View Full Version : How do you have fun with your dogs?

10-06-2005, 03:49 PM
How do you have fun? I'd like to do something new and fun with Daphne. I'm kind of looking for ideas, so tell us some details in your post! :)

finn's mom
10-06-2005, 04:01 PM
I used to take Finn to the dog parks, but, after he acted so agressively at the myrtle beach one, I haven't taken him. I'd like to give it another shot, though, since he's been neutered. I also am looking into finding a trainer that can help me identify the problem (whether it's fear agression or if he's just really that much of a bad-a**). I'd like to get him into flyball or agility, too, but, as of now, we haven't done that.

10-06-2005, 04:22 PM
Daphne and I go for walks every day. A few times a week I take her to the park and let her run off-leash. She also likes playing with toys inside. And she LOVES wading and running at the ocean (my dad lives on the water)

10-06-2005, 04:32 PM
I voted

Off-leash running (or on a long leash)
Playing inside (squeekies, rawhides...)
Playing outside (frisbee, ball...)
Swimming (or wading, if your dog is not a swimmer)

We have a lake nearby and when it was warmer we'd make at least a trip a week and Jamie would just swim swim swim!! Charlie is a wader, he doesn't like swimming, and I have to keep him on a leash hehe. Jamie also LOOVEEESS just running. For no reason. Just... running! And they BOTH LOVE playing outside with sticks (you know the "you can't get me! na na na nana na") but I think we MOSTLY play inside and outside :)

Suki Wingy
10-06-2005, 05:25 PM
Niņo will never be trusted off leash in his life so...
inside play w/ toys
backyard play
leashed bike rides and walks
dog park- running and wading

10-06-2005, 05:42 PM
aww zoey and me show in agility that is a big time fun thing for her, we play inside and outside and she loves her doggie walks!

t.j. loves to go out walking, hunting and agility!

PJ's Mom
10-06-2005, 05:44 PM
Mine love to go for walks and it's really fun for them when I sit on the floor and help them dig in their toybox. They get so excited when we find toys they haven't seen in wahile. :)

10-06-2005, 06:25 PM
All of the above (I voted for all of them.)

Some are only limited to 1 dog, some all 3, depending on their recall, etc.

Walks - All three
Off-leash running (or on a long leash) - Kiara is allowed off leash, long leashes for Sim & Nala
Playing inside (squeekies, rawhides...) - All three
Playing outside (frisbee, ball...) - All three
Dog Park! - Sometimes all three, mostly just Kiara and Nala
Swimming (or wading, if your dog is not a swimmer) - Kiara swimming, Other two do not consider it fun, but do like to wade at the beach.
Agility, Flyball, other dog-sport... - All three, only in our backyard though
Training new tricks - All three
Other (tell us about it!) - Maybe i'm the only one who considers this fun, but one of their's and my favorite thing to do is we all lay on the couch and watch TV at night. :) They love our cuddle time.

10-06-2005, 06:31 PM
[QUOTE=Kfamr]All of the above (I voted for all of them.)

Same here :)

Walks - Micki, Mini, Kyra and Jack...Shadow is getting older and doesn't enjoy it that much anymore

Off-leash running (or on a long leash) - Shadow and Jack are the only ones allowed off leash, but they all love a good romp

Playing inside (squeekies, rawhides...) - Jack, Mini, Shadow, Kyra...Micki isn't too thrilled with toys

Playing outside (frisbee, ball...) - Kyra loves frisbee, Jack participates once in a while

Swimming (or wading, if your dog is not a swimmer) - Jack loves swimming, Mini loves to wade

Agility, Flyball, other dog-sport... - Micki, Mini and Jack LOVE agility

Training new tricks - All 5

10-06-2005, 06:35 PM
I try to walk my fur kids every day. They love it. I was walking all 3 of them this morning, we walked by a guy that was hanging out clothes he told me I needed a sled. :p On the weekend I take them down to the high school and let them run off leash in the baseball field. Its all fenced in, they love it. Sometimes my husband and I load them up and take them out to run in the wide open space.

