View Full Version : Kind of Urgent -- Diarrhea + Blood

10-09-2005, 06:19 PM
So we were gone for about six hours today, the longest I'd ever left the dogs alone by themselves. Charlie has N-E-V-E-R had an accident in the house before.

Last night we fed him AND Jamie 1/2 cup of cooked white rice with their kibble. It's not out of the norm; we give them cooked rice with their kibble about once a week, every now and then. Charlie has been on a rice formula (lamb meal & rice) his entire life, so I know his body was OK with rice. Oh and like I said I've fed him rice before and he has handled it OK in the past.

I come home today, and there is diarrhea everywhere. All over the floor, on blankets, in the kitchen. I put him outside and he walked around like he had to poo for like fifteen minutes straight, but nothing came out. I'd assumed it had something to do with the rice I gave him the night before.

When I went outside to check on him, he had blood all over his butt. I rinsed him off with the hose (as he had some poo in his fur as well) and went back inside to scrub at the carpets with boiling water. I walk back outside again and there is MORE blood on his butt!! So I rinsed it off, AGAIN. I check him frequently and see no more blood.

But I was just wondering if this is a bigger problem, or if he was just bleeding because of "explosive diarrhea"?? And if the rice was the culprit of this??? Because as I've said, he's been on a rice formula his entire life and has had no problems with it, and I've fed him cooked rice before in the past and he has had no problems. I can't think of anything else I gave him in the last day or so that could have made him do this (no table scraps, etc).

Jamie is just fine, no diarrhea, firm stools, no upset stomach, etc.

10-09-2005, 06:32 PM
Same thing happened to my guys last week...they took turns with diarrhea, the vet said that it could be the bug that has been going around latley.

I would keep a close eye on him, and if you think it's necessary...give your vet a call, just to make sure it isn't anything out of the ordinary.

10-09-2005, 06:39 PM
Should I keep an eye out to make sure he does not become dehydrated? Should I be feeding him just his kibble or giving him something else to help him out?? And do you think the bleeding is from "explosive diarrhea" or if its from a bigger problem??

Sorry so many questions but I'm just worried as I'm about to leave again. I'm going to put him in the bathroom with the linoleum (easier to clean up if he does have an accident). I feel bad as my bathroom isn't too big, but I can't leave him outside on a tieout while I'm gone, I WON'T leave him on a tie-out.

10-09-2005, 06:46 PM
I would say keep him away from from food and water, for a few hours, to let his stomach settle...it could just be that he got into something outside, and it didn't agree with him. From what you say, it sounds like "explosive diarrhea" but if it is still the same tomorrow, you should probably call the vet. Most of the time dogs get diarrhea from an upset stomach and are fine in a day...but others it last a little longer, and can get worse if you don't take action.

10-09-2005, 07:08 PM
This could be a case of "food poisoning". The symptoms are often runny bloody diarhea. Could the food sat out too long? Rice shouldn't have caused the food poisoning unless something got accidently put into the rice. It is a grain and usually just goes through the system.
Let them eat some grass and give some pepto bismal. I'd withold food for a few hours longer than normal. Let whatever is in their system to get completely out. Then monitor their food. Maybe see if there was a possibility of contamination. Simonela poisoning could be at fault if it is a food source. Ring worm is another culprit to watch out for as well.
I would also take a look around and make sure they didn't get into any chocolate. If you have kids or candy sitting around this is a good possibility. :rolleyes:

10-09-2005, 09:43 PM
Just keep on eye on him. It is possibly colitis-he might have gotten stressed with the length of time you were gone, and in return got stress diarrhea (I worked at a boarding kennel-saw it all the time :rolleyes: ) and blood would come with that too. However if after a day or two he's still having bad diarrhea, or especially has blood, or if he vomits blood, please call your vet. I would say if the only symptom was the diarrhea he should be okay.

You could give him electrolytes if you're concerned about him being dehydrated. Liquid form is usually works pretty well. Good luck!

10-09-2005, 10:19 PM
Thanks so much guys, you've made me feel a lot better about the situation.

He has not had it again since I left the second time. As I said I put him in the bathroom while I was gone and he was fine.

Oh and I don't know if some of you misunderstood but he didn't have bloody diarrhea, but rather, AFTER he would poo, blood would come out and just be on his bum and I'd rinse it off. While cleaning up the diarrhea from inside the house, I saw no blood inside.

I gave him some water and a little food (he ran off earlier while I was trying to rinse some poo off of his face and he broke out of his collar and ran off and I had to bribe him back with food and jealousy [he gets very jealous when I give Jamie attention and not him]) so I kind of broke that advice :(

Otherwise he's been fine, no more diarrhea. If he still has it tomorrow I will definitely call the vet.

thank you so much :)

10-09-2005, 11:51 PM
Casey had this problem once from meds, she was vomitiing also. Its good he isn't vomiting. The vet had me give her ice cubes to lick, I would hold it in my hand and let her lick it so she didn't get dehydrated. I called in sick to work for 2 days with that, scared me to death. And actually I put her on a boiled chicken and rice diet for the duration of her illness and it helped her get better.

10-10-2005, 09:48 AM
I know you said he's been fine since but here's my advice anyways.

Since there was no blood in the feces I'd say it was the diarrhea that maybe split his rectum a little.
I'd give him as much water as he wants. If he's not drinking much you should offer him some getorade or pedalyte, if you don't have that then just dilute some chicken/beef broth or bullion cubes in his water to entice him to drink more.

I'd probably remove his food for a day, then slowly introduce it to him again. feeding slightly less than he usually gets for a day or 2. If you want you can feed 3-4 small meals instead of 2 big meals. After a couple days of him being back his normal self I'd begin his regualr feedings again.

Hope things are still ok with him.

10-10-2005, 07:07 PM
Poor Charlie :( I hope he feels better SOON!

I'm just curious, is your bathroom dog-proofed? Could he have gotten into something that could make him sick ~ cleaners, soap, shampoo, garbage, etc? It's strange that he could become sick so suddenly, hopefully its just a fluke thing.

10-10-2005, 07:17 PM
Poor Charlie :( I hope he feels better SOON!

I'm just curious, is your bathroom dog-proofed? Could he have gotten into something that could make him sick ~ cleaners, soap, shampoo, garbage, etc? It's strange that he could become sick so suddenly, hopefully its just a fluke thing.

Actually we have no floor cabinets in the bathroom, the only thing on a dog's level (even if he hops up on the toilet seat) is the bathroom rug and possibly some toilet paper.

Though sometimes we'll drop soap in the shower and not notice or forget to pick it back up and he HAS eaten that before in the past, but it has NEVER upset hit stomach (and I know when he does it too, because he'll walk out of the bathroom and keep licking his lips and rub his face on the ground LOL). Otherwise, no, nothing that I can THINK of. :(

Thanks for all the advice and help though, everyone!!