View Full Version : Cooked Rice

10-07-2005, 06:43 PM
OK this is kind of silly, but I just went to make rice for myself. I ran out of one box so I just used a new bag we have to make up for the difference.

Well its all good and done and I go to take a bite -- and its still hard!! The second bag I used apparently needed double the amount of water or something...

So my questions is, instead of throwing it all away (there's like, four cups) would it be ok to feed it to my pups?? It's JUST rice -- no salt or butter yet.

It's white rice, don't know if that means a difference. I just remember reading somewhere where they said cooked rice wasn't really good to give to your dogs. But I thought rice WAS good, lol.

Anyway all help is appreciated. Smile

10-07-2005, 06:55 PM
I've never heard anything about it being bad. I usually save a bit for all 3 dogs before I put butter or anything in it when I make it. They love it.
A lot of dog foods contain white rice. :)

10-07-2005, 07:15 PM
See that's what I thought too, and that's what I did as well (replace a cup of kibble with rice on some nights) but I thought it had to be cooked a certain way and that "home cooked" rice wasn't good LOL

well looks like these two will be eating GOOD tonight.

10-07-2005, 07:27 PM
We always give these guys rice as a treat. Nothing has ever gone wrong, it even helps them gain a little weight.

10-07-2005, 07:32 PM
My childhood dog was on a special diet for almost 5 years thta consisted of rice, ground beef, carrots, cottage cheese, green beans, I think that's it...? (My Mom always threw something else in there for him too:D)
It was prescribed to him by the vet BECAUSE he hated dog food and was overweight....SO rice is fine for them. I don't think uncooked rice would be very tasty but it won't hurt them....Perhaps you are thinking of the bird myth, that birds will eat it and die, which is not true by the way!! :)

10-07-2005, 07:43 PM
Naw I'm not thinking of the birds and rice myth hehe.

Well I mean, its not UNCOOKED, but it is UNDERcooked. :P

Anyway I gave them a cup each of it with some kibble and they loved it <3

10-10-2005, 09:52 AM
Maybe this is what caused the diarrhea??? Because it was undercooked and since you said you don't give your dogs any people foods, therefore their systems are not used to a variation in diets? Although it is the same product it is not cooked the same.

I don't know just a thought.

10-10-2005, 02:06 PM
Maybe, but as I've also said, they HAVE been fed rice before on occasion and their kibble is a lamb meal and rice formula, so I know their bodies are accustomed to the rice. Jamie also had no problems. He seems to be fine today though. Not solid stool yet, but not diarrhea anymore.

10-10-2005, 02:48 PM
Maybe, but as I've also said, they HAVE been fed rice before on occasion and their kibble is a lamb meal and rice formula, so I know their bodies are accustomed to the rice.

Oh I know you did, ;) thats why I thought that maybe because it was undercooked it was like a differnet food for them?

Glad to hear he's getting better!

10-10-2005, 03:15 PM
I just cooked up a batch of white rice with cubed chicken breasts and scrambled eggs for Niki. She has been ill and I was told that that mixture would help with the diarrhea.

10-10-2005, 03:19 PM
Oh I know you did, ;) thats why I thought that maybe because it was undercooked it was like a differnet food for them?

Glad to hear he's getting better!

But still though he was fed it like, three days ago; if it was going to affect him you'd think it would have been the day before yesterday, not yesterday, right??

10-10-2005, 03:41 PM
Yeah that is true. I guess I got my days mixed up by a day. oops.

10-10-2005, 04:28 PM
No don't feel bad or anything, that was my initial thought too; maybe his body was just... slower at digestion or something.

Well CRAP this is something that I JUST thought of. We had a lot of company staying over, we had five friends come in town and stay with us for two nights and Charlie is very skittish around people, even me and HJ sometimes. Maybe he was nervous or stressed out, and that's why it happened??? That would make COMPLETE sense!

10-10-2005, 04:36 PM
i also feed rice once in a while, they love it, and its recommended for dogs with very sensitive digestive tracts or pups wich are ill, sorry i dont write more but i have to run............ bye