View Full Version : Pakistan, India, Kashmir Quake

10-08-2005, 10:31 PM
Popcornbird, I know you have (or had at one time, maybe they've moved) relatives in Pakistan, are they all in London now? Where ever they are, I hope they are safe. Both countries, their peoples, you, your family and everyone who knows and loves anyone in that area are all in our prayers tonight. I hope that this horrific tragedy can bring Pakistan and India together and see that they are all kindred human being who are suffering, and everyone can cooperate in bringing peace to Kashmir as the days go on. The death toll keep mounting, and the aftershocks and rains are not helping.

Peace and prayers that survivers are found and recovered quickly, and that no more building collapse, and oh, God of us all, watch over that corner of earth.

10-08-2005, 11:01 PM
From CNN:

The death toll in Pakistan from the earthquake has climbed to more than 18,000, a spokesman for Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf announced. CNN has not confirmed that figure. Pakistan is bearing the brunt of the 7.6 quake, which was centered 60 miles north-northeast of Islamabad. India, the disputed territory of Kashmir, and Afghanistan also suffered. Aftershocks continue to rattle the south Asian region.

10-09-2005, 02:01 AM
I sent her a pm this morning, she was the first thing I thought of. I pray none of her friends or relatives are hurt.

smokey the elder
10-09-2005, 07:28 AM
What a terrible disaster! Many prayers for the thousands of people affected, and that the rest of the world will put aside its differences and help in the rescue and recovery efforts.

Laura's Babies
10-09-2005, 10:59 AM
Praying for the safety of all her friends and family. She has to be worried to death! I hope she finds out they are all alright.

10-09-2005, 12:49 PM
Gosh, the reported death toll keeps rising, I know the US is sending help, but I don't much else. So horribly sad, so much devastation as well as loss of life ...

10-09-2005, 01:22 PM
Karen, thanks for your concern. My dad's side of the family is in London/Canada/US...so none of them are there, but my mom's entire family is in Pakistan. Most of my aunts and uncles live in Karachi...which is the port city, down south. That area wasn't affected at all (thank God). I do have an aunt who lives near Lahore, and we weren't able to contact her until late last night. The phone lines just weren't working. We were able to call her and get a connection by 12am here. She and her family totally felt it. They are horrified, but fine, thank GOD!!! My aunt said they all ran out, and they looked at their house while it swayed side to side, thinking it would fall any second. Thank God it didn't. Their area is fine...it affected mostly Islamabad and the northern areas. I have friends in Islamabad and have no idea how they are doing. We have been unable to contact them so far. I have no idea how our distant relatives are...parents' cousins/second cousins...and I have no idea how my parents old school friends are. I also wonder if any of our friends here have lost relatives. We have so many friends with relatives in Lahore, Islamabad, and up north. Just have to pray for everyone's safety. It is so scary. The natural disasters keep increasing and increasing worldwide. Thank God my immediate family is okay though. The aunt near Lahore is shaken up, and says her heart beat feels abnormal ever since...:(...but they're okay...and my cousins and their children there are also okay. So tragic. How will a poor country like that even rebuild??? The death toll according to MSNBC is 30,000 so far...and they haven't even been able to access the remote areas yet. It is HUGE...what a tragedy.

10-09-2005, 01:23 PM
I was shocked when I logged on to the internet this morning to find that over 20,000 people have lost their lives. The list of aftershocks is frightening too.

Lately it seems as though our world is suffering one disaster after another.

Prayers are offered for the souls that have lost their lives - and all of their loved ones who are suffering so much right now.

10-09-2005, 01:26 PM
My heart just breaks for everyone effected by this earthquake.
All I can do is pray and I am praying as hard as I can. :(