old is Roxy? Even if she is up to date on her vaccines I'd still take extra precaution. Vaccines do not prevent an illness they just help prevent it.
Where did you get Tinks from? I'd call the breeder ASAP & check with them, see if any other pups have parvo.
Washk REALLY well before handleing Roxy, keep her in an isolated room, preferably one that Tinks has not been in.

I really don't mean to scare you but if you think it may be parvo it is better to be safe than sorry.

Oh my gosh, I feel so bad for you. I hope & pray that is not parvo, just something simple. Good luck!
Forgot to answer everything! Roxy is almost 4. Had her shots. Tink doesnt have a weird smell to her. We got Tink from a person who was selling the puppies for a friend of hers whos a breeder. I think that this place may have been a puppy mill :( Which is really bad. They had lotsa toy breeds, and from the way my mom described it....Anyways, If one of the pups had parvo, I'm sure they would have told my mom hopefully...
Please Be Ok My Angel Mommy Loves You So Much<3:(:(

10-11-2005, 11:18 AM
Poor Tink, I hope she will be ok. She sure is a cutie pie! If she came from puppy mill conditions I highly doubt they would have told you if any of their dogs had parvo.

Why does Roxy have to live outside? :(

10-11-2005, 11:25 AM
Poor Tink, I hope she will be ok. She sure is a cutie pie! If she came from puppy mill conditions I highly doubt they would have told you if any of their dogs had parvo.

Why does Roxy have to live outside? :(
Yeah they probably wouldnt have told my mom :( Roxy has to live outside, because my mom doesnt like her inside...and Roxy and Skye dont get along...

10-11-2005, 11:28 AM
Roxy has to live outside, because my mom doesnt like her inside...and Roxy and Skye dont get along...

*sigh* :(

10-11-2005, 11:34 AM
*sigh* :(
I know :( If it was up to me....Roxy would be inside....:(

10-11-2005, 11:46 AM
Ok Little Update, since everybody said UPDATE! lol ok anyways...Tink just had Diahrhea again, and I had to clean her butt...In about an hour, we will be leaving for the vet...Good Luck My Little Tink<3

10-11-2005, 11:49 AM
*sigh* :(

ditto. :(

I hope Tink feels better soon.

10-11-2005, 11:50 AM
ditto. :(

I hope Tink feels better soon.
I know...If it was up to me Roxy would be inside :( My mom is so unfair :mad:

10-11-2005, 12:03 PM
Only about 45m till we leave for the vet...*bites nails* i really hope nothing is wrong...At the moment Tink is sleeping, so she will be all rested up...Wish us Luck<3

10-11-2005, 12:21 PM
*Gulp* in 10m we leave for the vet, I'm going offline now to get my Angel ready...I will update As soon as I get back Wish Us Luck

10-11-2005, 01:42 PM
I hope that Tink will be ok.

10-11-2005, 02:37 PM
I hope everything will be okay...

Ginger's Mom
10-11-2005, 02:39 PM
Thinking of Tinkerbelle, hope all is well.

Anita Cholaine
10-11-2005, 03:12 PM
Poor little thing:( Hope she gets well soon...........

10-11-2005, 03:16 PM
Tink went to the vet! She also recieved her shot and cried :( poor baby. Anyways She's going to be ok! It's either internal parasites(WoRMS) or cocidia..She had meds to treat both and is doing much better! :)

10-11-2005, 03:19 PM
I'm glad shes doing better and it isn't anything too serious.

10-11-2005, 03:20 PM
Another fact to add...Tink was very most likely gotten from a puppy mill!!!!! Her 1st shots and wormings had NOT been vet given, and she is sick with this stuff...Highly likely shes from a puppy mill

10-11-2005, 03:20 PM
Thats good news! :D

10-11-2005, 03:50 PM
thats good that she's ok! :)
But, you should have seen if they got along before you brought her home..thats too bad she has to live outside.I thought you got her from a breeder? :confused:

10-11-2005, 03:52 PM
Yes we got Tink from a breeder...or a SO CALLED breeder Roxy was gotten from the shelter before Skye, and Roxy has lived outside her whole life.

10-11-2005, 04:02 PM
I'm glad that Tink is ok. :)

10-11-2005, 04:06 PM
Glad Tink is going to be ok. :)

10-11-2005, 04:12 PM
I'm so glad Tink is going to be ok! :) Will Tink be allowed to live in the house? Does your mom allow Roxy in at all? Poor sweetie. :(

10-11-2005, 04:12 PM
Thanks Everybody! Tink is asleep right now...she's tired :) She took her meds very well.

10-11-2005, 04:14 PM
I'm so glad Tink is going to be ok! :) Will Tink be allowed to live in the house? Does your mom allow Roxy in at all? Poor sweetie. :(
Tink stays inside, and Roxy will only be allowed inside if its REALLY cold

10-11-2005, 04:38 PM
Tink stays inside, and Roxy will only be allowed inside if its REALLY cold


10-11-2005, 05:08 PM
so it's not parvo for sure? I'm relieved vet said another than parvo - he would have noticed!

I'm not going to lecture about roxy because I can't change people but I sure hope everything will work out for every doggie. they all deserve warm secures!

hope tink will be one better tinkerbell soon! :)

10-11-2005, 05:36 PM
I am glad she is OK.

Does your mom let Roxy inside at all?? :(

PJ's Mom
10-11-2005, 10:27 PM
Tink stays inside, and Roxy will only be allowed inside if its REALLY cold


10-11-2005, 10:42 PM
Tink stays inside, and Roxy will only be allowed inside if its REALLY cold

:( Poor Roxy. :(

10-11-2005, 10:50 PM
Glad to hear that it's nothing serious and Tink is at home recovering:)

10-12-2005, 12:19 AM
:( Poor Roxy. :(


But I am glad Tink doesn't have Parvo - that's scary...

10-12-2005, 08:54 AM
I am glad she is OK.

Does your mom let Roxy inside at all?? :(
I know ITS unfair to have Tink inside and Roxy not! Roxy has alwas lived outside, and shes ALWAYS had a good doghouse. Roxy is allowed inside, if its raining or storming badly, or if its cold, or sometimes if i beg she is allowed in the laundry room. If IT was up to me....ROXY WOULD BE INSIDE! Really its not my fault about all this, I begged and begged and begged, but was roxy allowed inside?! NO! We had Roxy before Skye, and Roxy has ALWAYS lived outside, so we didnt think about that anyways...Before Skye Roxy still lived outside, and that was because we lived in a small house. If that makes any sense or If you have any more questions just ask

10-12-2005, 09:41 AM
Sure glad to know Tink is going to be okay!

10-12-2005, 10:16 AM
Thank you :) I'm sorry everybody is mad about me at Roxy, but It's not my fault! I BEGGED AND BEGGED! and I really wish she and Tink could both live inside...For the Latest on Tink, I made a new Thread...
Thanks For All The Support...but Really about Roxy...Is it REALLY my fault? I'm only 13...gosh...Sadly it's my moms decision:(:mad:

10-12-2005, 10:44 AM
You are right and I really don't think people are holding YOU responsible. I don't. I know that your mom is the adult in the equation and its her decision. Growing up myself we had an outside dog. He was never tied tho. He had full run of the 3 acres of my parents place. And a doggie door and nice warm dog house with lots of blankets in it to keep him warm in the winter and in the summer HE pulled the blankets out. He really had it good in there in the summer b/c we didn't have a/c at the time and it was cooler in the garage the our house. The people here are just frustrated with the situations and uneducation of people like your mom that makes the animal live in this situation.
And just b/c lots of dogs around where you live have that kind of life doesn't make it right or doesn't make it better for people to accept. A lot of dogs around here are like that too and it still pi$$es me off.
That said there are a TON of outside cats also and it still irks me also.

