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10-11-2005, 09:59 AM
Well...Tink smells REALLY BAD! I know she can't help it, but whenever she goes in her carrier she comes back out stinky...She uses the bathroom in there which is a big NO NO and I'm trying to get her to stop, and I'm still working on her crate training. I can't stand putting her in there, because every time she comes back out stinky! I can't give her another bath, because shes had one every day since we had her...What do I do???

10-11-2005, 10:04 AM
Is the crate simply too big for her, so she feels there's room in there for "her" space and also a potty space? I know she's teeny, maybe after you completely clean the space (use special stuff you can get at any pet supply place - Nature's Miracle, or something like that) so that she cannot smell it any more, move the crate sides in if its adjustable, or just block half the space off. You don't need to give her a whole bath, but can just clean off her backside w soap and water ...

10-11-2005, 10:15 AM
The crate is like very tiny, just the right size for her....

10-11-2005, 10:25 AM
The crate only needs to big enough for her to stand, turn & lay down in. Therefore no longer than the length of her body. If needed put a box or something in there to block off the back part.

Even the smallest cat carrier is too big for her at her age & size. You'd need to block part of it off or use like a tiny hamster cage or something. lol

Remember their bodies are very small therefore their bladders are tiny. Smaller breeds need to be let out more often than bigger breeds.

Does she do #1 or #2 in the crate or both?
If she pees in the crate try limiting her water & take her water away about a half hour before putting her in the crate.
If she poops in her crate try feeding her a couple hours before she goes in her crate.
As always let her out right before you crate her. PRAISE when she potties outside. And make sure she goes potty then too. If she doesn't go potty bring her inside & about 2-7 minutes later bring her back out, repeat until she goes. Or you can try to feed & water her even a little earlier than I mentioned abouve.

Good luck!

10-11-2005, 11:05 AM
Remember their bodies are very small therefore their bladders are tiny. Smaller breeds need to be let out more often than bigger breeds.
I don't think thats true, all dogs urinate the same, relative to their body size. A chihuahua will not pee the same amount as a rotti, and should be able to hold it as long as any other size dog.

The first couple of weeks are always the hardest for potty training. Just be patient with her, and she will get it sooner or later.

10-11-2005, 11:10 AM
The crate only needs to big enough for her to stand, turn & lay down in. Therefore no longer than the length of her body. If needed put a box or something in there to block off the back part.

Even the smallest cat carrier is too big for her at her age & size. You'd need to block part of it off or use like a tiny hamster cage or something. lol

Remember their bodies are very small therefore their bladders are tiny. Smaller breeds need to be let out more often than bigger breeds.

Does she do #1 or #2 in the crate or both?
If she pees in the crate try limiting her water & take her water away about a half hour before putting her in the crate.
If she poops in her crate try feeding her a couple hours before she goes in her crate.
As always let her out right before you crate her. PRAISE when she potties outside. And make sure she goes potty then too. If she doesn't go potty bring her inside & about 2-7 minutes later bring her back out, repeat until she goes. Or you can try to feed & water her even a little earlier than I mentioned abouve.

Good luck!
Her cage is the smallest size they had at Petsmart, I think it's a little big, and i know its hard for her to hold her bladder, because she probably doesnt weigh a pound. Shes using puppy pads, because shes not allowed outside yet, because for one thing she isnt fully vaccinated. Thanks for all the advice!

10-11-2005, 11:21 AM
You have to remember she is LITTLE! It is just like assuming a 3-5 month old baby will be potty trained.
You haven't had her long enough for her to know that pottying in the crate is a big no no.
**How long are you leaving her in there?
**Are you taking her out before and after she eats and drinks and play sessions?
**If you are leaving her in there for extended amounts of time you can't NOT expect her to go in the crate. I am single and work for 8 1/2 hours at a time and when Keegan was a puppy and I would come home to let her out I expected her to go in there I kept a towel in there so I could easily wash it. I always had to make sure I had her right by the door or carried her out b/c she would squat as soon as she got out no matter where it was.

