View Full Version : Lily's unique...exercise?

Davis Family
03-19-2002, 06:53 PM
Our cat Lily (she's a classic tabby, I think) likes to paw in a rhythmic motion, up and down, switching paws, on doors, coats, and beds. We think she does it because maybe she thinks she still has front claws (they were declawed). We know it's probably not doing her any harm, but does anyone know if this could be providing some exercise to Lily? (She's kind of overweight) She does it quite fast and every day. We've got her on a weight control diet, and are wondering if this would naturally help her lose weight.

03-20-2002, 06:27 AM
Hello and welcome to Pet Talk :) I really don't know much, but maybe she's stressed at not having claws anymore and scratching is a sign that she wants them back? (I know it sounds weired, but hey, if we didn't have fingernails we'd be pretty upset for awhile too huh? ) :p And yes, I think that changing her food will help her to lose weight. Try Science Diet's formulated food for overweight cats.

03-20-2002, 01:13 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! It sounds like your Lily is "kneading" her paws (or what we here on PT call 'making bread')! Is she purring while doing this? If this is what she's doing, it's perfectly natural behavior that starts when they're kittens. Kittens will knead at the mother's tummy to get the milk. No one really understands why they continue to do this other than maybe it's a sign of contentment??:D

I've also had overweight cats, and that Science Diet really did help! Let us know what happens:D

Former User
03-21-2002, 03:05 AM
Check out this movie (http://home.pi.be/paddy/kittiecats/movies/casper_baking.mpg) Casper is baking there. Is that what your Lily is doing too? It's normal. Casper and Kitty like to bake mostly on the teddybear you see on the movie, but sometimes Casper bakes my arm too, feels nice I have to say, until he gets is nails out :rolleyes:

03-21-2002, 05:02 AM
Whenever I see a cat doing this (and C&K , you are right it feels good until the little claws come out ) :D....anyway, it always reminds me of the Warner Brothers cartoon with the little kitten and the bulldog that adopts it....and the kitty crawls up on the dog's back and 'kneads" while the dog is going oww..ew..oww.ew...then the kitten curls up and goes t sleep!

I want to know about the 3-legged friend Oreo. Is Oreo a kitty or a dog? How did he/she lose the third leg? Which leg is gone and how does he/she cope?

I'm always amazed by the reslience of animals, people too, for that matter, who rise above difficulties.

Welcome to Pettalk!

03-21-2002, 05:43 AM
Hi the Davis Family and welcome to Pet Talk.

What your Lily is doing is definitley kneading - as the others have said. It's such a normal kitty thing to do- and she's happy.
Our Ketchum has his very own polar bear (stuffed) whom he loves to distraction - and boy does that bear get kneaded!!!
As I speak (...er - type?) he's on our bed doing just that - very happy boy!
Does Lily play in the house - I know she can't go outside, but the right sort of toys in the house will make her chase about and that should help her weight problem.

Let us know how she progresses please.


Davis Family
03-21-2002, 08:24 PM
Well, she does 'bake bread' too, where she does purr if she has a sock in her mouth (another story). That might get her some exercise, but we were talking about is just placing a paw on the wall, sliding it down, then doing the same with the other paw. She then proceeds to do this as fast as she can, alternating very fast. Lily may do it on coats also.

tuxlvr, Oreo is a tuxedo cat, I think. Nobody's sure how she broke her leg, but it was amputated before she came to an owner, then she eventually came to us. She gets along fine with three legs, and even gets in fights with Lily and Zelda (a kitten of ours), using only one very strong front arm and a fierce growl. (It's the front right leg)

Lily chases Zelda alot, but doesn't have too many toys, except some nice pipe cleaners which Zelda likes too. We are noticing differences in her weight and appearance, so we're glad it's working.

03-22-2002, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by Davis Family
Well, she does 'bake bread' too, where she does purr if she has a sock in her mouth (another story). That might get her some exercise, but we were talking about is just placing a paw on the wall, sliding it down, then doing the same with the other paw. She then proceeds to do this as fast as she can, alternating very fast. Lily may do it on coats also.

tuxlvr, Oreo is a tuxedo cat, I think. Nobody's sure how she broke her leg, but it was amputated before she came to an owner, then she eventually came to us. She gets along fine with three legs, and even gets in fights with Lily and Zelda (a kitten of ours), using only one very strong front arm and a fierce growl. (It's the front right leg)

I just LOOOOVE tuxedo kitties (like that wasn't obvious)...can we see pics? I can picture a one-armed swat! That arm isprobably very strong! Ritz does the "rythmic scratching" you talked about too on windows....there is a neighbor cat that comes over and they both do in on the glass screen simultaneously - looks like the episode of Lucy with Harpo Marx the "mirror act"...

Davis Family
03-22-2002, 06:49 AM
I just LOOOOVE tuxedo kitties (like that wasn't obvious)...can we see pics? I can picture a one-armed swat! That arm isprobably very strong! Ritz does the "rythmic scratching" you talked about too on windows....there is a neighbor cat that comes over and they both do in on the glass screen simultaneously - looks like the episode of Lucy with Harpo Marx the "mirror act"...

We can't promise a picture anytime soon, but we'll try to scan one on. We'll have to e-mail it to you, then if you have a website you can post it up on a blank page there, and (if other people ask) then post it in these forums.

BTW, that's exactly what Lily does! Except with no claws. I think we've seen her paw on the window before, too.

Edwina's Secretary
03-22-2002, 02:24 PM
Edwina does this on certain chairs. It is (I believe) her nail sharpening behavior or scratching post behavior. There's only two places where she does this. The "skirt" on a wicker chair and the top of a wing chair where she greets me. It is different that her "bread making" which she does mostly on her poppa's tummy (giggle.)

Unfortunately, it hasn't done a thing for her weight. :rolleyes: That would require less turkey!

03-22-2002, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Davis Family
Our cat Lily (she's a classic tabby, I think) likes to paw in a rhythmic motion, up and down, switching paws, on doors, coats, and beds.

Welcome to the Davis Family!
I have two SiaMeezer kitties that have always done this.... Miss Mocha Bean does it in the shower stall when she's being all cute and playful..... and Garbonzo Bean does this on the side of his enclosed litter box area or ANYTIME he wants in a door, and when I make our bed. (We call that game "Smooth the wrinkle":D )

04-21-2002, 03:23 PM
:) hahaha , what a funny movie of Casper , absolutely hilarious ...

I have never seen Sydney doing this ; does that make him abnormal ???

04-21-2002, 06:45 PM
I knew a couple that had a declawed Siamese named Ming, and they still bought him scratching posts and pads because he still made the "clawing" motion. Maybe it's just a natural instinct, or maybe she is just scratching her paw pads. Who knows, maybe all cats who claw posts are clawing AND scratching.. I don't think it's weird, I think it just feels good! :) As for exercise.. I don't know. I bought my cat a friend when she got too fat, and now they chase each other all over the house!

Glad you joined to forum.. I'm fairly new here too but the people here really make you feel welcome! :D

04-22-2002, 12:04 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk. My cat Pepper is also declawed in the front. He does exactly what Lily has been doing. I think that he still thinks he has claws. He also does this to my knees to get my attention. I call it his special greeting. Here's a picture of him trying to use the scratching post.