10-12-2005, 10:53 AM
Well Roxy loves being outside, and if she was put inside in our actual house she would go insane. I would love for her to live inside, but at least in bad weather she gets to come in the laundry room. Which is a nice and warm place especially in cold weather or rain. Roxy seems perfectley happy outside, i mean she grew up living outside...and AT LEAST my mom lets her come inside in bad weather....:(

10-12-2005, 11:05 AM
You are right and I really don't think people are holding YOU responsible. I don't. I know that your mom is the adult in the equation and its her decision. Growing up myself we had an outside dog. He was never tied tho. He had full run of the 3 acres of my parents place. And a doggie door and nice warm dog house with lots of blankets in it to keep him warm in the winter and in the summer HE pulled the blankets out. He really had it good in there in the summer b/c we didn't have a/c at the time and it was cooler in the garage the our house. The people here are just frustrated with the situations and uneducation of people like your mom that makes the animal live in this situation.
And just b/c lots of dogs around where you live have that kind of life doesn't make it right or doesn't make it better for people to accept. A lot of dogs around here are like that too and it still pi$$es me off.
That said there are a TON of outside cats also and it still irks me also.

Well said.

10-12-2005, 11:13 AM
I agree with shais_mom...we're not holding YOU responsible. I just wish your mom would let Roxy AND Tinkerbelle live inside. :( I really don't think it matters if she loves being outside or not. Dogs belong with us, not outside. Again, I don't think you're the one at fault.

10-12-2005, 11:18 AM
I know...I tried convincing her...but I'll admit...at one very point in time when we first got Roxy, she DID live inside. It was only for about a month, but omg Roxy tore up EVERYTHING! she tore up my moms blinds, and some other important stuff, and thats probably another reason. (We moved out of the house that she stayed inside in temporarily) Our landlord probably doesnt want Roxy to stay inside either (we dont own our house we're renting it) :( I wish there was SOMETHING I could do

10-12-2005, 11:24 AM
I know...I tried convincing her...but I'll admit...at one very point in time when we first got Roxy, she DID live inside. It was only for about a month, but omg Roxy tore up EVERYTHING! she tore up my moms blinds, and some other important stuff, and thats probably another reason. (We moved out of the house that she stayed inside in temporarily) Our landlord probably doesnt want Roxy to stay inside either (we dont own our house we're renting it) :( I wish there was SOMETHING I could do

That is what dogs do, especially puppies. What if Tinkerbelle were to do this stuff?? :(

10-12-2005, 11:28 AM
Tink almost knocked over a very very expensive candle stick holder thingy, and...I moved the candlestick, Idk what my mom would do, but certainly not place her outside...Roxy though is kinda big...and my mom just doesnt like biger dogs in the house...Idk seriously why Roxy cant stay inside...

10-12-2005, 11:31 AM
Why didn't she consider this before adopting Roxy?? :( It's just not fair. :(

10-12-2005, 11:33 AM
At the time we adopted Roxy, we were planning on letting her be an inside dog, but now we have a huge yard, and Roxy just felt cooped up inside, and didnt like it at all...So she started staying outside, and when I bring her inside, she begs to go back outside...

10-12-2005, 11:55 AM
you know what - you need to STOP - we understand this isn't your doing.
But this continued whining and excuse giving isn't helping. You are not going to change your mom's mind. We understand that. We aren't trying to change YOUR mind. That doesn't need changed apparently. And we can't change your mom's mind and quite honestly I don't think your mom would really like it if she DID read this thread and would probably think we were trashing her and proabably wouldn't allow you to come back here.
I have heard people say that their dogs don't like to be in the house - I can't honestly say if I believe that or not b/c I don't live with that dog. My dog, when she was a puppy if I had her tied while I was doing yard work etc and had to run in the house for one minute she would HOWL b/c she doesn't like to be outside without me. But she doesn't know any different.
And why do you keep replying to this at noon on a Tuesday shouldn't you be in school?


10-12-2005, 11:59 AM
Sorry :( I don't mean to whine...or give too many excuses...I just feel that some people do blame me, I know that you and Krista and some others don't, but I think some do :( Idk...
I'm not in school, because I'm out this whole week :) yay It's our fall break here :D

10-12-2005, 12:01 PM
RLM13- you told us the other night on the PT chat forum completely different reasons about why Roxy lives outside. You also admitted that Roxy remains CHAINED in the backyard. It is just so frustrating to me that you go along with this so readily. I don't want to hear the stuff about it being your mom's house, your just a child, blah, blah, blah. If you are old enough to beg for a new pet, and adopt one, and THIS one gets to stay inside, you are old enough to communicate with your mom the wrongness of this. I frankly do not understand HOW you could bring another pet into your home, knowing your FIRST pet lives outside, chained up. I would feel guilty every moment of everyday. And, Roxy, according to your signature, is a Boxer/PitBull mix. That is NOT an outside dog. Shame on you for defending your position. :( :(

10-12-2005, 12:06 PM
RLM13- you told us the other night on the PT chat forum completely different reasons about why Roxy lives outside. You also admitted that Roxy remains CHAINED in the backyard. It is just so frustrating to me that you go along with this so readily. I don't want to hear the stuff about it being your mom's house, your just a child, blah, blah, blah. If you are old enough to beg for a new pet, and adopt one, and THIS one gets to stay inside, you are old enough to communicate with your mom the wrongness of this. I frankly do not understand HOW you could bring another pet into your home, knowing your FIRST pet lives outside, chained up. I would feel guilty every moment of everyday. And, Roxy, according to your signature, is a Boxer/PitBull mix. That is NOT an outside dog. Shame on you for defending your position. :( :(
I SERIOUSLY TRIED to convince my mom! SHE DOESNT LISTEN TO ME! Yes Roxy is chained outside all the time, and really whats wrong with chaining? I mean like EVERY single large dog thats Roxy's size is chained here! Well Actually I know chaining is wrong, and that your dog should only be chained when your supervising it, Ugh I'm so confused!!! :( Roxy likes being outside...she doesnt like being inside...and whys she not an outside dog? Ok Trying not to be mean or complain or anythng just trying to keep the peace...i'm confused so im going to shush on this reply before i make people dislike me more

10-12-2005, 12:18 PM
I really dont know a whole lot about the boxer breed I do know that pit bulls are people dogs. They love, love being with their owners. They are also a high engery dog. I hope for Roxy's sake that you at least take her out and walk her every day. She deserves that. I dont think any dog should have to live on a chain. :(

10-12-2005, 12:22 PM
Of course she gets walked! I'm not going to make her stay on a chain all day...she is very high energy, and so are boxers...that combination in a house dog is not good...inside she didnt have room to run, and shes not housetrained...

10-12-2005, 12:31 PM
I SERIOUSLY TRIED to convince my mom! SHE DOESNT LISTEN TO ME! Yes Roxy is chained outside all the time, and really whats wrong with chaining? I mean like EVERY single large dog thats Roxy's size is chained here! Well Actually I know chaining is wrong, and that your dog should only be chained when your supervising it, Ugh I'm so confused!!! :( Roxy likes being outside...she doesnt like being inside...and whys she not an outside dog? Ok Trying not to be mean or complain or anythng just trying to keep the peace...i'm confused so im going to shush on this reply before i make people dislike me more

She doesn't even have a dog house?? :( I think that we should just let this topic go, there is nothing we can do about it. :(

10-12-2005, 12:32 PM
fall break

1) Sorry that I came across harsh over the school thing.. Fall Break - that's cool.
now for

Roxyluvsme13 Of course she gets walked! I'm not going to make her stay on a chain all day...she is very high energy, and so are boxers...that combination in a house dog is not good...inside she didnt have room to run, and shes not housetrained...
2) ENOUGH! STOP! STOP! and Like I said in my previous Post STOP! you are backtracking - "what's wrong with chaining? Oh I know chaining is wrong."
Stop using the excuse of 'it happens everywhere around here' that does NOT make it right. Just b/c 5 people jump off a bridge b/c its what happens around here doesn't mean that the 6th person does it!

3) That is BULLS---! I know plenty of people that have pits in the house and that have boxers in the house. Maximus is a Lab/pit mix and he's very much in the house. That sounds like an excuse your mom has used and you believe her.

10-12-2005, 12:35 PM
this is what is wrong with it. http://www.dogsdeservebetter.com Dogs shouldn't be on chains period or outside. Doesn't she live outside all the time?? :confused: She doesn't even have a dog house?? :( I think that we should just let this topic go, there is nothing we can do about it. :(
remember Krista - she has said several times that she comes in for severe weather and I do believe she said she does have a dog house.

