View Full Version : Does anybody like the theater?

10-09-2005, 12:11 PM
We went to see "Little Women" last night. Just curious if anyone else enjoys the theater, its not really my thing but my sister has awesome orchestra seats and she took me and my daughters. I actually enjoyed myself last night but my teen daughters were in agony. It makes me wonder if the next generation will keep the theater in business or not??

10-09-2005, 12:15 PM
I love live theatre, the ballet and opera as I danced not-really-professionally many years ago, love the stage and admire (and remember) the time and work it takes to put on a stage production.

finn's mom
10-09-2005, 12:37 PM
i love the theater. i don't think it's so much the next generation not being interested when they're older...just that a lot of teens aren't interested, regardless of the generation they're from. ;) i've always liked it, though, even though i've not had the opportunity to go as often as i would have liked. i've seen the phantom of the opera, that was wonderful! and, i've seen small, local interpretations of different stories. i like things like that, though...opera, musicals, plays, etc. i'd love to see little women.

10-09-2005, 12:42 PM
I love the theater. Maybe it's because I'm a classical musician. Alexa also enjoys going to see musicals, there are a few this year that we really want to see. I think we are also going to try to make it to the opera this year, it's been a few years since I've gone.