View Full Version : NZ IDOL coming close to the final....

10-09-2005, 05:10 PM
I know that none of you can view our NZ IDOL, not even Aussie, but I am just so excited about the top three contenders I just wanted to post about them, they are so darn good, I really am finding it hard to pick the winner, however I am going with Rosita, she is awesome,she did the most wonderful version of my fav eagles song I can't tell you why last night, honestly it send shivers all over my body, it was brilliant. Steve is a 19 year old hottie, the blonde boy, and boy can he sing, and Nik is just as gorgeous and just as good, this has been the best show ever with fantastic singers, all three deserve to win.

I always vote in the last two shows, tonight the final two will be picked, before the big finale, so here is a pic of our three idols., so what do ya all think of them.????, Rosita is a lovely larger polynesian woman, she is our soul diva, and she has a great personality, I am sold on her really, but the other boys are so nice and can sing too, Nik can sing almost anything, and Steve has a neat voice, he would do well as a lead singer in a band I think, but also does well solo.