10-12-2005, 12:35 PM
Of course she gets walked! I'm not going to make her stay on a chain all day...she is very high energy, and so are boxers...that combination in a house dog is not good...inside she didnt have room to run, and shes not housetrained...

Shes no a large dog!

You said she got walked once a week on the chat. That isn't nearly enough for a dog that is living on a chain! She would adapt to living inside and the only reason she doesn't like it, is because she never has been a house dog! She would become house trained if you tried!!!

Imagin how she feels, now that you have a new dog and she is left outside!

and that your dog should only be chained when your supervising it
You are not supervising her all the time!

10-12-2005, 12:37 PM
remember Krista - she has said several times that she comes in for severe weather and I do believe she said she does have a dog house.

Oh, sorry. :o

10-12-2005, 12:40 PM
Shes no a large dog!

You said she got walked once a week on the chat. That isn't nearly enough for a dog that is living on a chain! She would adapt to living inside and the only reason she doesn't like it, is because she never has been a house dog! She would become house trained if you tried!!!

I agree.

10-12-2005, 12:41 PM
Well, I'm glad to know you walk her. We live in a very small house! I have 3 dogs. ACD mix, pit/lab mix and a pit bull. They are all in the house. Ebony is a pup she is wild but its my job to teach her manners and not let her tear my house up. It can be done you have to put forth the effort. Even though Tink is little, she will tear things up also. Its not only big dogs that do that.

10-12-2005, 12:41 PM
She doesn't even have a dog house?? :( I think that we should just let this topic go, there is nothing we can do about it. :(
Roxy has a NICE big cozy warm dog house...
Ok Roxy is going to get walked more than usual...I know chaining is bad...(I'm really trying to stay calm here but I'm about to burst into tears or something), Roxy is chained all the time...I'm sure with alot of work and things, Roxy could be able to live inside...We've had animal control at our house, and they say NOTHING about Roxy being chained, I have tried for a long time to get my mom to let Roxy stay inside! IT DOES NOT WORK SHE DOES NOT LISTEN TO ME...AT LEAST SHE LETS HER IN IN BAD STORMS OR COLD WEATHER.

10-12-2005, 12:42 PM
Why was animal control at your house?

10-12-2005, 12:44 PM
I'm sorry I was so harsh, I really am. This just really gets to me. :( Can't you try to convince your mom by saying you will help her with Roxy and train her AND do it?? That could work, it doesn't hurt to try. :)

10-12-2005, 12:44 PM
Why was animal control at your house?
They go around the neighborhoods, and check animals....They were there because of a previous dog I think...

10-12-2005, 12:45 PM
Unfortunately, animal control can't do or say anything unless the dog is without food or water or some sort of roof - doesn't matter what it is. :(

I guess all dogs don't live the luxury that they should be allowed to.

I would never in my wildest dreams ask my parents for another animal if the previous animal was stuck outside.

10-12-2005, 12:46 PM
I'm sorry I was so harsh, I really am. This just really gets to me. :( Can't you try to convince your mom by saying you will help her with Roxy and train her AND do it?? That could work, it doesn't hurt to try. :)
I tried that...:(

10-12-2005, 12:55 PM
Ok now. We know it's not her doing and we know she has tried why can't we leave it be?

Sure she backtracked a few times but as far as I know the stories are at least consistant.

Yes most dogs should be inside dogs but not all can/want to be. Some dogs really do prefer it outside. I've actually known people that went as far as hiring personal trainers & behavorists to get their dog accustomed to living inside & months & months later and hundreds & hundreds of dollars later it still didn't work.

Besides it is better than being in a kill shelter or an always outside home, or an abused home or being used for fighting or whatnot.

And she even brings her inside when it rains, storms or gets cold old. Thats a lot more than most people with "outside" dogs will do.

NO OFFENSE but as an example ONLY, look at glacier, she's got 22, some come in some don't. Sure they are husky's but look at other husky's that live inside, weather they work or not. You don't see us hounding her and she's even an adult that can make the decision to have them all inside.

finn's mom
10-12-2005, 12:57 PM
Is there no way to leave Roxy outside unchained? I have seen dogs become used to living outside, and, don't enjoy being indoors. But, dogs are adaptive creatures, they get to used to a lot of things that aren't necessarily good. But, at this point, she probably does prefer to stay outside. Is your yard fenced or anything? Or could a dog kennel be put up? One that would allow her to be chain free...her water and food could be kept in there and her dog house, as well. Does her dog house have a wind blocking device or flap or something over the door? That would help keep it a little drier and warmer if there isn't one. I realize that getting her indoors all the time isn't going to happen, and as long as you give her shelter and enough exercise and love and food and water, then, she's got it better than a lot of other dogs. That doesn't mean I'm agreeing with the situation. Just trying to come up with other ideas...So, what do you guys do with her when she does come inside for bad weather?

finn's mom
10-12-2005, 01:00 PM
NO OFFENSE but as an example ONLY, look at glacier, she's got 22, some come in some don't. Sure they are husky's but look at other husky's that live inside, weather they work or not. You don't see us hounding her and she's even an adult that can make the decision to have them all inside.

Well said, including the part I didn't quote. I agree with you. The only difference in Glacier's dogs and Roxy is that Glacier does exercise her dogs a lot and they are not chained up, as far as I know. Most of them get to run off leash a lot, and, the ones that don't, (again, from what I can tell) get exercised alongside her bike. And, of course, most of them pull a sled at some point, too...Now, her situation is different than most, in that she has a lot of land and she has sled dogs. :)

As long as Roxy gets walked more, that would make me feel a little better about her situation.

10-12-2005, 01:03 PM
Is there no way to leave Roxy outside unchained? I have seen dogs become used to living outside, and, don't enjoy being indoors. But, dogs are adaptive creatures, they get to used to a lot of things that aren't necessarily good. But, at this point, she probably does prefer to stay outside. Is your yard fenced or anything? Or could a dog kennel be put up? One that would allow her to be chain free...her water and food could be kept in there and her dog house, as well. Does her dog house have a wind blocking device or flap or something over the door? That would help keep it a little drier and warmer if there isn't one. I realize that getting her indoors all the time isn't going to happen, and as long as you give her shelter and enough exercise and love and food and water, then, she's got it better than a lot of other dogs. That doesn't mean I'm agreeing with the situation. Just trying to come up with other ideas...So, what do you guys do with her when she does come inside for bad weather?
We dont have a fence :( and We cant buil d a kennel bcus we dont own the land or house...her dog house does not have a window flap, although i think i can convince my mom to get one, when she comes inside, she stays in our laundry room, with newspaper down, (its a small room) with her water bowl...then in the morning i take her out to pee, because she refuses to poop inside, and then she'll be chained if the weather is good, if not she will be taken back into the laundry room
EDIT if i dont reply asap its because im bathing tink

finn's mom
10-12-2005, 01:10 PM
We dont have a fence :( and We cant buil d a kennel bcus we dont own the land or house...her dog house does not have a window flap, although i think i can convince my mom to get one, when she comes inside, she stays in our laundry room, with newspaper down, (its a small room) with her water bowl...then in the morning i take her out to pee, because she refuses to poop inside, and then she'll be chained if the weather is good, if not she will be taken back into the laundry room
EDIT if i dont reply asap its because im bathing tink

Ok, I gotcha. Well, the best you can do, then, is just make sure she has a good, comfortable collar and chain...and, just do your best as far as giving her the attention she needs and the exercise she needs. And, for a window flap, it doesn't have to be fancy, just a piece of flimsy plastic that you can probably find somewhere and just nail it to the top of the opening of the dog house. It just has to be something that she can push easily with her nose...even just a towel or blanket over it would be better than nothing. And, be sure to keep blankets and old towels in there with her when it's cooler. Can she always access her dog house while chained? I'm not angry at you, I hope you know that, and, when you're done bathing Tink, you should walk Roxy. ;) Just try not to forget she's there, sometimes that can happen when you have a new puppy, especially when she's allowed indoors and the other isn't. Good luck with everything.

Anita Cholaine
10-12-2005, 01:19 PM
Well, I've just seen this, and I think it's going too far....