And actually Jackie - I think that goes against what all I have ever heard about small breeds. That their bladders are smaller altho of course their bladders are the right size relative to their body size but they have to be let out more frequently then bigger breeds. That is what I have always heard anyway. I kind of had to keep that in mind when looking for a dog as I am single and didn't have anyone to let it out of its crate when I was at work.

patience patience patience..... and at least she is small enough you can easily bathe her everyday.

10-11-2005, 11:28 AM
You have to remember she is LITTLE! It is just like assuming a 3-5 month old baby will be potty trained.
You haven't had her long enough for her to know that pottying in the crate is a big no no.
**How long are you leaving her in there?
**Are you taking her out before and after she eats and drinks and play sessions?
**If you are leaving her in there for extended amounts of time you can't NOT expect her to go in the crate. I am single and work for 8 1/2 hours at a time and when Keegan was a puppy and I would come home to let her out I expected her to go in there I kept a towel in there so I could easily wash it. I always had to make sure I had her right by the door or carried her out b/c she would squat as soon as she got out no matter where it was.

And actually Jackie - I think that goes against what all I have ever heard about small breeds. That their bladders are smaller altho of course their bladders are the right size relative to their body size but they have to be let out more frequently then bigger breeds. That is what I have always heard anyway. I kind of had to keep that in mind when looking for a dog as I am single and didn't have anyone to let it out of its crate when I was at work.

patience patience patience..... and at least she is small enough you can easily bathe her everyday.
most of the day she isnt even in the crate. she's only in there when we go somewhere we cant take her, and soon she's going to be in there while my mom is at work for 12 hours :( so pottytraining her is not going to be easy...

10-11-2005, 11:55 AM
most of the day she isnt even in the crate. she's only in there when we go somewhere we cant take her, and soon she's going to be in there while my mom is at work for 12 hours :( so pottytraining her is not going to be easy...

12 hours :eek: :eek: :eek:
Oh my I wouldn't even expect an adult large breed to hold it that long. This is something that should of been thought out before getting a new addition, especially a puppy, especially a small breed.

10-11-2005, 11:57 AM
12 hours :eek: :eek: :eek:
Oh my I wouldn't even expect an adult large breed to hold it that long. This is something that should of been thought out before getting a new addition, especially a puppy, especially a small breed.
I know...maybe somehow I can take her to my grandpas with me or my mom can take her to work...Somehow I'll get her to go potty in that time...

10-11-2005, 12:29 PM
If she's from a puppy mill she is most likely used to going potty in a cage. My sister got a westie pup from a pet store (puppy mill) and he was extremely difficult to house train. I could have him outside for hours and he would not go, the second I put him in his crate he'd go in there. I had to take a box (enclosed like a crate) with the bottom cut out and put him out on the grass like that, it was the only way I could get him to go potty outside at all.

I hope you can figure something out with crate training.....12 hours is WAY too long to expect ANY dog to stay in a confined space like that, especially a young puppy.

10-11-2005, 12:40 PM
Please be patient, she's just a puppy and you can't rush her into everything at once. + you just got her. Just give her time. :)

10-11-2005, 12:55 PM
And actually Jackie - I think that goes against what all I have ever heard about small breeds. That their bladders are smaller altho of course their bladders are the right size relative to their body size but they have to be let out more frequently then bigger breeds.

I guess you learn something new everyday. :)

10-11-2005, 02:54 PM
Jack my lab/beagle boy would potty in his crate, most of the time just pee but sometimes poo. He did this from the time I got him (3 months) until about 5-6 months old. He was only in the crate maybe 4-5 hours a day but it didn't matter, even if I took him outside before I put him in there. I had to give him a bath daily. We think he was from a kennelled situation but he eventually learned to hold it in the crate but still hasn't learned to poo in the grass, he does it on the cement. Not to get off subject...she is too young and too small to expect her to hold it for an extended period of time, it will take a lot of patience and work....

10-11-2005, 04:54 PM
:eek: 12 hours in a crate! :eek:

10-11-2005, 05:03 PM
12 hours is WAY too long to expect ANY dog to stay in a confined space like that, especially a young puppy.

I agree 100%!

