View Full Version : Help in health class plz!

10-07-2005, 05:30 PM
:) Hey Pt,

In my health class we are doing a project on a girl named Michelle she is 17. She is supposed to be a "cliet" and I am supposed to be a nutistionist she weighs 135 5'6 and she is rated on the body mass index (bmi) chart that she is a normal weight, her cloths are tight on her though. How much pound should she lose so her cloths still fit? and after she loses the weight then i want to keep her at that weight.

P.S. She has no time to make her meals so she goes out and eats fast food everynight, curious about is there any breckfest and dinner meals she can make fast?? But is still healthy?

Thanks so much Pt! :)

10-07-2005, 06:16 PM
nobody knows!??!! :(

10-07-2005, 06:58 PM
Not asking for much, are you? LOL

I'm usually into this kind of stuff but geez, I just don't have the energy.

Can you look at the BMI chart and see how much she could stand to loose without being below normal?

If she's eating fast food EVERY NIGHT, I really don't see how you can get her to maintain her weight.

As far as breakfast goes, how hard is it to pour a bowl of cereal?

Did they give you this senario in class because if they did, it sucks.

Good luck. Wish I could be more help. :)

10-07-2005, 08:26 PM
To me, this belongs in a psych class....anyone suggesting a woman 5'6" weighing 135 needs to lose weight needs some mental evaluating.... :(

10-07-2005, 08:37 PM
thank you! I hate to say it but i hate my teacher!!!!!

10-07-2005, 08:50 PM
Well, I have to agree with Johanna....(Which some here thought they would never hear!! ;) Old news now, right?)

However, since you are looking for an answer...I once read that you can take a 5' tall woman and assume 100lbs. Add 5lbs to that for every inch over 5 feet. So at 5'6" that would be 130lbs. She can eat out if she wants to eat lots of salads or grilled chicken and probably not gain weight. Scrambled eggs don't take much time to make, nor does peanut butter on toast for breakfast or a snack. I guess it all depends on her activity level...does she exercise? How far does she walk each day? Maybe suggest that she get a pedometer...? It never hurts to add more fruit to her diet...this time of year apples are plentiful, filling and portable.
If it were ME, I would just suggest that she go walk around the mall a few times and on the 4th pass, buy some new clothes that fit!! ;) :D
I hope that helps a little!

Duncan and Jennifer:)

10-07-2005, 08:56 PM
yeah! thanks! i hope yall' know shes not real! ;)

10-07-2005, 09:01 PM
To me, this belongs in a psych class....anyone suggesting a woman 5'6" weighing 135 needs to lose weight needs some mental evaluating.... :(
I completely agree! tell your tacher that the girl needs to go shoppign and buy some clothes that fit her realistic figure and she needs not try to lose weight!

10-07-2005, 09:02 PM
Yes, I did know that she was "fictitious" ;) I was "pretending" she was real as that is what you need to do also right?
I think your best bet to get an A on this assignment is to go for the "she's not overweight" angle and that if she wants to lose weight, she can drop a few lbs just by small changes in her eating and activity levels...go for healthy and comfortable, not necessarily slim and unhealthy you know? It is an odd assignment which is why I think the teacher is looking for something different than weight loss. I think the teach is trying to make you reevaluate your ideas on weight and health. Either that or the teacher is wacky!!!! :)

10-07-2005, 09:11 PM

10-07-2005, 11:25 PM
I'm 5'6" and 130, I would hate to think I was fat and needed to loose weight. She should cut down on the fast food and get more exercise and drink lots of water.

smokey the elder
10-08-2005, 08:26 AM
I wish I weighed 135 lbs... :p Anyway, doesn't this example reinforce the body image problems young women often have?? Cutting out the fries and soda couldn't hurt, though.

10-08-2005, 12:09 PM
I wish i was 135 i would be smiling all day long! :) :) I am just gonna have her cut down the fast food, and just be proud of her body, thanks so much, but is there any helthy foods she can eat at night that take no time?

10-08-2005, 03:21 PM
I have to agree with everyone's comments here, to say she needs to loose weight is ludicrous, she probably just needs a good workout at the Gym to tone up and loose some inches so her clothes fit her.

However her fast food intake is NOT healthy anyhow, for breakfast she could try a fruit smoothie, only takes a few seconds, using low fat milk and yoghurt, or you can buy breakfast bars which are supposed to be the same as having cereal and milk, just a suggestion.

Dinners, I am not so good at, I would never buy cartoned meals, frozen meals as such, they just donot appeal to me, I myself am loosing weight on Weight Watchers which I am doing by myself, and I have a product called a lite chicken, something similar would be available in the US, it is very low fat, like 1 and half points on the programme, tasty, I sometimes have that by itself with hot veges or salad or occasionally as a burger, it is sure working for me.

If I were you I would point out in my evaluation that this person DOES NOT need to loose weight, and this type of thing is very descructive to young woman's body images.

I am hoping this person is ficticious too, as honestly there is no way she would really need to loose weight, maybe just body fat, If that were the problem.

10-08-2005, 03:38 PM
Yikes.. what a sucky project. :p

When I went to the dietitian, she told me that a healthy weight for me would be about 125.. and I'm 5'1. 135 for a person at 5'6 seems pretty good.

I'm really lazy (that's an understatement :p) but I managed to lose weight by doing really simple stuff. I replaced coke with diet coke.. which helped a lot since I drink *a lot* of pop. I also started eating breakfast. I hate cooking so I usually have cereal, or some fruit if I'm in a rush. I also started having more healthy snacks (salads, fruit, or veggies usually) through out the day, instead of 2 big meals. I'm sure if I actually exercised, I would have lost more weight but it's amazing how much you can lose by doing some really basic stuff.

10-08-2005, 08:14 PM
thanks guys, its a huge project worth 300 points what is dew on monday is just goal setting so i think with all your help i can write my paper. I will post it later and see what you guys think

10-08-2005, 08:30 PM
I wish i was 135 i would be smiling all day long! :) :) I am just gonna have her cut down the fast food, and just be proud of her body, thanks so much, but is there any helthy foods she can eat at night that take no time?

Cottage cheese at night. It digests slow which means that you burn more of it as energy instead of storing it as fat.