I'm sure that Roxy is in perfect conditions, although it would be much better to let her being inside or at least chain free. I'm sure Briana loves Roxy and wants the best for her, but she should try to find a solution to this.

I think this is a really stupid discussion now, there's nothing more to say. The next time, maybe we should try to understand the person before attacking.
And Briana, you dont need to give more excuses. Everything is said. Now, you should try to do the best you can for your pets.

10-12-2005, 01:25 PM
Well said, including the part I didn't quote. I agree with you. The only difference in Glacier's dogs and Roxy is that Glacier does exercise her dogs a lot and they are not chained up, as far as I know. Most of them get to run off leash a lot, and, the ones that don't, (again, from what I can tell) get exercised alongside her bike. And, of course, most of them pull a sled at some point, too...Now, her situation is different than most, in that she has a lot of land and she has sled dogs. :)

As long as Roxy gets walked more, that would make me feel a little better about her situation.

Yes she sure does exercise her dogs more. But I think they before the fence was built a lot of them were chained, and I *think* she still has 1 or 2 or 3 that are still chained, or at least were up until a month or so ago. Unless they were old pictures she posted.

No offense to you either but the fact of the size of land & the fact they are sled dogs does not matter. The fact that they get more exercise matters but not because they are sled dogs or the size of their yard. If you can exercise a dog right then the size doesn't matter becuase the dog is already exercised.

I do agree that the least she can do is exercise her dog daily and not weekly though.

10-12-2005, 01:25 PM
Well, I've just seen this, and I think it's going too far....

I'm sure that Roxy is in perfect conditions, although it would be much better to let her being inside or at least chain free. I'm sure Briana loves Roxy and wants the best for her, but she should try to find a solution to this.

I think this is a really stupid discussion now, there's nothing more to say. The next time, maybe we should try to understand the person before attacking.
And Briana, you dont need to give more excuses. Everything is said. Now, you should try to do the best you can for your pets.

Well said!

10-12-2005, 01:27 PM
thanks finnsmom, lv4dogs, and anita! We really do try to have the best for Roxy, we wouldnt move her to our new house until she had a doghouse, and then she moved with us. They really are well taken care of except for the outside thing. Roxy has an igloo doghouse, so Idk how I could nail a piece of plastic on there :confused: We put blankets in Roxys dog house and she drags them out... :rolleyes: Because I tried before...and it didnt work so well...Roxy's collar is very comfortable, actually its not too old, because she almost broke the other one in 2...but it was really old...shes not on a chain its one of those tie out thingys...its neon orange lol. shes already broke it in 2 once, so she'll probably be getting a new one soon....I'm going to try to exercise Roxy more, but I have sooo much to do, thats why she was only getting it once a week...and It will be ALOT easier to exercise her when I dont have to watch a puppy. Especially when Tink is old enough and big enough to go on walks too...

finn's mom
10-12-2005, 01:31 PM
Well, I've just seen this, and I think it's going too far....

I'm sure that Roxy is in perfect conditions, although it would be much better to let her being inside or at least chain free. I'm sure Briana loves Roxy and wants the best for her, but she should try to find a solution to this.

I think this is a really stupid discussion now, there's nothing more to say. The next time, maybe we should try to understand the person before attacking.
And Briana, you dont need to give more excuses. Everything is said. Now, you should try to do the best you can for your pets.

Hey, I see where you're going with this, and, I admire you for sticking up for Briana. I really do. However, the discussion has actually taken a turn for the better, and, people are letting her know that they aren't blaming her. There are a handful of topics that get people going in here, and, you are right, it should be handled differently than just outright attacking, but, it rarely is, especially not at first. I wish that would change, too, but, all I can do is voice my opinion and maybe try to ask some questions that haven't been asked and help the person being chastised to possibly see some other alternatives. That's why I was asking her about the possibility of leaving her outside but not chained. I've now found out that that isn't possible because they don't own their property. There's usually something more to say, but, there's also usually a better way to say it.

But, I will say this, and, Briana knows it to...Roxy's situation is by no means perfect. A dog liking to be outside is one thing, but, being chained for the majority of the time isn't. Her situation is probably going to improve because of the silly discussion had here in this thread, and, that, in my opinion, makes it not so silly.

Again, I'm not saying you're wrong on all points, I'm just expressing my two cents. I totally agree that there is way too much attacking in cases like this. But, she's listening to the people that are trying to nicely tell her some of the things that she can actually do to help out the situation.

I'll shut up now, I just felt the need to say something when I read your post.

10-12-2005, 01:31 PM
thanks finnsmom, lv4dogs, and anita! We really do try to have the best for Roxy, we wouldnt move her to our new house until she had a doghouse, and then she moved with us. They really are well taken care of except for the outside thing. Roxy has an igloo doghouse, so Idk how I could nail a piece of plastic on there :confused: We put blankets in Roxys dog house and she drags them out... :rolleyes: Because I tried before...and it didnt work so well...Roxy's collar is very comfortable, actually its not too old, because she almost broke the other one in 2...but it was really old...shes not on a chain its one of those tie out thingys...its neon orange lol. shes already broke it in 2 once, so she'll probably be getting a new one soon....I'm going to try to exercise Roxy more, but I have sooo much to do, thats why she was only getting it once a week...and It will be ALOT easier to exercise her when I dont have to watch a puppy. Especially when Tink is old enough and big enough to go on walks too...

OK, I am really sorry I misunderstood you. I thought you meant one of those like REALLY short chains. :o I hope you're not mad at me, I am not mad at you, just this whole situation rubs me the wrong way. I just wish you luck with her and Tinkerbelle. :) I will shut up now.

10-12-2005, 01:32 PM
They sell them at petco:
http://www.petco.com/shop/product.aspx?sku=76236&cm_ven=biz&cm_cat=32&cm_pla=76236&cm_ite=76236&SiteID=hLUPakqa5g4-oMLh7.Lic6t8zCk0cl.S3w&CMReferringUrl=http://www.bizrate.com/buy/products__cat_id31000300,keyworddog%20house,start9 0.html&CMReferringUrl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.bizrate.com%2fbuy% 2fproducts__cat_id31000300%2ckeyworddog+house%2cst art90.html

10-12-2005, 01:34 PM
OK, I am really sorry I misunderstood you. I thought you meant one of those like REALLY short chains. :o I hope you're not mad at me, I am not mad at you, just this whole situation rubs me the wrong way. I just wish you luck with her and Tinkerbelle. :) I will shut up now.
I'm not mad :) I WOULD NEVER PUT ROXY ON A SHORT CHAIN! THOSE ARE SO MEAN!!! She's on a quite long tie out thingy...it gives her plenty of room to run :)

10-12-2005, 01:35 PM
They sell them at petco:
http://www.petco.com/shop/product.aspx?sku=76236&cm_ven=biz&cm_cat=32&cm_pla=76236&cm_ite=76236&SiteID=hLUPakqa5g4-oMLh7.Lic6t8zCk0cl.S3w&CMReferringUrl=http://www.bizrate.com/buy/products__cat_id31000300,keyworddog%20house,start9 0.html&CMReferringUrl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.bizrate.com%2fbuy% 2fproducts__cat_id31000300%2ckeyworddog+house%2cst art90.html
We got hers at Petsmart the last time, this one may last a while, when it starts to look dull she will get another one :)

10-12-2005, 01:36 PM
Hey, I see where you're going with this, and, I admire you for sticking up for Briana. I really do. However, the discussion has actually taken a turn for the better, and, people are letting her know that they aren't blaming her. There are a handful of topics that get people going in here, and, you are right, it should be handled differently than just outright attacking, but, it rarely is, especially not at first. I wish that would change, too, but, all I can do is voice my opinion and maybe try to ask some questions that haven't been asked and help the person being chastised to possibly see some other alternatives. That's why I was asking her about the possibility of leaving her outside but not chained. I've now found out that that isn't possible because they don't own their property. There's usually something more to say, but, there's also usually a better way to say it.

But, I will say this, and, Briana knows it to...Roxy's situation is by no means perfect. A dog liking to be outside is one thing, but, being chained for the majority of the time isn't. Her situation is probably going to improve because of the silly discussion had here in this thread, and, that, in my opinion, makes it not so silly.

