View Full Version : Ally and Kissy at the vet!!

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-08-2005, 05:19 AM
Just a short uppiedate re my two black and white Furkids....

Kissy is one of the cats who live in my garden (having been left behind when a previous resident moved back to the UK a few years ago). Kissy USED to be very fluffy,and at one stage we even wondered if "she" was pregnant (of course we now know "she" is actually a neutered male :rolleyes: ). Over the past few weeks he has been getting really thin, and developing scabs under his fur. On Thursday I took him to the vet. Turns out old Kissy is AT LEAST 12 years old :eek: . He only has two stubby little teeth left, so although he has been eating, he is not chewing his food properly, so is not getting enough nutrition from it. We have switched him to soft food (which he really enjoys), and the vet says we need to monitor him for a while and see if his condition improves. I am expecting that by the start of next summer (when the temperatures get too high) we will probably have to "help him" to the Bridge, but as long as he still has good quality of life I am trying to avoid this! :(


Ally and Connor had ANOTHER fight a few days ago, and Ally got an absess on her leg again, so this morning off we went to Dr Jaffer again!! He cleaned her up, and has thankfully given her a long-acting antibiotic, as she is becoming impossible to pill!

Connor says "What do you mean it's YOUR chair - I don't see your name on it??!!"

10-08-2005, 06:06 AM
Thank you for caring for Kissy. His "owners" might have dumped him (how sad) but he knows what love is. I hope the soft food will help him to regain some of his vigor.

And poor Ally. You kitties must stop fighting!!! There is a LOT of room for you to just avoid each other if you wanted to . ;)

10-08-2005, 06:49 AM
Poor Kissy - I bet he'll plump up now that he'll be eating a luxury diet of wet food. I crtainly hope you won't need to take action next summer. :(

Ally - will you stop being so grumpy and starting fights with your brother? It only ends up that YOU get sick! ;) Glad to hear you're still a feisty little girl! :D

10-08-2005, 09:34 AM
:( Poor Kissy. Thank you for taking care of him when his "owners" left him behind.

My kitties fight but never to the point of abscesses! Nawtee Ally! LOL

10-08-2005, 09:42 AM
I'm glad to hear you're taking such good care of Kissy, I hope he will put on a bit of weight, now that he's getting wet food. :)

Oh no, not another fight! :( I can just imagine how difficult it is to pill Ally. :eek: Hopefully the antibiotics will work.

What Connor has to put up with! Not to mention you! ;)

10-08-2005, 09:55 AM
The Wet Food,that my Cat really enjoy,is The Science Diet Turkey,and f you call Customer Service at 1 800 445 5777,I bet that you will get some Customer Assurance Coupons,to help with the cost.
Just tell them about Kissy,and I am sure that they will help you!!!

We are praying for Kissy.
Bless you,for helping him,find a good Home.
If you PM us,we will send Kissy,a Big Mouse.

From Pouncer,and Mr Scrappy Angel.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-10-2005, 09:15 AM
Ally you little naw-tee girl! I think you should listen to Catnapper and stop your fighting if you want to stop having to take all that nasty medicine.

And Kissy, what a sweety you look are. I sure hope the wet food helps you stay healthy for a long time to come.

Thanks, Julie, for caring enough about an abandoned cat to not only feed him, but make sure he gets the proper medical care too. :)