View Full Version : stupid neighbor- PART 2!!!

10-10-2005, 08:41 PM
so if you missed my original thread its here: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=89549
basically some lady yelled at me for letting brock pee on some grass in front of the apt building she lives in, and them accused me of not picking up my dogs' poop- WHICH I ALWAYS DO.

so I emailed a law enforcement person at the seattle animal shelter shortly after, and I got this reply:

Hi Margaret,
I'm sorry for the delay in my response. I'm not clear from your
description whether the area would be considered public property or not.
You mention an apartment so it may be property that belongs to the
owner of the apartment building. At any rate, the Seattle Municiple
Code does require you to pick up feces after your dog before you leave
the area, but does not address urination one way or the other. I don't
know if this answers your question or not. If you'd like to see the
ordinances that relate to animals in the city please visit our website
at www.seattleanimalshelter.com and follow the links to the ordiance
information. Please feel free to contact me if you have any other
questions or concerns.

so that woman basically had no right to scream at me about it. well a week or so ago, I saw my maintenence guy out here, and I saw her and her husband talking to him!! I *knew* she was talking to him about me. I happened to be out walking brock and unfortunately had to walk past them to get back to my apt, and as I passed them they didnt say anything until I was like 5 feet away when she *literally* screams, "THERE SHE IS, RIGHT THERE!!! SHE HAS 2 OF THEM!" I didnt turn, slow, stop or anything, no one called to me to stop and talk, or come to my door later, or call me about it. so I assume/HOPE my maintenence guy just told her theres nothing he can do and/or Im not doing anything wrong!

well, since then Ive passed her on the street a couple times, never saying anything, then TODAY, I get home from work and find A PILE OF DOG POOP ON MY DOOR MAT!!! it is clearly *NOT* from any of my dogs- WAY too small first of all, and secondly brock has really bad diarreah (liquid) right now. AND I always pick up after them anyway, so theres no way it could be theirs! and! since she yelled at me I havent let them poop on that grass. I am SO MAD. I tossed it out into the street. I shouldve thrown it onto her windshield with a nasty note saying that ITS NOT MINE. but! unlike her, Im not INSANE, and I dont blame things on people unless I *know* they did it!! (even though I dont know anyone else who would have done that!!!!)

I was so mad I called the police, but they said in order to file a report I need her name. so, if she pulls anything else Im going to call my landlord and/or hers and figure it out. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. she had no right to do that!!! what a psychopath!!

10-10-2005, 08:57 PM
OMG...I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I just don't know what to say. I don't have any advice for you. I keep thinking what I would do if that was happening to me. I know I would be so upset and mad!! I hope there are no more incidents like this. Did you tell your landlord about it? I would make sure they know what happened also. I think I would have to have a good talk with the nasty neighbor too. I wish you all the best and hope nothing more happens.

Give your furbabies a big hug from me!

10-10-2005, 09:42 PM
What a nut! i can't believe she is making such a big deal out of nothing!

Some people :rolleyes:

Daisy and Delilah
10-10-2005, 10:31 PM
She does sound like a real whacko!! What a life she has huh? Or is it a lack of a life all together? She's pitiful! It's going to be really hard but I would just avoid direct contact with her and let the police handle it when you get her name. She's so crazy she's going to bring harm to herself eventually. Good luck getting her in trouble. I don't envy you cause I would have already taken care of her. She needs to go home and mind her own business. Her poor husband must be ready to kill her. :mad: :mad: :mad:

10-10-2005, 10:52 PM
Just go to her landlord & talk to him/her. I also don't understand why the police just didn't go to the landlord themselves.

10-10-2005, 10:54 PM
Oh Margaret, I can't even imagine how mad you were. The nerve of some people :rolleyes: I don't even know what I would have done.
I'm glad to hear your not insane like her, I might have been :o

10-11-2005, 12:04 AM
Geez.....sorry you've had to deal with an idiot like that! How frustrating! It's unfortunate but true...many people simply think of dogs as a nuisance. :rolleyes: I hope you don't have any more incidences with her!