Again, I'm not saying you're wrong on all points, I'm just expressing my two cents. I totally agree that there is way too much attacking in cases like this. But, she's listening to the people that are trying to nicely tell her some of the things that she can actually do to help out the situation.

I'll shut up now, I just felt the need to say something when I read your post.
I'll try to do something to help Roxy more...I'll walk her more often and get a flap on her dog house :)

10-12-2005, 01:37 PM
We got hers at Petsmart the last time, this one may last a while, when it starts to look dull she will get another one :)

I was talking about the flap, not the house. :D And they may have them at petsmart too, especially if thats where you got her house to begin with.

10-12-2005, 01:44 PM
I was talking about the flap, not the house. :D And they may have them at petsmart too, especially if thats where you got her house to begin with.
Oh :o my bad lol Actually...her doghouse was gotten from Kmart :D

10-12-2005, 02:18 PM
Honestly, I think Roxy may be better off in another home.

SO if you dont have a fence is tink getting walked all the time to go ot the bathroom?

10-12-2005, 02:41 PM
Honestly, I think Roxy may be better off in another home.

SO if you dont have a fence is tink getting walked all the time to go ot the bathroom?
Tink isnt allowed outside yet...She uses the bathroom on puppy pee pads.

10-12-2005, 02:56 PM
I know its not the best possible situation for Roxy to be in but I don't necessarily think she'd be better in a new home. It is obvious that you really care about Roxy and are willing to do some things to make her stay outside more pleasant.

How many sets of shots has Tink had? Did your vet tell you not to let her out? I don't understand why she can't go out...I know that she has had at least one shot already so she should be able to go out...When we got Micki and Mini at 8 wks they only had their first shot and we let them outside often, we wanted to potty train them as quickly as possible. I've heard if you use the pee pads too much the dog will think its okay to go potty in the house and it will be much much harder to teach her to potty outside. Maybe its just me but I find it very wierd that she isn't allowed out :confused:

10-12-2005, 02:59 PM
I know its not the best possible situation for Roxy to be in but I don't necessarily think she'd be better in a new home. It is obvious that you really care about Roxy and are willing to do some things to make her stay outside more pleasant.

How many sets of shots has Tink had? Did your vet tell you not to let her out? I don't understand why she can't go out...I know that she has had at least one shot already so she should be able to go out...When we got Micki and Mini at 8 wks they only had their first shot and we let them outside often, we wanted to potty train them as quickly as possible. I've heard if you use the pee pads too much the dog will think its okay to go potty in the house and it will be much much harder to teach her to potty outside. Maybe its just me but I find it very wierd that she isn't allowed out :confused:
Well As You know Tink got sick yesterday, and she barely weighs a pound. She does not have a collar or leash that fits her, and I'm not going to turn her loose in our yard next to the busy trafficy street

Anita Cholaine
10-12-2005, 03:13 PM
Of course that Roxy isn't in the perfect conditions, but she has food, love, and health. She only needs to walk more and to be chain free more time, that doesn't mean that she needs another home!!!!

Again, I'll say that I'm sure that Briana loves Roxy, and that Roxy loves her too..... Maybe it's silly to trust in people that I don't even know, but I don't know why, but I'm sure about it....

10-12-2005, 03:23 PM
Well As You know Tink got sick yesterday, and she barely weighs a pound. She does not have a collar or leash that fits her, and I'm not going to turn her loose in our yard next to the busy trafficy street

So poor Roxy is changed in front a busy street :(

Why doesn't Roxy at least go inside for night in a crate?

10-12-2005, 03:26 PM
So poor Roxy is changed in front a busy street :(

Why doesn't Roxy at least go inside for night in a crate?
Our house is not in front of a busy street, at least where Roxy is isnt...Its on the side of the house the side Roxy's not on...Roxy chews out of crates, and I dont like the metal ones.

10-12-2005, 03:52 PM
Our house is not in front of a busy street, at least where Roxy is isnt...Its on the side of the house the side Roxy's not on...Roxy chews out of crates, and I dont like the metal ones.

:rolleyes: Well before you said u didnt have the room and now you dont like them....

Wouldnt you rather have your dog inside, safe at night instead of in the cold :mad:

10-12-2005, 03:57 PM
I don't understand why you keep changing your word. Stick to one story, going from one thing to another just jumbles things up.

I hope all animals in this situation are of health and kept safely and happily, and wish you the best of luck.

10-12-2005, 04:25 PM
I don't understand why you keep changing your word. Stick to one story, going from one thing to another just jumbles things up.

I hope all animals in this situation are of health and kept safely and happily, and wish you the best of luck.
Ok...sorry for the jumbling...All animals are healthy, and happy.
CagneyDog, If you read the whole thread you will understand...I don't want to fight with anybody, and I refuse to answer any more questions. I am going to get Roxy a flap for her dog house and I am going to walk her more. That's the things I can do at the moment. So No More Questions Are GOING TO BE ANSWeRED

PJ's Mom
10-12-2005, 04:36 PM
I have never understood why someone has a dog and keeps them outside all the time. Seems like such a waste. :(

Oh well.

10-12-2005, 05:10 PM
NO OFFENSE but as an example ONLY, look at glacier, she's got 22, some come in some don't. Sure they are husky's but look at other husky's that live inside, weather they work or not. You don't see us hounding her and she's even an adult that can make the decision to have them all inside.

God, I hate getting dragged into this kind of crap. But I feel the need to defend myself....ALL of my dogs are allowed house time. Some of the get different amounts of in the house time, but every single one of them is allowed inside. They are inside in extreme weather, unless they are working and then I'm out there with them and I'm much more likely to suffer serious consequences at -40C than a husky is!

The one who is outside most is Kayleigh. She's a cat killer and would kill another dog without hesitation given the opportunity. That makes it a little difficult to let her in the house with 8 cats and 21 other dogs. However, she is allowed in the shop at will. Her run is attached to it; the shop fully heated. My father in law works in there most days during the week(he's a carver), my hubby is always tinkering in there and my jewellery studio is out there. She gets tons of exercise and tons of people contact. She's a very happy dog with some very serious issues. She has a bite history, an out of control prey drive and extreme dog aggression. She can't be rehomed. Her other option is death.

There are also 25 dog houses in my yard, all insulated, full of straw and with doorways that block wind. I have over 10 grand invested in fencing to ensure they are safely confined. My monthly vet bill is more than many spend in a year. My annual vet bill would make you faint. You don't even want to consider what it costs to feed 22 dogs.

My dogs are happy, healthy, well loved, well exercised. I have changed my entire life--including where I live and work--to accomodate my dogs' needs and make sure they get everything they need. Would some of them be happier in a home with fewer pets? Maybe, but plenty of people had the opportuntity to adopt them while they were spending up to 2 years sitting in a shelter. No one did. Are they perfect? Is their life perfect? Nope, but it's pretty damn good and far superior to their previous lives. Don't drag me into this kind of thread. My situation and my dogs' situation is entirely different than Roxy's.

10-12-2005, 05:10 PM
I have never understood why someone has a dog and keeps them outside all the time. Seems like such a waste. :(

Oh well.

I have read this entire thread and although I believe that she loves Roxy, I agree with this. I do understand that it is not her decision though, it is her moms. I still wish that Roxy had the option of being an indoor dog :(

10-12-2005, 05:28 PM
Well I have just read this entire thread and I will know reply. I know Briana is doing her best at giving Roxy the proper living quarters. I know some parents can be hard to convince so I'm not agrueing with the problem that her mom doesn't let Roxy inside. Briana is going to walk Roxy more and put a flap on her dog house. ps- Glad Tink is doing better!

Monica- almost my birthday

10-12-2005, 06:09 PM
I feel bad for Roxy, and I bet she would be happier in a home where she could be inside, especially in the cold, snowy (u said it snowed in the chat) winters. I don;t think you are acknoledging what is best for her.

