View Full Version : Blunt Force Trauma Question

Sweet Sixy
10-07-2005, 10:41 PM
Hi All,
I don't actually own a dog, I am usually in the pet section. however, I have a strange question. Now given the nature of the situation and my profession there are some details I can not share, but I will tell what I can.
I have a client with a dog that has supposidely sufferent "blunt force trauma." Now I saw the dog, and have never seen anything like it. The dog literally has no skin on it's side at all. The skin died and the vet had to surgically remove the "flap" that was there. This dogs ear is also in about 3 pieces. The owner thougth that this was caused from a spider bite or snake or something of that nature, but was told that it was from "blunt force trauma." From my end, i work with children, not dogs and have no access to the veternarian records to prove that this is in fact that case. Has anyone ever heard of this cause and effect before. Please help me, this is an even more serious situation then I can explain!
Thank you!

10-08-2005, 01:45 AM
Blunt force trauma could mean different things. Typically, you would think a "hit" with an object. However, it could also refer to an "attack". Whatever the cause, it was sufficient to cause damage. I suspect the dog was attacked by something. From the description you indicating there seems to be bite marks with the ears and such.
Dog's skin is different than humans. It doesn't have the same "make-up" as humans. First, it lacks sweat glands. I believe the blood supply is also carried slightly differently to the skin. That means that often times cuts or abrasions on a dog will not heal up properly or stay open. They don't form the same type of scar tissue humans form when cuts heal.
The death of the skin isn't surprising. It shows a loss of blood flow to the area. Without this blood flow wounds can NOT heal. The dog sounds like it will take lot's of time to heal up. The wounds will need to be kept VERY clean and dressings changed often. However, there will be some scaring in the end.

10-08-2005, 11:10 AM
From your description, it sounds like the dog might have been dragged
from a moving vehicle. It would remove the skin & could mangle the ear. :(
I hope it wasn't deliberate abuse.

10-08-2005, 11:30 AM
From what you say the Blunt force sounds to me like the dog got hit but a vehicle and possibly drug a distance. a car bumper can be a blunt object.

Sweet Sixy
10-09-2005, 08:32 AM
Thank you all for your replies. I can tell you that a car was not involved. The only time this dog has been in or even near a car was when she was rushed to Cornell. When I went to see this dog I just couldn't believe my eyes. The vet did tell the owner that it had something to do with the circulation, that is why the skin died like that. This is just a sad story for the dog, the owner and for the young man who did this.