View Full Version : Urgent -- vomiting, bloody diahhrea

10-10-2005, 10:46 PM
My friend's chihuahua, Bella, has been vomiting constantly and having bloody diahhrea. She took her to the vet last week who wasn't quite sure but thought that it was salmonella poisoning from a pig's ear. She gave her some medicine and herbal liquid for Bella's tummy and a shot to rehydrate her. But now Bella is sick again. Constant vomiting, which is now just bile because she refuses to eat or drink, and bloody diahhrea. Bella is going straight back to the vet in the morning, but until then, can anyone help us determine what is wrong with her?

She's 3/4 chi, 1/4 pomeranian, one year and 3 months old. She's never been sick before. She has been on a prepared RAW diet her entire life but for the past month has been eating Innova EVO as well. She goes to the grooming parlor everyday, so she is always in the vicinity of other dogs, but none of our dogs that are there every day have become sick, and no customers have reported sick dogs, nor have we seen any of them sick. She has never been to a regular conventional vet, only the Holistic vet, so she's only been vaccinated for parvo and distemper, and that was when she was a puppy.

Can anyone help?

10-11-2005, 12:22 AM
I forgot to mention that thevet also took some X-rays and they were normal.

10-11-2005, 01:09 AM
Those can be symptoms of parvo...

It can also be symptoms of food allergies. If you've had your dog on RAW all its life and just switch it to dog food it might really mess it up internally.

But I think your vet really needs to look at it, do blood work, etc. Try to think of anything you've done differently, and tell your vet.

If you're not sure of your vets ability to diagnose, please seek out a second opinion. Not every vet is wonderful.

10-11-2005, 09:36 AM
It definatly isn't parvo -- not only is it extremely rare here, but Bella has been vaccianted for it. Parvo vomit also has a very distinct smell that only parvo puke has -- this does not smell anything like it. The vet would have picked up on that right away.

I don't think it's the dog food either. She's been eating the kibble for about a month now, while still eating RAW. It's EVO, so it doesn't have any grains and is high protien, low-carb, therefore mimicking a RAW diet. Bella was fine on it before, I don't see why it would do this all of a sudden.

I agree that the vet should do some bloodwork and fecal tests. She only did X-rays before because my friend couldn't afford to pay for the rest of the tests. That's why she could only come up with that one diagnosis, and the vet still thinks that is what it is. It makes sense since the RAW and pigs ear were fed close together, and from what I hear, pigs ears can be hard to digest. I don't think my friend will go to a different vet though. This is the only holistic vet in town, and she's the best. Every other vet in town will just blame it on the raw food and try and pawn off some Science Diet on her.

Thanks for the advice, I'll give an update when I hear how Bella is doing this morning.

10-11-2005, 10:25 AM
I wonder if it isn't the holistic medication causing this? If I remember someone posted here that some herbs are very dangerous for an animal. I think it was Tea oil? Too much of that can cause a bad reaction.
I am not against holistic medications or treatments. However, how did this person get their training and license to be a vet using holistic medicines? That is my concern. I often treat my dogs with vitamins or other natural supplements myself. However, I know that certain supplements can cause serious or deadly consequences if used in the wrong combination.
For example: Humans can't drink grapefruit juice and take high blood pressure medications. Parrots or other birds can't eat mangos. Dog's can't eat chocolate...etc... Common things that when combined or taken can cause serious conditions or reactions. My dog is allergic to yeast. I found out after giving him Brewer's yeast for flea prevention. May have caused his stroke. :(
If you want to heal the animal in the "natural" way, then I suggest letting the dog eat some grass to settle it's stomach. Grasses are good for animals to eat. Just make sure it hasn't been exposed to chemicals. The dog's natural instincts will lead it to the right grasses to eat. I wouldn't pick it and add it to the food. Let the dog do it themselves.
My best guess is the dog wants McDonald's! ;) or atleast a one bad snack! :cool:

10-11-2005, 10:42 AM
It could be a lot of things. From a illness, disease, allergy etc..

I suggest a full blood panel and fecal sample.
And if the dog is not eating or drinking it probably needs some sub Q fluids. Vomiting & diarrhea cause dehydration, add that to a dog who is not drinking and a small breed equals danger.

I wish her the best of luck! Keep us updated when you can.