10-12-2005, 06:10 PM
Briana I belive you are trying you best and i applaud you. I know if i were in your situation i couldn't take this kind of stuff. I hope later on you maybe will me able to have a yard that is fenced. I am glad tink it doing better to. Butas long as you get that flap for the dog house and take roxy for walks and love her as much as you do with tink then its ok with me! :)

10-13-2005, 09:37 AM
I just read this whole thread, and I have to say many of you are being very mean to Briana. This doesn't have to be turned into a huge arguement. There are dogs in this world living on the streets, living in puppy mills, owned by dogfighters, and in research labs. I think Roxy is much better off than those poor animals. It's very hurtful to tell someone straight out to get rid of their dog. Briana is just a kid.

I can tell you love your dogs Briana. I have a friendly suggestion. Instead of just begging your mom, and offering to train and exercise Roxy, really do it. I know you don't have a lot of time now, but even just a 15 minute walk a day, or a little training in the back yard will pay off. Roxy will be a happy girl. If you need any training help feel free to ask, or just PM me. And after Roxy knows the basics you can train her lots of fun tricks! Who knows, maybe even your mom might let Roxy inside in the future. :)

10-13-2005, 09:40 AM
I am terribly sorry Glacier, I should of stated it a little differently. And added that yes you do take awesome care of your dogs, but I thought that everyone here knows that already. :D
And I am sorry, I thought that you had a few dogs that were not allowed inside at all. I knew that most were allowed in but not all. I should of checked with you & had the exact information.
I was just trying to get them to shut up & understand that yes it is ok to have outside dogs as long as you take proper care of them. Granted you take better care of your dogs than Roxylovesme does, but she is younger & still learning too. I never said anything about vet care or the cost of food or anything like that nor did I say anything about you having inadeqate shelter for them.

I really did try to think of other examples to use, but I didn't know anyone else on pt that takes better care of their outdoor (or mostly outdoor) dogs than you do!!! :D

10-13-2005, 10:48 AM
I just read this whole thread, and I have to say many of you are being very mean to Briana. This doesn't have to be turned into a huge arguement. There are dogs in this world living on the streets, living in puppy mills, owned by dogfighters, and in research labs. I think Roxy is much better off than those poor animals. It's very hurtful to tell someone straight out to get rid of their dog. Briana is just a kid.

I can tell you love your dogs Briana. I have a friendly suggestion. Instead of just begging your mom, and offering to train and exercise Roxy, really do it. I know you don't have a lot of time now, but even just a 15 minute walk a day, or a little training in the back yard will pay off. Roxy will be a happy girl. If you need any training help feel free to ask, or just PM me. And after Roxy knows the basics you can train her lots of fun tricks! Who knows, maybe even your mom might let Roxy inside in the future. :)
Aww Thanks :) Roxy already knows sit, and down, I have to start teaching her stay...Thanks Again :)

10-14-2005, 10:38 AM
The difference between Glacier's care of her pets and Briana's goes WAY past age differences. It is apparent in the explanation, even considering the difference in age, that Glacier respects her dogs and Briana does not. This is different than "loving" the dogs, and "wanting" different things for them. Briana spends an enormous amount of time defending her position, and then gives the ultimate cop out, "it is my mom"....I don't buy it. Not for one minute. On the chat, her reasons changed, VERY similar to someone when they have been caught revealing their true feelings, then realizing those feelings weren't readily accepted by their peers.

Sure, it is alright to say, 'you shouldn't be so harsh with her...", or "she is just a kid, and can't control things in her house...". I remind all of you adults what you were like as teenagers. If you wanted it, you probably could whine your way into getting it, or worked your parents into bending the rules. Come on. If Briana could talk her mother into getting another dog, surely she could exercise the same persuasiveness with Roxy being treated humanely.

I don't believe the mistreatment of animals is any more acceptable because someone is under 18 than I do if they are over 18.

Poor Roxy. :( :(

10-14-2005, 11:42 AM
:( Very sad situaution for poor Roxy :(.

Honestly, I think Roxy may be better off in another home.
I too agree with you on this.

Goodluck Roxy and Tink, you will both be in my thoughts.

10-14-2005, 11:49 AM
Why don't you guys just let this go????? She is trying her best!!! I AM TALKING TO HER ON MSN AND SHE IS CONSTANTLY TRYING TO MAKE ROXY HAPPY AND HELPING HER!!!!!!!!! You guys just need to Stop So you may not belive how roxy lives, so how come you guys are mad about this, you can make suggestion nicely. I would be hurt if someone said get rid of you dog, you don't care about her. Before tink came all i herad about is how much roxy meant to her. This is rediculus!!!!!

10-14-2005, 11:56 AM
Before tink came all i herad about is how much roxy meant to her. This is rediculus!!!!!

And now she has Tink, it seems poor Roxy is never mentioned.

I have not been posting in this thread so far, but I have been watching it closely. If you spent HALF the time with Roxy as you do on this website, I am sure she could be housetrained in no time.

It's Roxylovesme13's dog, and one one has a say except her and her mother. But when she posts on a public website, she should expect responses, even if she doesn't like what she hears.

10-14-2005, 12:02 PM
You can say that she loves Roxy all you want but I can never imagin leaving my dog outside. Its common sense. so many things could happen, and I believe that if you love something you do everything to make sure its not harmed and thats not what she is doing at all.

10-14-2005, 12:03 PM
And now she has Tink, it seems poor Roxy is never mentioned.

Yes, exactly what I was thinking

10-14-2005, 12:03 PM
I have not been posting in this thread so far, but I have been watching it closely. If you spent HALF the time with Roxy as you do on this website, I am sure she could be housetrained in no time.
Exactly, less time messing around on an online forum and more time with Roxy showing your Mum that you can look after her.

10-14-2005, 12:03 PM
:mad: gosh!!!!!!!!! why do you have to do that?? I still hear alot about roxy just not right now because tink is sick. you guys are wrong and mean. I don't know roxy but i know where she is coming from, let me tell all of you guys something, you might think i am young and i know nothing about dogs, but i train dogs and get paid for that, i know alot more then alot of people think. I am tired of people saying all this crap about roxy!!!! you don't know roxy.

10-14-2005, 12:07 PM
But you dont know her either :confused:. We are just going on what she is telling us.

10-14-2005, 12:16 PM
Before tink came all i herad about is how much roxy meant to her. This is rediculus!!!!!

I think you just said it yourself without realizing it.
And I think one of the reasons why you keep jumping to her defense is b/c you aren't that much older then she is..

This is PET TALK - if you don't like us discussing the welfare of someone's pet(s) (and trust me this isn't the first and won't be the last - there are a few other people here that I question their sincerity to their pets - heck if they even HAVE pets, also) then stop reading.

10-14-2005, 12:16 PM
Ok.. I have many things I WOULD LIKE TO SAY, but I'm not going to. All I have to say is Roxy and Tink are both happy, healthy, and treated humanely. You may not think so, but Do I care? No...Anyways, Dont You Dare Say I dont love them and Want the best for them. They are in the best conditions for each of them, and they like where they are. Roxy WOULD NOT be happy inside! I TELL YOU THIS 3000 TIMES! She is more happy outside, so that IS THE BEST FOR HER! To prove we love them...If I didnt love them...Would I have Cried all day yesterday and worried to death, and stayed up till 2am with Tink? NO! If I didnt Love Roxy, Would we have taken her to the vet and got her rabies shot early when cases of rabies started appearing? NO! I DO LOVE THEM! On the thing with me saying I could convince my mom...YES I convinced her to get Tink...So? Roxy is happy outside, and she doesnt want to be inside. I could probably train Roxy to be an inside dog, but if I did that she would not be half as happy as she is now.

10-14-2005, 12:18 PM
:mad: gosh!!!!!!!!! why do you have to do that?? I still hear alot about roxy just not right now because tink is sick. you guys are wrong and mean. I don't know roxy but i know where she is coming from, let me tell all of you guys something, you might think i am young and i know nothing about dogs, but i train dogs and get paid for that, i know alot more then alot of people think. I am tired of people saying all this crap about roxy!!!! you don't know roxy.

As I said before, when you post things on an internet forum, you can't expect everyone to be all nice and cheery and agree with everything you say. Why are you getting in such a twist?

This isn't about you, so calm down. :rolleyes:

10-14-2005, 12:22 PM
You can say that she loves Roxy all you want but I can never imagin leaving my dog outside. Its common sense. so many things could happen, and I believe that if you love something you do everything to make sure its not harmed and thats not what she is doing at all.

don't get me wrong here, i do not belive in leaving a dog outside, but i do belive briana is trying her best. yeah what i belive is bringing the dog inside at night and putting the dog back outside but thats not going to happen.

