View Full Version : Communicating with cats telepathically: Is it possible?

10-09-2005, 05:56 AM
The German cat magazine Our Cats recently published some articles about communication with cats (or animals in general); and mentions the possibility of a non-verbal, almost telepathic conversation. The idea is that animals think in "pictures", and that we can train ourselves to receive these "visual" messages. The articles says that it's working the other way around also, that our pets receive our images as well, and that's the way the communitcation works. They say that this method requires an unconditional, deep love for our pets, and that we respect their little souls.

What do you think about this? Do you think this could work?

The articles mentioned a book by Amelia Kinkade (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000AXRTZG/qid=1128854654/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-3122242-9207113?v=glance&s=books&n=507846), and since this subject got me curious, I ordered it today, maybe it's worth a try. Found out that there are even more books about animal communication available. Anyone here who has read one of these books?


10-09-2005, 06:06 AM
I believe it is possible if a person and animal are really in tune with each other. I don't believe it would work for everyone. Maybe there would be something special you would need to possess, somekind of spirtuality (for lack of a better word) ;)

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-09-2005, 06:13 AM
I totally believe it's possible. I had a reading done last year with Ally and Connor, and the lady told me things that there is NO WAY she could have known without having some kind of communication with my cats. She also taught me some techniques to communicate better with Ally, and it does seem to help calm her down, and cut back on her jealous and violent beheviour!

10-09-2005, 10:05 AM
It works with The Found Cats.
All I have to do,is to think,the word Treats,and JJJ3,Scrappy 2,Moose,Michael,john hancock,and The Princess,are there waiting,for either the Whiskas Temptations,Aquari Yums,or Greenies!
TREATS.JJJ3 is rising!

Laura's Babies
10-09-2005, 10:30 AM
Call me crazy if you want... But I had the most wonderful solid black kitty, Sambo, so long ago and we DID communicate. He dissapeared one time and I was totally lost without him but somehow (don't ask me how) I knew he was alright and was trying to find his way home. I don't know how far away he was but I could hear him calling out to me in a sound sleep or awake and I would go to the door and call him! I KNEW he was coming home! It took him 3 weeks to get back to me, skinny and battered, but he made it home. SOMEONE carried him off... I never knew WHO, but he communicated that he had been carried off to me.

I was married at the time and my husband thought I was crazy getting out of the bed off and on all night going to the door calling a cat but I always felt and still feel, that he heard me calling him and my voice is what helped him find his way home. I KNEW he was alright and was trying to get home! I just KNEW IT!

So, YES, I believe in being able to communicate with them. He and I did it all the time.

just me
10-09-2005, 11:15 AM
My Muffin who is 17 1/2 seems to know what im thinking.
Maybe its out of routine, or maybe she is that intune with me.
Not really sure but I think shes pretty darn smart ;)

10-09-2005, 12:09 PM
I have had that "tuned in" relationship with a cat as well as with people where seemingly my thoughts have been responded to. Cats are very emotional beasts and can read our moods and body language - and they respond to those cues. Is this response telepathic? Or are they just good observers and more motivated to understand us when they love us? They know so much about us and trust us so much. I'm just not sure how they know.

10-09-2005, 12:58 PM
I really do believe that you can communicate with any animal.

When my Lucky was going through his Chylothorax problems, and then later when we found out he was in early stages of Renial Failure, I actually talked to him and explained to him what was happening and what we were going to do about treating him. Naturally my husband though I was nuts, but when it was time for his sub Q's, I looked at him and told him it was time, and we both walked into the bathroom togther, he got up on the sink (I put something there to make it a table top) and then I proceeded to give it to him, and he seemed to understand the entire time.

Even now, he sleeps with me every night - I still listen to his breathing (old habits die hard :rolleyes: ) and he knows when I'm sick.

The other 2 cats seem to know what is going on, but I think Lucky & I have a very strong bond.

10-09-2005, 02:48 PM
Thanks for your replies and opinions. Really interesting experiences that many of you made!

I think the most "tuned-in"-relationship I had with a cat was with my RB Katz, even though we did not really "communicate". But I always felt her soul was very close to mine.
