View Full Version : Most exciting update on Eddie!!

Laura's Babies
10-08-2005, 10:48 AM
First, let me thank those of you who sent cards for the card shower we had for Eddie and Regina. They were shocked when the mail came and they had gotten so many cards and a gift from "Mama's Pet Talk" friends. Eddie would ask "Do I know this person?" and Regina would answer "That is a Pet Talker freind of your Mom's"... He'd cut his eyes at me and grin. She is into handing him his cards and letting him open them himself now to make him use those hands... GOOD physical therapy!

Todays update on our web sigh reduced me to tears. I am SO excited that I HAD to share it with you.. Read what she wrote;

"It's been a day of firsts for Eddie. He did his morning loop and a half without a break, even a standing break, that's awesome. To give you an idea of the length of this walk I'll try to map it out for you. Rooms are in pods. Each pod contains six patient rooms and there are 7 pods on the sixth floor outlining the sixth level of the Kaufman building with the center back section containing a bank of elevators and a couple of hallways that branch back to the River Pavillion Building.The center of the Kaufman Building floor contains store rooms., the central nurses station, and the like so to circle around the outer hallway of the whole patient area of the K bldg is quite a hike. I've guestimated it to be, round trip, 344 feet from the entrance of pod 5 (Eddies pod) all of the way back to his pod without covering any ground twice. He did that 1 1/2 times this morning without a break. This evening I brought him over here to my room so he could web surf for a couple of hours. I brought him in the wheel chair, he made the entire return trip on foot. That's quite a hike, I wasn't sure he'd be able to do it but he was able to make the two elevator rides standing rest stops. I have no idea how long a walk that is but it's quite an accomplishment. I can't wait to see how his Mama responds to this, she knows what a hike it is. Keep those prayers going - we see the results! Thanks for checking in and please keep Eddie and his Angels in your prayers. ~ Regina


How did I respond? I sat here and cried from sheer JOY! That is a HUDGE hospital and that walk he made was from one far end to the other, an amazing feat, simply amazing! I knew he would be able to do it one day but never expected it THIS soon! I know his doctors have to be standing there with their mouths dropped and scratching their heads wondering what in the world is motivating this guy, who 6 months ago was all but burned to a crisp!
Regina is what motivates him, she pushes and pushes... to get him to be, all he can be. This is THEIR future she is helping to rebuild so she is pushing like a drill sargent! (I have told her and everybody else that if I am ever down and unable to speak or be in charge of MY life, I want HER to be in charge! She can accomplish amazing things!)

10-08-2005, 10:52 AM
I'm glad he's doing so well! I somehow missed the card thing, though, or I would have sent one. If you think he would enjoy a hand made one, pm me with info.

10-08-2005, 01:56 PM
Wonderful, wonderful news! Regina sounds like a wonderful woman. We could all use someone like her in our lives.

10-08-2005, 02:41 PM
What an amazing story to read, I don't know all the details, as I seemed to have missed these threads, but is Eddie your son, I remember you telling me about the explosion which burnt him badly when I posted pics of my niece's foot.

I am so happy to hear that Eddie has made such marvellous progress and that he has such an inspiring woman Regina to help him through all this, this must be a really tough time for you all, but to read your story is simply wonderful, HUGS to everyone, and I hope all continues as good and Eddie continues to make such progress, thinking of you all and wishing only the best for all of you..

10-08-2005, 02:52 PM
That's such great news!! :) I am so glad he's doing well!!

Laura's Babies
10-08-2005, 03:07 PM
Yes Carole, Eddie is my son, he is 43 years old. By all rights, people do not survive the degree of burns that he had. So many nurses have told us that, but he has amazed them all from the very beginning. Regina said that when he goes out walking, the nurses stop and cheer him on because they know he should not be here. Sentera Norfolk General and their burn unite has done miracles with him as has all the prayers from all over the world. To physically describe the extent of his burns, he was burned, front and back from his knees up to (and including) his neck. The explosion blew him into a brick wall about 2 feet behind him and that allowed the fire to encase him, front and back. Had that wall not been there, he would not have been burned so badly. It melted the screwdriver he had in his hand and the blackberry (communications device) he had on his hip. Safety glasses saved his eyes.

How is you foot anyway? I know it is taking a whole lot of specialized care so how is it doing?

10-08-2005, 03:16 PM
Oh Laura, I'm so happy for you (and Eddie & Regina)! This is wonderful news and I'm so happy he's getting stronger and has this amazing will. Go Eddie!! :)

Great news! Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

Love, Kelly

10-08-2005, 03:51 PM
How wonderful!!!


10-08-2005, 04:00 PM
Oh my gosh Eddie truely is a miracle isn't he?just reading the story brought me to tears, your son is a real survivor, i can only imagine what you and he have been through, it was my niece who had the burnt foot, and she is doing very well so far thanks,her experience has been bad enough,but what your son has had to endure is beyond comprehension.

He is amazing, you must be so proud, I just wish you all the very best and as a mother myself I know you have been to hell and back watching him through this ordeal, HUGE HUGS to everyone.

10-08-2005, 05:12 PM
All the love and prayers being sent his way must be paying off! Such wonderful news!!

10-08-2005, 05:43 PM
:D :D WONDERFUL!!!! GO EDDIE GO!!! :D :D And Regina sounds like a terrific motivator for Eddie. :) ;)

10-08-2005, 07:47 PM
I'm so glad to hear this news. Your family has been so blessed this year your nephew ,son and your homes from the hurricanes.

10-08-2005, 10:12 PM
This is just marvelous, Laura. :) :) So happy for Eddie, Regina and you.

Hope every single day makes things better and better.


Laura's Babies
10-08-2005, 10:28 PM
Corinna, my sister in Florida has been having some bad health issues lately and her doctor asked her if she has been under any stress... She asked him "Where would you like me to start?". It blew him away when she rattled off this years events for our family.
Brandons story,
Eddies story,
Brother in law in a bad wreck on a trip and not expected to live.. he did make it though but almost lost him several times.
Hussicane Katrina and not knowing about our brother in Gretna for days and worry about all of us here and how we would make out during the storm.

and those were just the highlights of the year, there was other things that happened in her family with her husband, kids and grandkids that she didn't even mention.

We have just been SO blessed this year that everyone has survived everything! Normally, things are so ho-hum with this family that it would bore a person to death. This year, we have caught it!

10-08-2005, 11:11 PM
That is such fantastic news, Laura. I hope he only gets better from here.

10-08-2005, 11:24 PM
I'll bet the doc was impressed ! Isnn't it amazing what we can deal with and still stay sane and up beat ? My hubbys docs and co-workers just can't beleive things that happen to us and how we deal with it all. Just got to stay laughing or you would cry and never stop. I am so glad to hear things are going well for Eddie , I lost the link to the family web site . Could you post it or pm me . Also how is Brandon doing? My mom lives in Washington and has been wondering after I told her and she send a card and prayers. She had seen the accedent in the news there.

Laura's Babies
10-11-2005, 09:04 PM
To Eddies page


Brandon has started driving again and going to collage now. He still has a foot that bothers him but he is able to get around with no crutchers, canes or anything.

I deleted Brandons page since it hasn't been used in ages and a few days later, I got e-mail from his MOTHER, they are back online. DRATS! She herself has decided to further her education and go into the medical field in some way.... I think she and Brandon are doing great in spite of his horriable accident in the spring.