10-14-2005, 12:24 PM
Ok.. I have many things I WOULD LIKE TO SAY, but I'm not going to. All I have to say is Roxy and Tink are both happy, healthy, and treated humanely. You may not think so, but Do I care? No...Anyways, Dont You Dare Say I dont love them and Want the best for them. They are in the best conditions for each of them, and they like where they are. Roxy WOULD NOT be happy inside! I TELL YOU THIS 3000 TIMES! She is more happy outside, so that IS THE BEST FOR HER! To prove we love them...If I didnt love them...Would I have Cried all day yesterday and worried to death, and stayed up till 2am with Tink? NO! If I didnt Love Roxy, Would we have taken her to the vet and got her rabies shot early when cases of rabies started appearing? NO! I DO LOVE THEM! On the thing with me saying I could convince my mom...YES I convinced her to get Tink...So? Roxy is happy outside, and she doesnt want to be inside. I could probably train Roxy to be an inside dog, but if I did that she would not be half as happy as she is now.

Whats your definition of humane? Because I don't think it is humane to have a dog on a chain 24/7
She doesn't like being inside because she has always been outdoors. You can't like something that you don't know. How would you know she wouldn't be happy? She has never been inside!

10-14-2005, 12:25 PM
But you dont know her either :confused:. We are just going on what she is telling us.

Stop blaming us - we are just giving our opinions.
And I never thought of it but you are exactly right if she spent half as much time out with her chained up dog that never gets off leash as she does here. We wouldn't have this discussion.
Her excuse is she has a lot to do.... Well she was on fall break this week and I just went to her recent posts and I have 20 posts on each page and went back 9 pages since 10-8-05.
Know what - that =

180 in less then 7 days.

10-14-2005, 12:25 PM
but thats not going to happen.

And that is exactly why there is a problem.

10-14-2005, 12:25 PM
I think you just said it yourself without realizing it.
And I think one of the reasons why you keep jumping to her defense is b/c you aren't that much older then she is...
why do you have to bring my age into this? yeah i brought it up but you don't know me personally!!!!! Your judging me apon my age.

10-14-2005, 12:26 PM
Whats your definition of humane? Because I don't think it is humane to have a dog on a chain 24/7
She doesn't like being inside because she has always been outdoors. You can't like something that you don't know. How would you know she wouldn't be happy? She has never been inside!

Buddy Blaze Lover
10-14-2005, 12:28 PM
I haven't been replying to this thread, but I've been reading everything. I think we should just DROP the subject, and let Brianna and Roxy alone. After all, you guys have never even met them, and don't know the exact situation, so why bother? What do all of you accusing Brianna really know about her, her dogs, and her family? Let's just not judge, and keep to ourselves. :) ;)

*edit* I do agree that Brianna SHOULD be spending more time doing more useful things with Roxy, Tink and her family, friends, etc. then spending all her time here though.

10-14-2005, 12:29 PM
why do you have to bring my age into this? yeah i brought it up but you don't know me personally!!!!! Your judging me apon my age.

B/c I believe that is why you are sticking up for her. I am not doubting that you train dogs and are probably good at it but you also don't know everything. And you don't know Briana either - you just talk to her in chat??

10-14-2005, 12:32 PM
:mad: What part don't you understand Brianna! THIS IS NOT HUMANE. Your dog is living in a chain! It has like 5ft to go to the bathroom in, it has 5ft to walk around ! Many dogs on chains develop some major agression problems, and flatcoatluver, if u were indeed a trainer, you would know this.

Brianna, if I chained you in my backyard in a 5 ft steel chain would you be happy?

Buddy Blaze Lover
10-14-2005, 12:33 PM
:mad: What part don't you understand Brianna! THIS IS NOT HUMANE. Your dog is living in a chain! It has like 5ft to go to the bathroom in, it has 5ft to walk around ! Many dogs on chains develop some major agression problems, and flatcoatluver, if u were indeed a trainer, you would know this.

Brianna, if I chained you in my backyard in a 5 ft steel chain would you be happy?

Yeah, I agree with that too...chaining a dog is NOT right at all!!! Get a fence!!!:(

10-14-2005, 12:33 PM
yeah i know i don't know everything either do you, its a part of life. NO i am not sticking up for briana because she is my age. I am sticking up for her because i have talked to her on msn for along time, we have talked about roxy and the situation before this post even began!!! I told her staight out i didn't like roxy being outside and i told her why, we tried to come up with things and it didn't work out.

Anita Cholaine
10-14-2005, 12:34 PM
I haven't been replying to this thread, but I've been reading everything. I think we should just DROP the subject, and let Brianna and Roxy alone. After all, you guys have never even met them, and don't know the exact situation, so why bother? What do all of you accusing Brianna really know about her, her dogs, and her family? Let's just not judge, and keep to ourselves. :) ;)

*edit* I do agree that Brianna SHOULD be spending more time doing more useful things with Roxy, Tink and her family, friends, etc. than spending all her time here though.

I completely agree with you:)

10-14-2005, 12:36 PM
[QUOTE=Flatcoatluver]yeah i know i don't know everything either do you, its a part of life. NO i am not sticking up for briana because she is my age. I am sticking up for her because i have talked to her on msn for along time, we have talked about roxy and the situation before this post even began!!! I told her staight out i didn't like roxy being outside and i told her why, we tried to O

Of course i dont know everything, and i don't expect you to know EVERYTHING, however i do expect you to know a simple concept like that when your a trainer! I don't believe u train dogs...Sorry.

10-14-2005, 12:37 PM
I know it causes agression I know over 50 dogs that had got agressive on a chain! I told her this. she told me that roxy would never be agressive and then i stopped there!! I have a neighbor that has a beutiful choclate lab and is kept on a leash and is agressive!!!! My dad has gotten in a big fight with the owner about that!!! WE know that it is causes agression my baby eneded up in the vet over ngiht because the lab attacked, we finally turned the dog in after that.

10-14-2005, 12:38 PM
You All May Not Know Me, but I DO CARE ABOUT MY DOGS! I care about all my pets...They are getting the best for them! I know you people dont believe in keeping a dog chained all the time, but the possibility of her coming inside all the time or being loose all the time are out of the question! SHE DOES NOT LIKE INSIDE! SHE LIKES BEING OUTSIDE! CagneyDog she has more than 5 feet to use the bathroom in, and she has more than 10ft to run. She has almost always lived outside! SHE PROBABLY WILL FOR A WHILE! This is my dog, my life, and you people dont even know me like you said. I am a good person, and I care about my dogs. Look how Happy Roxy looks! THATS HOW SHE ALWAYS LOOKS!!!!

10-14-2005, 12:39 PM
thats fine with me that you don't belive i train. I don't care i know i train and thats all that matters to me, I was just saying so because of my age.

10-14-2005, 12:40 PM
I know it causes agression I know over 50 dogs that had got agressive on a chain! I told her this she told me that roxy would never be agressive and then i stopped there!! I have a neighbor that has a beutiful choclate lab and is kept on a leash and is agressive!!!! My dad has gotten in a big fight with the owner about that!!! WE know that it is causes agression my baby eneded up in the vet over ngiht because the lab attacked, we finally turned the dog in after that.

Well if you know all of the consequences keeping a dog on a chain causes you wouldn't be supporting Brianna.

Dogs are similiar to wolves, they like being part of the pack (in this case her family) and Roxy isn't so I can't imagin her happy.

Roxy isnt a prisoner, she deserves so much better!

10-14-2005, 12:41 PM
Yeah, I agree with that too...chaining a dog is NOT right at all!!! Get a fence!!!:(

10-14-2005, 12:41 PM
:rolleyes: I have no doubt that she is happy ot see you! She probably had no human interaction all day! No doubt shes happy to at least see someone.

