View Full Version : New Arrival plus Betta/Horse Pics

10-10-2005, 05:17 PM
Well, I finally gave into myself and got a new buddy...

Full Throttle the red ear slider!

These are my bettas, and my horse. I have yet to get pics of the mutts up yet. :o

Elvis. He's so awesome, even though he's a pain in my butt to get to eat.

And this is Tequila Sunrise. He's in the process of finding a new home. (If anyone in the Tampa Bay area wants him, let me know!)

And my paint mare, Molly. I've had her for a year now, she's 16yrs and a rescue case. We do fun shows (barrels and pole bending and such).

The dogs are coming soon, I promise.

10-10-2005, 05:55 PM
:)They're all adorable! Molly is GORGEOUS, I'm sooo jealous. hehe

Just curious, why do you have to give away Tequila Sunrise? He's a very pretty little guy, and Bettas really aren't high maintenance. They just need a 1 gallon tank (you can get complete 1gals with a lighted hood, filter, etc, at Wal*Mart for $10! they're called Aquaviews) and a weekly water change, and plenty of good food that is very inexpensive.

10-10-2005, 06:15 PM
Tequila was kind of an impulse buy, because he was so pretty...and I really don't have the room to keep everybody, especially with the new turtle (Two bettas, a turtle, and a tank for feeder fish in a small dorm room :p ) He does have a tank, he was just in his little carrier while I was cleaning it out. He'll stay here until I find someone that genuinely wants one, and that will care for him.

10-10-2005, 06:15 PM
awww what beutiful guys you have!