View Full Version : Lexie had to go to the vet today.....

10-07-2005, 09:49 PM
My poor little lexie was hobbling around late afternoon, I looked at her paw and found nothing, until I looked underneath, poor wee girl had torn her pad, then she started scooting around on her bottom, I knew then something was up, thanks to everyone here on PT, who had made me aware of this maybe being a problem.

Sure enough it looks like Lexie's right anal gland was infected and ready to abcess, until now she had shown no signs of anything, I know when I looked at her and tried to gently clean her as she was a bit messy in the rear end, she miaowed in pain, that in itself alerted me to the fact something else was not right with my darling.

The paw is quite nasty, not a clean cut, and will take a long time to heal, which will probably leave some scarring as well, I have no idea what happened but it appears she has caught it on something, she is on antibiotics for the next five days, she is eating and drinking well and doing all the other stuff to, so here's hoping she will be her old self again soon, I had better not mix the cat's and Melissa's antibiotics up had I?, Melissa has been unwell all week and has a strep throat, two sick babies.

I just count my blessings that I joined PT and got some education, I never even knew about anal glands until I joined PT, and it is what I suspected myself, so thanks everyone. :)

10-07-2005, 10:32 PM
Poor Lexie, but at least she's getting some relief and help, thanks to mom being a Pet Talker! :)

Laura's Babies
10-07-2005, 11:11 PM
Glad to hear she will be alright. Poor baby!! Sore foot and sore butt! Walk lightly and sit down easy!

10-07-2005, 11:19 PM
Poor Lexie and what a good meowmie to bring her to the vet to get her boo-boos all fixed. Prayers on the way that she has a full and complete recovery.

Prayers also for your Melissa that she feels better soon too. Strep throat is the pits.

10-08-2005, 12:51 AM
I'm sorry to hear about Lexie. :( I hope she'll feel better soon.

10-08-2005, 04:13 AM
Poor Lexie, hope she gets well soon. :)

10-08-2005, 04:54 AM
Poor little girl! Talk about a double whammy. Here's hoping all your TLC will make her feel better very soon!!

10-08-2005, 05:10 AM
Poor Lexie.....not only 1 problem, but 2. :( Hope she heals up real quickly.

10-08-2005, 06:51 AM
Poor little girl! I'm os glad you were able ot notice the signs early and get her to the vet! I know she'll just adoore you the next few days of pilling ;) Gosh, how I dread pilling my cats anymore - I end up feeling like a villian!

10-08-2005, 09:36 AM
Poor Lexie! Glad to you got her to the vet though and she'll be okay.

10-08-2005, 02:27 PM
Lexie is doing much better today, she seems a much happier lil girl, walking on her paw quite well, although it is a nasty injury for sure, was very good at letting me bathe it, of course I waited until she was nice and sleepy and paw presented to me in an easy position, we have only had to worm pill her before, but she is really easy so far, so that is a lot less stressful.

I am just happy that because I am member here I recognised the signs, otherwise we would have had to make another trip to the vet, much more expensive and probably a lot more painful for her, believe me she did not like the internal the vet did one little bit and was very vocal about it all, I imagine it was rather sore, I just had to look away and cover my ears, could not bear to keep hearing her pitiful miaows, still it was for the best and she is doing well now.

Melissa is also recovering, once those antibots and the antiflam pills hit she improved a lot, initially I thought it was just a virus and if you take them too early the doctors tell you that and home you go again, but after her not improving after five days, I knew something more was happening, hopefully she will be well enough for school on monday, has been school holidays here and she is eager to do her paper run again and earn some money, the weather has been atrocious in NZ, wet, windy, cold, storms really, so it was best for us to be snuggled up warm inside, for spring it sure is cold, snow in parts of the country as well.

Thanks for all the well wishes, they are working a treat.

10-08-2005, 03:28 PM
Thats Great News,that Lexxie,is feeling better,that must be a painful injury.
if she wants,t come to the Partee,we will provide a nice cushion,for her to sit on,Cat Tested
by the Moose!

10-08-2005, 03:30 PM
Poor Lexie!! I'm glad that your mom is such a good mom and found out what's been wrong with you!

I'm glad you're feeling better already! :)


10-08-2005, 03:30 PM
Thanks Gary, lexie told me she is not up to the partee just yet, but thinks that is a great offer all the same. :D

10-08-2005, 03:50 PM
Hello everyone, this is lexie here speaking , I would like to say that the paw hurts some, but is getting better, meowmie insists on carrying me up and down the stairs a lot, when I am purrfectly capable really, but hey it saves me the bother, I am not sure why they keep putting these things down my throat, I don't really like it much, but I just put up with it to please them., she also insists on wetting my paw each day and putting this powdery stuff on it, which of course i just lick off immediately anyway,it kinda tastes funny, but i hear her saying it does me no harm, only good, whatever that means, silly meowmie.

The real thing that bothers me is I want to go outside and play and sniff the grass, climb the tree, chase some butterflies, but meowmie won't let me, I have to stay inside this boring house and sleep all day, I mean what else can a girl do? I just know my meowmie she will keep me in for a while now, and I hate that, I feel sad.

Meowmie might think I am not up to the partee yet Gary, but little does she know, I am just keen as mustard, I have no idea why they treat me like I am so darn precious, Like I will break or something, I am tough wee girl,can they not see that?

I guess I will just have to put up with them for the next few days or so until my paw is more healed, darn it all. :(i feel those pussy-blues are about to hit me again) :(

10-08-2005, 05:04 PM
Glad you are feeling better Lexie. Jut be patient and your meowmie will let you go out to play soon, don't be blue.

10-08-2005, 05:47 PM
AWwww...gentle hugs for sweet Lexie girl. I hope you're feeling better soon, honey! You're already being a good girl by letting meowmie give you meds and fixing up your paw! Good girl! :)

Soon you'll be able to chase all those butterflies, sweet girl! :)

10-08-2005, 09:42 PM
Hmm if Miaowme had her way I would never be let out side ever again, but when she see's how I get the blues she relents, I know she is trying to figure out a way to keep us in with an outdoor area, but so far I am still going to chase them butterflies.

I forgot to tell you folks, that I had a very undignified examination, that person who looks like a miaowme, but isn't put her finger in my unmentionables, but I fixed her, when she tried pilling me I gave her a good swipe, that will teach her., I know miaowme was suprised as she always tells everyone I am her sweet angel, well I am really but one has to draw the line somewhere.

Well another boring sleepy day has passed, I am off to have another catnap for now, and enjoy being treated like the princess my miaowme tells me I am. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-10-2005, 09:30 AM
Poor little Lexie! So glad to hear she's doing so much better now though. :)

10-10-2005, 06:55 PM
Thanks, lexie was not very happy yesterday, I am not sure whether she was feeling miserable, maybe from the antibiotics or depressed, maybe a little of both, I know no-one will laugh here at me when I suggest she gets depressed, because believe me those pussy blues are for real, I think she just wanted to go outside again, well it is her fourth day inside, so today after I got back from shopping I let her out, relucant as I am, but guess what within about five minutes she was back inside again all curled up on Melissa's bed.

The paw is looking rather good now, nice and dry and healing, but still looks a little sore, I was going to post pics, but they really did not show it up enough for you all to see properly.

Just hoping my wee princess is herself again and soon, only one more day to go on the medicene, and hopefully she will brighten up more. :)