10-11-2005, 08:53 PM
Bella doesn't have herbs in her regular diet -- she is only on an herbal remedy now that she is sick, and it had been helping -- it's nothing bad for her, it's just to help settle her tummy. This vet took a course that taught holistic medicine for animals, so she definatly knows what kind of herbs to use. :) You can see her website here: http://www.pawsitivevet.com/

Bella went back to the vet today and they still don't know what is wrong with her. They took a fecal sample and did some bloodwork and rehydrated her. I'm not sure when the results are going to come back. They said that Bella really does not look good. They gave her some pills and she is on a fast for 2 days. I will update tomorrow. Thanks again for your advice and prayers everyone.

10-12-2005, 10:04 AM
A 2 day fast for a dog that is already not eating and having diarrhea & vomiting spells? Wow I am sorry to say but that doesn't look good.

If she's doing that bad I wonder why the vet didn't keep her overnight or for a few days?
You should of had results from the fecal sample within 10 minutes, possibly 15-20 if they had to do a smear under the microscope too.

Blood work results should take a few mintues too if they have the proper equipment in their office, which they should for a CBC or other popular blood work. IF they are testing the blood for something more rare (which the cbc should be done first anyways) it should take a day or 2 tops.

If she's dehydrated, vomiting, diarrhea & not drinking she should be on an iv or at least get sub q'ed a few times a day.

My goodness you've got tons & tons of good thoughts coming your way!!!
keep us updated as much as possible. Good luck & happy healings!

Edited to add, the good thoughts will be sent your friend. For a minute there I forgot & thought that Bella was your dog.

10-12-2005, 08:15 PM
Thanks for the advice, I just assumed that since my friend didn't tell me the results that they wouldn't come back until today or something. I still haven't asked what the results were though. I think the fast makes sense -- the vet just said that Bella's system needs a rest until tomorrow. Its been way out of whack and needs time to "repair" itself.

But Bella is doing so much better -- those pills help incredibly. She hasn't vomited or had any diahrrea, and she isn't just laying around. She was barking up a storm today when she heard her brother, Duke, barking. But she is still confined to her crate to rest, no matter how much she wants to run around the shop with the other dogs! ;) My friend said that Bella wasn't sleeping at all before, but she is sleeping very well now.

I'll talk to my friend tomorrow and ask her if there was an official diagnosis.

10-13-2005, 10:19 AM
I'm glad to hear she's doing better!!!! Continued thoughts are still going out!

A one day fast makes sense, but a 2 day fast especially for such a small dog
that's not eating & drinking anyways would worry me.

10-13-2005, 11:25 AM
A 2 day fast for a dog that is already not eating and having diarrhea & vomiting spells? Wow I am sorry to say but that doesn't look good.

I think it must be to clear out whatever may be irritating her stomach. I know if humans are having stomach problems, it is a good idea to fast for 2 days, so your stomach becomes completely empty (except for water).

10-14-2005, 01:03 AM
Bella is doing SO much better. :D She still wouldn't eat her food today, but she's been out and about. This morning when I got to work she ran over to me and did her little happy freak-out, so that's good! She is is sleeping well and going on walks. I forgot to ask what the results of the tests were, sorry. Looks like things are looking up though. :) I'll keep updating.

10-14-2005, 09:26 AM
Wow thats great news! Continued get well thoughts to her!

10-14-2005, 02:45 PM
Any news on what it was/is???

10-14-2005, 06:47 PM
I asked my friend what the test results were -- she said that they would call her with the test results if something was wrong, and they never did call. Kind of strange, since they took the samples on a day when Bella was still really sick. Bella is so much better though. She has lost tons of weight, but she's back to her normal happy self. :)

10-20-2005, 11:54 AM
I was just at the vet several times in the past week with my lab, Sashia for the exact same thing..I went into a panic mode when I saw the blood in her stool and of course was afraid she might becoming dehydrated with the vomiting..While I was there my vet mentioned that he has a chihuahua and that she has diahhrea with blood at least 6 times a year and that it was common in that breed of dog, the chihuahua..He said every time it happens he has to put his dog on anti-allergic canned dog food and it usually clears it up in time..He said dogs often even after years of using the same food become intolerant of certain foods..So now I have my lab on a different food to see if that helps..Please keep us updated on your dog's condition..We had x-rays taken , bllod panels done, everything you can think of and NOTHING showed up!..It turns out to be her food..The first 2 days we put her on the allergy canned food and then switched her back to a dry food for sensitive stomachs..He also told me with his dog that he usually gives his dog 2 tablespoons of yogurt before feeding her..Hope that helps..Jill

10-21-2005, 09:35 AM
Thank you, that helps alot. :) I bet that could be the case with Bella. I will definatly tell my friend about this.