10-14-2005, 12:43 PM
I do agree with you there, she does diserve better, but I do not agree with roxy going to a differnt home. I'm still holding you against that for saying she does diserve a differnt home. I'm afraid of roxy getting agressive. But theres nothing i can do, and i do belive later on roxy will end up inside living in her house

10-14-2005, 12:46 PM
Roxy has NEVER growled in her WHOLE life. SHE WOULDN'T HURT ANYBODY. You people dont know me or Roxy. You dont know the whole situation. Roxy may deserve better..But Better wouldnt make her happier. She is VERY happy outside, and I know tons of dogs that have it way worse than she does! Nobody wanted Roxy! Bet ya didnt know that! NOBODY CARED ABOUT HER! SHE WAS GOING TO DIE! But I DO CARE ABOUT HER AND TINK, TOO!

10-14-2005, 12:52 PM
:rolleyes: I have no doubt that she is happy ot see you! She probably had no human interaction all day! No doubt shes happy to at least see someone.

That is EXACTLY what I was thinking.

FCL I never said I do know everything. :rolleyes:
Sorry but I don't agree that just b/c she says Roxey won't get aggressive doesn't mean it will happen.
My neighbor has a dog that is in and out - One nite he got loose and came over to my house. He was acting half starved. He has never shown any aggression before I gave him a pile of Keegan's treats and b/c he was so hungry when Keeg sniffed him he attacked. Course It might have been simple food aggression. The only thing I could do was hit him with the treat container. (:() I had no choice. Keeg can stand up for herself but I didn't want both of them to get hurt. I had no spray bottle.

Briana- this is just a question. Would your landlord allow you to get a pen? One of those chain link ones? Not the ideal situation but would be better then being on that skinny little chain for the rest of her natural life.

10-14-2005, 12:54 PM
Roxy has NEVER growled in her WHOLE life. SHE WOULDN'T HURT ANYBODY. You people dont know me or Roxy. You dont know the whole situation. Roxy may deserve better..But Better wouldnt make her happier. She is VERY happy outside, and I know tons of dogs that have it way worse than she does! Nobody wanted Roxy! Bet ya didnt know that! NOBODY CARED ABOUT HER! SHE WAS GOING TO DIE! But I DO CARE ABOUT HER AND TINK, TOO!

Sorry but you don't know that. Most people whose children are mauled by their family dog thought the same thing.
Why don't you stop defending yourself here and go outside and play with Roxy.

10-14-2005, 12:56 PM

Stop blaming us - we are just giving our opinions.
And I never thought of it but you are exactly right if she spent half as much time out with her chained up dog that never gets off leash as she does here. We wouldn't have this discussion.
Her excuse is she has a lot to do.... Well she was on fall break this week and I just went to her recent posts and I have 20 posts on each page and went back 9 pages since 10-8-05.
Know what - that =

180 in less then 7 days.

And may I add that most of them are attention getting ones.

10-14-2005, 12:56 PM
That is EXACTLY what I was thinking.

FCL I never said I do know everything. :rolleyes:
Sorry but I don't agree that just b/c she says Roxey won't get aggressive doesn't mean it will happen.
My neighbor has a dog that is in and out - One nite he got loose and came over to my house. He was acting half starved. He has never shown any aggression before I gave him a pile of Keegan's treats and b/c he was so hungry when Keeg sniffed him he attacked. Course It might have been simple food aggression. The only thing I could do was hit him with the treat container. (:() I had no choice. Keeg can stand up for herself but I didn't want both of them to get hurt. I had no spray bottle.

Briana- this is just a question. Would your landlord allow you to get a pen? One of those chain link ones? Not the ideal situation but would be better then being on that skinny little chain for the rest of her natural life.
She had a pen at our old house, and we couldnt take it with her. Basically theres no room for one, and we probably couldnt get one anyways...

10-14-2005, 12:59 PM
And may I add that most of them are attention getting ones.
I'm not trying to get attention. I'm just trying to post about my pets and make friends.

10-14-2005, 01:01 PM
I'm not trying to get attention. I'm just trying to post about my pets and make friends.

I did not mean all your posts. I just mean MOST of the ones from this past week. :(

10-14-2005, 01:01 PM
I know & have known a lot of dogs that are/were chained that are not & never were aggressive. Sure they are exposed to more cirumstances that may make them aggressive but the chain itself does not make them aggresive. So cagneydog if you knew anything at all about dogs you should know this.
And stop making assumptions before you know the facts, you can een see in he past pictures that there is more than 5 feet of chain, and it's not even a steel chain.

You can see that Roxy is cared for pretty well. In every picture I see grass not all dirt & have never seen any piles of poop either.

Granted it's still not right to chain a dog all the time but hey better than a lot of other circumstances that she could be in.

I do also agree that she should be spending less time on the computer & more time exercising Roxy.

10-14-2005, 01:02 PM
She had a pen at our old house, and we couldnt take it with her. Basically theres no room for one, and we probably couldnt get one anyways...

Well if there is a no room for a pen outside then that is ur first clue that she shouldn't be out there because there isnt enough room.

Flatcoatlover are the same person as Brianna, or do u know eacother outside of pt??

10-14-2005, 01:02 PM
ya probally don't want to here what i have to say but to bad!!! I agree i am sorry briana but i am afraid of roxy getting agressive because it happens and it happens alot, plus you also can risk the change of roxy getting hung on the chain. I work at a shelter and everywhere in that shelter we have signs of aggresion from the chain. its like a horrible disease (sp?)

10-14-2005, 01:02 PM
Briana, you said that Roxy is allowed inside only when it is raining and really cold weather, correct? What about when it is blazing hot outiside???

10-14-2005, 01:04 PM
I know & have known a lot of dogs that are/were chained that are not & never were aggressive. Sure they are exposed to more cirumstances that may make them aggressive but the chain itself does not make them aggresive. So cagneydog if you knew anything at all about dogs you should know this.
And stop making assumptions before you know the facts, you can een see in he past pictures that there is more than 5 feet of chain, and it's not even a steel chain.

You can see that Roxy is cared for pretty well. In every picture I see grass not all dirt & have never seen any piles of poop either.

Granted it's still not right to chain a dog all the time but hey better than a lot of other circumstances that she could be in.

I do also agree that she should be spending less time on the computer & more time exercising Roxy.
Yah your right, I know nothing about dogs :rolleyes: even i do nothing, at least i know that what brianna is doing is not humane. YOU DONT KNOW THE FACTS EITHER. YOU ARE ALSO MAKING ASSUMPTIONS. I never said that all dogs on chains become agressive. :rolleyes:

10-14-2005, 01:04 PM
Flatcoatlover are the same person as Brianna, or do u know eacother outside of pt??
umm no i am not the same person as brianna we talk to each other on msn. we just have simalar names (BREANNE IS MY NAME)

10-14-2005, 01:12 PM
Briana, you said that Roxy is allowed inside only when it is raining and really cold weather, correct? What about when it is blazing hot outiside???
Yes, when its hot she gets plenty of fresh water throughout the day

10-14-2005, 01:29 PM
Yah your right, I know nothing about dogs :rolleyes: even i do nothing, at least i know that what brianna is doing is not humane. YOU DONT KNOW THE FACTS EITHER. YOU ARE ALSO MAKING ASSUMPTIONS. I never said that all dogs on chains become agressive. :rolleyes:

Actually your post did say that but it is edited now. :rolleyes:

And I was just being sarcatstic when I said that you must not know anything about dogs, because you said
and flatcoatluver, if u were indeed a trainer, you would know this. Not everyone knows everything. Even the best trainer might not know some things, just like an awesome dog owner like you or anyone else here may not know everything about dogs.

And I NEVER said I knew everything either.
__________________________________________________ ____

I'm done with this thread, I'm not even going to read any more replies, seriously. It's disgusting now.

It is going no where but upsetting more & more people that don't need to be this upset over something like this.
We already said what we thought & how we feel and we already offered advice. There is nothing more to be done here folks.

10-14-2005, 01:37 PM
Actually your post did say that but it is edited now.

And I was just being sarcatstic when I said that you must not know anything about dogs, because you said


I didn't edit it?

Anita Cholaine
10-14-2005, 02:45 PM
Right now, this is just enough. Please, stop fighting everybody, the only thing we're doing is to get more and more upset. There's nothing else to say here, so, like lv4dogs, I think I'll stop reading and posting in this thread. Maybe we all should do the same.