View Full Version : Book of the Month: October's "structure"

finn's mom
10-08-2005, 05:14 PM
Please choose which way you think the book club should be structured this month. The problem is that for several people, getting the book may take a week or so. This won't be a problem next month because we will have the November book chosen no later than the 25th of October. We WILL start November, though, with the structure recommended by several people. That is to divide the book like this...read chapters 1-6 during week one...discuss...read chapters 7-12 during week two...discuss...and, so on and so forth. Please bear with me as I get the structure of this book club together and running smoothly and fairly. I'm new to this as you all may have noticed. ;) I wasn't expecting this kind of interest AT ALL, and, wasn't prepared for setting it up this quickly. I'm thrilled to no end that we've all just jumped into it, as I'm enjoying the book already. But, there will be a few bumps at first. Let me know if y'all are ok with us tweaking the rules a bit just for this month. Please give a bit of an explanation either way, as this will help a lot in the decision, if I have to explain it to anyone. :) If you'd rather not say publicly, just send me a private message! Thanks!

finn's mom
10-08-2005, 05:39 PM
All right, now, voters...let me know your thoughts on this, too, if you can...as it will help a lot! :) PM me if you want! I am not voting on this, just to let you know...I'm open for either way.

finn's mom
10-08-2005, 05:51 PM
So, maybe what's happening is it's people not participating in the book club that are voting? I don't know, that's the only thing I can think of...just one little bit of info as to why you feel like we shouldn't be lenient at all this month? :D :p

10-08-2005, 05:53 PM
I think that we should do it chapter by chapter, otherwise I will read it all really fast and not remember. Lol... It doesn't matter, but chapter by chapter would be better so I have somewhat of a schedule to follow.

finn's mom
10-08-2005, 05:58 PM
I think that we should do it chapter by chapter, otherwise I will read it all really fast and not remember. Lol... It doesn't matter, but chapter by chapter would be better so I have somewhat of a schedule to follow.

Thank you for letting me know why you voted that way, it makes a big difference. :) That makes sense, too! Hey, will you let me know what your real name is...I'm horrible with names, but, I'm compiling a list to help myself out.

finn's mom
10-08-2005, 06:01 PM
And, I put on the poll to close it in seven days, but, I think I'll just pay go with the vote total in the morning...hope that is fair. I just don't want to wait too long, in case it ends up being that we need to divide the book up weekly...

10-08-2005, 06:04 PM
Ooh. I'm Megan, sorry, lol. Good luck!

finn's mom
10-08-2005, 06:06 PM
Ooh. I'm Megan, sorry, lol. Good luck!

Geez, I did have that already. :rolleyes: :p Thanks, though, for humoring me. ;) And, thanks for the good luck, I'll need it, at the level I'm functioning at lately...I think I'm going to go read for awhile! :D Wow, that sounds awesome!!!

10-08-2005, 06:16 PM
I think it should be divided up into weeks. It paces people, I'm already 3/4 through the book and in a month Im not going to remember every detail and in what chapter it happened in! It gives us more oppurtunity for discussion too. What if someone is away at the end of the month? They miss out completely, and if it we had a discussion ever week they would be able to get to read a few of them. What about December when the discussion would fall on Christmas? or in the spring, when schools have spring break at the end of march and people go away?

It just makes more sense to me to do it every week or every couple weeks.

finn's mom
10-08-2005, 06:27 PM
What about December when the discussion would fall on Christmas? or in the spring, when schools have spring break at the end of march and people go away?

I totally see your point, but, when it comes right down to it, nothing will prevent us from following a set schedule, after October. We'll have the schedule set up, and, participation may stink on some days. Some people will miss out on some discussions, that's just the way things like this go. My whole thing wasn't people's schedules, it was ONLY because of the fact that we missed out on two weeks already. That's all. But, it is looking like it's going to be a weekly discussion anyway. My suggestion to you, if you're worried about forgetting stuff, is to keep notes online or on paper. ;) That could help with remembering things you want to discuss. :)

10-08-2005, 06:36 PM
Voted! And Kari, here's a great link re: how to set up and direct a "book club." Lots of great suggestions about how to direct the discussions!


10-08-2005, 07:13 PM
I voted to read it weekly, and my name is Kim! :)

10-09-2005, 12:17 AM
I voted read it all then discuss at the end. We all live in different time zones and may be too busy to "meet" after sections.

I tend to read books as my time allows and I read quickly. I wouldn't want to stop...then if I accidently wrote something that spoils it for others, I'd feel terrible.

But, I know whatever way would work out...I guess the end is just my preference.


10-09-2005, 07:18 AM
I posted to read the whole book first only becuase I oredered my from the internet and I don't know how fast it will get here! I read books really quick, so I am not worried about getting through it when it comes, just worried I'll miss all the discussion on the fist half the book!

finn's mom
10-09-2005, 09:12 AM
I know how y'all feel about reading the book too quickly, it's been hard for me to put the book down, but, as someone mentioned before to me, it's a good exercise in discipline. ;) I've had to pick up another book to read, now, though, because my heart's back into the groove of reading again, already! From the poll, and, the responses I've gotten, I think we'll do it by breaking it into chapters and discussing weekly. And, if you're not able to make one of the weekly discussions (which doesn't have to necessarily be a live chat, we're working on an actual chat room for that), there will always be the last week of the month that the entire book will inevitably be discussed. I mean, it'll be hard to just discuss the last five chapters, and, not talk about the overall feeling. I mean, I'm sure there will be times where I miss the discussion, too. I'm trying to figure out how exactly to do the threads in Pet Talk, too...maybe whoever's online first on the first allowed discussion day could start a thread...or we could just start discussing it in the members and rules thread...I still need to figure if we want one thread for everything, or the main thread, and, then a monthly book thread...there are still several kinks that need to be worked out, so suggestions are welcome!

finn's mom
10-09-2005, 09:40 AM
The voting for this poll will probably be closing tonight at midnight. We need to make a decision based on the poll quickly, so, that if we are going to divide the book into chapters, we can. It's looking that way, from the poll, and, we should go ahead and figure that that is the way it is going to be this month. It's already decided that it will be that way for the rest of the months. October was the only one in question. Hope everyone understands!

10-09-2005, 10:38 AM
Did you see this Kari? It's a great link to a book club website and gives lots of great suggestions on how to structure it:)


finn's mom
10-09-2005, 10:55 AM
Did you see this Kari? It's a great link to a book club website and gives lots of great suggestions on how to structure it:)


Yeah, I've been reading it! :) Thank you!

Edit: as far as I can see, the site will mostly help with the discussions of the books once we get to that point, like questions to ask and such. It's cool!

10-09-2005, 11:38 AM
That's what I was thinking Kari...big help in the discussion part, questions to ask:D You're doing a great job! Hugs to Finn!:)

finn's mom
10-09-2005, 11:42 AM
That's what I was thinking Kari...big help in the discussion part, questions to ask:D You're doing a great job! Hugs to Finn!:)

Thanks, Sandra! :) For the hugs, the kudos and the help, it all means a lot!