View Full Version : How much does going to a movie cost where you live?

10-09-2005, 01:15 PM
Just curious. I've heard of places that charge $10+ dollars and I'm happy it hasn't gotten to that yet here!

Theaters here charge about $6-$7.50. Matinees are around $4-$5. The dollar theaters are $1.50 but the two closest each have a cheap night, one charges $.50 and the other $.75. I love 50 cent movie night. :D It's a pretty nice theater too for that price.

Renting a new release movie is about $4. There's that McDonald's redbox thing for $1 but I haven't tried it yet, Blockbuster/Hollywood video is closer. :o

10-09-2005, 01:17 PM
On weekends..it's 10 bucks...any other day it's 7-7.50 I think

finn's mom
10-09-2005, 01:19 PM
it's about the same here as where you are. i'm in columbia, south carolina...i do try to go to a matinee, though, and, those are about $5.50. or sometimes they'll let me in as a student (same price as matinee)...even though i never went to college and i'm 29. sometimes it's a good thing looking like i'm not even old enough to legally drink. :rolleyes: Snacks are crazy, though, that's where they make all their profits. It's insane. But, one of the theaters I go to, just started doing free refills, so, that'll help a lot!

10-09-2005, 01:25 PM
I think it's $11 for a movie here, $5.50 for a matinee. I rarely go to the movies at night unless it's for something really good that I have to see the day it comes out on a midnight showing. Like lord of the rings, star wars or harry potter. I go to the drive in a lot, two movies for $5.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-09-2005, 01:52 PM
Going to see a movie is 9 dollars; renting a movie is 4.2 dollars.

10-09-2005, 02:26 PM
It's $7.50 here. I think there is one night during the week where tickets are like $4.50, but it's like a Tuesday night so we never go then.

10-09-2005, 02:48 PM
I think going to the movie is about 5 euros, which works out to about 7 or 8 USD, not too bad if you ask me! I love going to the cinema and hunkering down with a big box of popcorn! :D

10-09-2005, 03:03 PM
For the nice theatres (where you can see the screen no matter how tall the person in front of you is :p), it's $10.95 (all the time). A couple of the independant ones are about $5-7.

10-09-2005, 03:04 PM
Here a matinee is usually $5-$5.50 and normally $6-$7 bucks.

Renting a movie is around $3 dollars.

10-10-2005, 11:15 AM
It is about $9 australian to go anytime here. Renting movies anything from $1 - $7.

10-10-2005, 11:56 AM
We never go. Really. I don't sit still well, so it has to be a pretty big deal for us to go! :o I think it is $7 or $8, but I'm not even sure.


10-10-2005, 12:07 PM
I think it is 7.95 here for adults, children it is $5 and seniors it is $5.50. To rent a movie it is anywhere from $2-$5.

10-10-2005, 12:19 PM
over here we hae weekdays before 6p.m. at $28 pesos that would be like 2.70 dlls aprox. and after six at 40 so 3.80 dls and weekends we have this VIPīs at 60 so 5.70 or something.

10-10-2005, 12:21 PM
Back home in Smiths Falls from mon-thur it was $2.00cdn for everyone. Fri-sun it was $6.50cdn for adult & $4.75cdn for child & senior.

In the city its $10.00cdn for adults everyday :rolleyes:

10-10-2005, 01:13 PM
I remember the days when it was $5... so long ago... :eek: :rolleyes:

The Celebration Cinema in Lansing charges:

$5.50 for a matinee
$8 for evening shows
$6 for child/senior/student
and $12 for Imax.

The AMC close to Andy charges:

$7 for a matinee
$9 for evening shows
and $12 for Imax

I believe $7 is the student/senior discount.

When I took Andy to see Corpse Bride and I was told $14 for a matinee, I about crapped my pants.

Movie prices are why we rarely go to the show anymore. In a few years time, people will have to take out a second mortgage just to enjoy a night out. O_o

10-13-2005, 11:53 AM
Wow, I didn't know it was different across the country! It's 9.75 here, but you can get passes at various places for 6. They aren't supposed to let you in with passes the first two weeks of a release, but most places do anyway.

10-13-2005, 03:02 PM
It's $11.00 everynight at cineplex odion
Matinees run at $7.00
And at Silvercities it's $13.95 a night
Matinees run at $9.00

But we rarely go there we go to the cheap theaters which is $3.50