10-11-2005, 06:54 PM
If she must be confined for 12 hours at a time (where will you be for 12 hours? :confused: ) you may try getting one of those wire pens for dogs and set it up in the kitchen, laundry room, etc, that way she will have more room to move aorund. You could put some puppy pee pads that she could use to potty on.

10-11-2005, 09:27 PM
If no one can be home for 12 hours, you should consider getting a puppy pen instead of a crate and using puppy pads. 12 hours is way too long even for an adult dog, especially one that size. You may also want to consider litter training her since she's a small dog.

Ginger's Mom
10-11-2005, 09:41 PM
Amy and Grybai are absolutely right. I had a very hard time housebreaking Ginger, because she was left alone for 9 1/2 hours a day. Someone suggested that rather than leaving her in a crate, I gate her in a room (I used the kitchen) and put down puppy pads. It definitely made a difference, she was housebroken a few weeks later. Now it may not be that quick for Tink because she is still very young. (I tried a puppy pen, but she kept climbing out and meeting me at the door, so I had to get a gate that had slats that only went up and down, not across.)

10-11-2005, 09:52 PM
Thats along time for a such a young pup to hold it. maybe 2 or 3 horus... but 12? :eek:

i cant even hold it that long. LOL

10-12-2005, 12:08 AM
this just keeps getting better and better
My adult dog has had to wait for upwards of 12+ hours before and I totally understand if she has an accident while waiting for me.
I agree - where are YOU going to be for 12 hours and why can't she go with you?
This should have been taken into consideration when you got such a tiny dog. It isn't going to be like Roxey - isn't she outside? There is no potty training to that. You may just have to block her off in a tiled area with puppy pads or a litter box. How would you like to be stuck in a small cage (and I say this b/c you emphasized that it was her size) for 12 hours. Trust me I know the guilt of putting a dog in there. I worked 12 hour shifts myself when I had my greyhound and to this day I can't honestly say if her having to hold it this long may have attributed to her seizures and ultimate death.
I really am not 'mad' at you but your mom should have really thought this thru.


And actually Jackie - I think that goes against what all I have ever heard about small breeds. That their bladders are smaller altho of course their bladders are the right size relative to their body size but they have to be let out more frequently then bigger breeds.

I guess you learn something new everyday.
I am not really sure WHO learned something but ok..... b/c I still stand by what I have read in several magazines and books. ;) :)


10-12-2005, 06:57 AM
I really am not 'mad' at you but your mom should have really thought this thru.

I agree.

Besides the fact that the dog is being left for so long, I'm 'mad' that they get a dog while their poor previous dog is to be stuck outside with no inside access, because it doesn't get along with the CAT - which the both of them can be easily seperated, I know because i've done it! I just couldn't imagine leaving a dog outside and having one inside who gets to feel the comfort of controlled weather.

10-12-2005, 08:49 AM
We solved the Tink problem, she was kept in a whole room with puppy pee pads all night. She liked it too. She had plenty of room. She couldn't go with me, because I go to my grandpas, and he wouldnt let her come. It's not my fault Roxy has to stay outside and Tink stays inside...MANY dogs around here are in this same situation. They stay outside all the time, and other dogs get to stay inside. Roxy has always always always lived outside, and if it rains or storms really hard, or snows, or gets very cold she IS allowed inside.

10-12-2005, 09:12 AM
Autumn had a crate just big enough for her as a puppy and I had to give her a bath each time she was in the crate for more than an hour. She was so scared of it she'd pee. I think it was also because she was a puppy mill dog and she spent her first 14 weeks going to the bathromm right in her cage. We got her potty trained quickly so we didn't have to deal with it for long. Is there not one tiny spot of grass outside you'd be willing to carry her to for potty training? I know many people are worried about taking there dogs outside before vaccinations but I recommend just finding one little spot and setting her down to go then taking her back inside.

10-12-2005, 09:17 AM
Tink has not been outside at all. Like the reason you said not all shots yet. We cant find a collar small enough for her either, so she is being housetrained with puppy pee pads. Tink pees in the crate due to the puppy mill fact, too, and she is learning that puppy pads are what she pees on...so she uses them...