View Full Version : In Loving Memory of my Mom, Joanne...

10-10-2005, 09:22 PM
It's been 32 years ago today that my Mom passed away from cancer at the age of 44.


You were my compadre, best friend and most of all the best Mom in the whole wide world. I miss you so very much. I can't believe it's been 32 years and the ache in my heart is still there. :(:(

Give Dad hugs and kisses for me. Tell him to quit teasing Tigger (the cat) and I'll see you when it's time.

Love you always and forever,


10-10-2005, 09:23 PM

10-10-2005, 09:27 PM
That must have been hard losing your mom at an early age, I was 39 and it was still really hard. I am glad you have so many good memories of her, my mom had a great sense of humor and when I hear a good joke I still almost pick up the phone to call her and it has been 6 years.

10-10-2005, 10:49 PM

It has to be so hard to relive this day each year. :( I'm sure she was wonderful, just like you are.

Love ya,

Laura's Babies
10-10-2005, 11:04 PM
God knew what he was doing when he made Mothers. Mine died in 99 at the age of 81, next month is her birthday and I never think about her without smiling. My Mom was not you ordinary Stay at home Mom, that baked cookies and waxed floors. She worked all her life and raise hell the whole way and enjoyed every minute of it. When she found out she had cancer, her response was "Well, I am ready to go, I have had a GOOD life!"

Someone here has in their siggy about living life hard and going to the grave, slidding in, in a wore out body?? Know that one I'm talking about?.. Sounds just like my Mom's attitude about life.

10-11-2005, 12:51 AM
Donna, I feel your pain. My mom just passed on June 18th, 11 days after my back surgery. It kills me that she'll never (on earth) see me well and virtually pain free one day (I hope). She also was my best bud. I home cared her for a year. I miss the days of shopping and going out for lunch and yakking away. I feel so empty and alone. I can't imagine the feeling ever going away. In my family, we never went to bed without a hug, kiss and I love you. I inscripted "Wind Beneath Our Wings" on her stone. I'm sending you lots of hugs.

10-11-2005, 01:17 AM

I was thinking of you a few days ago ........ (((hugs))).

Laura's Babies - I think that siggy belongs to Slick ...:D

10-11-2005, 12:00 PM

Someone here has in their siggy about living life hard and going to the grave, slidding in, in a wore out body?? Know that one I'm talking about?.. Sounds just like my Mom's attitude about life

That's in my siggy and it is SO true. Your mom and mine sounded like they could've been related.

When my Mom found out she had cancer, she and my Dad made "final" arrangements, if you know what I mean. We were all sitting around talking about it, and my Mom says excitedly, "Yeah, it's in a great spot too! Right near the road. So if you want to stop by and visit, cool! If not, just drive by and throw the flowers out the window!" I think that's where my daughter got her spunk when she was diagnosed with brain cancer. The will to live is amazing.

I've never forgotten that and laugh everytime I think about it. I wish I had a car while I'm here in CT interviewing to go visit. But that'll come soon enough when I get here permanently on October 29th.


I'm so sorry about your Mom. They say pain heals with time, but there is always that empty, lonely feeling where your heart is. At least I know that's with me. My mom never saw me get married, never knew her only granddaughter, never saw her grandson grow up to be the wonderful man he is. But I know she was with me every step of the way and still is. When I made a DVD of my Dad, "Wind Beneath My Wings" was played. It reminds me of my him. We never went to bed without a hug and kiss. Cuz you just never know. I tell ALL my friends and family how much I love them. I never got the chance with my Mom OR my Dad. I regret it, but I know they knew I loved them.


Thanks. It means alot to me. ((((((((HUGS))))))))) ;)


THAT's why I was so sad last night when I PM'd you. And, to add a little more pain, my Dad would've turned 78 years old tomorrow, Oct. 12th. :(

Oh well, life DOES go on!!

10-11-2005, 12:53 PM
I am so sorry for your pain. I am lucky enough to still have my mom and can't even bear the thought of losing her one day.

10-11-2005, 01:22 PM
Donna, that was a loving, heartfelt tribute to your mom. I know she's looking down on you and saying what a beautiful daughter you grew up to be. I know this is a rough day for you today especially with your father's birthday tommorrow. I'll be going through the same thing on November 9th, which will be the fifth anniversary of my dad's passing. I just wish my arms were long enough to give you plenty of {{{{HUGS}}}} Donna, I'll be thinking of you.

10-11-2005, 03:38 PM
Donna just sending you a ton of Hugs, nice gentle ones and love to let you know that I am thinking of you at this difficult time, and understanding that you are sad, we are all here for you to offer you comfort and support , Hugs sweetie.