10-11-2005, 05:57 AM
:rolleyes: What a absoloot bitch.

pretty sad.. you have to call the police over dog crap.
and she must have no life.... she picked up a pound of dog crap.

i dont even do that on my own land.. and i know some of it is my dogs! LOL

10-11-2005, 08:43 AM
My mums gone through the same thing as you with a man in our old area, he used to rush out when he saw my mum pass his house because there was a public alleyway where my dog without fail always went.. :rolleyes: anyway my mum is one of these people who would go home to get a bag if she ever ran out because she doesnt agree with leaving it so shes always got about 6 extra bags with her.

This man accused my mum of not picking up after my dog and she was mental over it saying you cant pick up a dogs pee! he said he was going to report her over the dog mess down that alley way even though he actually saw my mum picking it up while he was standing over her.

Some people just have too much spare time and just talk down to them and make them realise how stupid they are being just whatever you do dont stoop down to their level its exactly what they want, just rise above their childness and eventually they get bored with it ;)

finn's mom
10-11-2005, 08:50 AM
It's a sad world where people resort to that.

10-11-2005, 09:32 AM
I know all about stupid neighbors!!
The only way my neighbors and I speak to each other is by screaming over my fence or when the police have been called. I am SICK OF STUPID NEIGHBORS!!!
I feel for you!
The putting the poop on your doormat would have been the last straw for me. I would track her down and talk to her face to face. Ask her for her phone number and everytime you go outside with your dogs call her and let her know she can follow you or watch you to prove to her that you pick up your dogs poo. I know you shouldn't have to do that, but when you're dealing with people that are that stupid you have to hold their hand through it all so that they understand!! :p
Best of Luck to you!!

10-11-2005, 09:45 AM
Hahah, thats a great one Angie. Call or knock on her door EVERYTIME you take your dogs out, have her follow you even in the wee hours. lol lol Let her see where your dogs go & how your pick it up.

10-11-2005, 10:54 AM
Get her name and file a report. DON'T LET HER GET AWAY WITH IT. Everything she does, screaming, putting crap on your doorstep, is harassment. I know it seems like nothing, but it could escalate, and its always better if you have these things documented from the beginning. When you see her, ignore her, if she starts screaming walk away. Confronting her will probably not solve anything and she will just become more irate.

I have a similar CRAZY neighbor. I never went to the police because my boyfriend told her if she ever approaches me, I will report her, and luckly she backed off after that.

I am sorry you have to deal with someone like that. :(

10-11-2005, 11:23 AM
:eek: I'm just noticing this thread but I live in daily fear that what's happening to you will happen to me. I live in a townhouse community and I don't have a yard, although there is a communal parklike area and back. I've been letting Payson go potty in back directly in front of my property and I'm just waiting for someone to say something. I'd take him out front but he's a little scared of cars and there's certain times of day when the traffic is too busy; also, going right outside my patio is just soo much more convenient. The only rules I've seen is not to allow pets in the pool area, but I don't see anyone else take their dog out anymore so I'm nervous. Still, a lot of people in the neighborhood have outdoor cats and I've found their poop in the planters on my patio and feel like Payson is less obtrusive since I'm extremely careful to pick up after him and he only pees in front of my place. Still... I'm also scared that he'll one day get blamed for the cat poop. Sigh... :(

So anyway, your experiences are making me even more paranoid. I'm hoping if I was breaking some rules or bother someone I would have already gotten a notice by now;they sent me a notice within a week when I was temporarily storing a ladder in my carport space (only recycling box and neat wood pile allowed :o ).

I also CAN'T believe that she would be so belligerant about this! Definetly try to get her name! :eek:

10-11-2005, 11:40 AM
My Gosh its DOG PEE! Chill you insane neighbor! lol