I also play with them inside and out. Ebony has tons of engery so I play with her a lot. A tired dog is a happy dog as they say. :D

10-06-2005, 06:48 PM
off leash runs-Happy and Misty mainly

dogpark-Ripley, sometimes Blair, and rarly perky, she wont run their anyway she wants to stay with us

walks-Happy, occasionaly Misty but not to often, she usually just does the walks on the way to an off leash run, the only reason Happy get walks is because she walks off leash, and is easy to manage, well behaved and she is wlecomed into the homes of all my friends, so she gets walks when I am out with friends, she becomes "one of the gang" everyone loves her lol

flyball-Happy, Misty, Ripley, Blair

freestyle-Happy, Perky, Blair

agility-Happy, Misty, Blair, Perky

Frisbee-Happy, Misty

plus random other dog sports

playing in the house-Happy(fetch), Misty(rough housing), Blair(tug), Perky plays with squeekys when other dogs are not in the house, Ripley is not much of a dog to "play" when he does anything that would be considered play he only does it for food lol

in the yard-all 5

trick training-all 5, I think Perky does the most, since she is now competing in novice freestyle so she needs even harder moves then she already knows lol I believe her latest thing is flipping backwards around a barral :p

10-06-2005, 07:47 PM
I take them for walks in the park, and they love car rides! It doesn't matter where we go, they just like being in the car. Sometimes, I take them to the pet store and get them a treat :)... I think dogs really enjoy anything as long as they get to be with their people!

10-06-2005, 07:54 PM
I voted for all except other, but like Kay, some only apply to certain dogs.

Walks - All four

Off-leash running (or on a long leash) - Tango is the only one of my 3 allowed off leash, Keeva doesn't get either a long leash or a chance to be off because she's still a pup and I don't trust her and Winston gets a long leash, I'd never trust him off leash...

Playing inside (squeekies, rawhides...) - All four

Playing outside (frisbee, ball...) - Tango and the Dobes (Tia doesn't play much...)

Dog Park - Tango and the Dobes usually, sometimes Tia goes but not often.

Swimming (or wading, if your dog is not a swimmer) - Tango's the only one of my dogs who will go anywhere near water so I take her swimming for fun.

Agility, Flyball, other dog-sport... - I don't compete with any of my dogs in sports, I'd lvoe to but for now I just do agility with Tango in the yard. Keeva I'm sure will love it aswell but she's too young for the jumps...

Training new tricks - Tango and the Dobes (Tia doesn't think learning is at all fun...)

10-06-2005, 09:58 PM
Walks........usually after school time to see and greet all the kids he can possibly get his paws on. We have walks at least three times a day.

Off leash at the park.......usually early when no one else is around. We hit the park about twice a day. The real test is when the kids are practicing soccer in the next area. He's done very well, but still stares and wishes to have them.

We need to find a creek or a lake, but, it rains quite often enough to play in it. Off leash of course......who else in there right mind would be out playing in the rain?

We're redoing the training thing. This past year has not been great. But, we're having a great time reviewing, and relearning things.

And of course D R I V I N G, he just loves to stick his face out. He gets so many responses from people driving next to us.

10-07-2005, 05:29 AM
ooh i would to take no leash walking but thats not allowed in nz

I take him to special beaches though, where he is allowed to play off leash.
We have great fun walking everyday, and we hardly have any dog parks neer us.

10-07-2005, 08:18 AM
Off-leash running (or on a long leash) - Both Clover & Elvis every day (Weather permitting).

Swimming (or wading, if your dog is not a swimmer) - Clover & Elvis, El could swim all day and Clover only when it is warm.

Agility, Flyball, other dog-sport... - Both Clover & Elvis compete in Flyball. Elvis is doing Herding. I am about to start Agility with Elvis and may put Clover in NADAC tunellers trials, and maybe jumpers aswell if the jumps are not going to be too high. Oh and both do Obedience and we will be getting back into trialing next year.

Training new tricks - Just Elvis, he is working on a couple at the moment ;). Clover is too big to do any sort of balancing tricks and is not too bright for other tricks :p.

10-07-2005, 08:20 AM
Sounds like everyone and their dogs have a great life! :D

I didn't vote for Cocoa (since she's not really my dog), but she likes off-leash running and sometimes playing inside (Usually when food is involved!). Oh, and "other" - she likes cuddling with people.

10-07-2005, 08:23 AM
I don't have my own agility set and there is only a pay park nearby with one, so I take her to the skate park down the road when its empty and we do ramps and jumps over the bars and other improvised agility tricks. Other times for fun I give my little sisters and the neighborhood children each a treat and have them hide in their yard or ours and have Autumn search them out.

10-07-2005, 01:36 PM
I would say that we have the most fun when we are playing indoors. Alden, Brandon and I are known to act like complete fools and run around the house like idiots and roll all over the floor with our girls. It can get quite crazy at times;). We have fun outside also but I guess we don't get as goofy out there where someone mught see us :p .

I love to take Tori to the dog park and she has a blast there. I just wish we had one here where I live.

10-07-2005, 01:53 PM
Well, for 15 of them most of their fun is actually working--mushing, skijoring. But they don't think it's work at all.

Some of them get off-leash walks too. Bandit is never allowed off-leash. He has a flexi-leash for walks. Kayleigh is the same for different reasons...she's dog aggressive and i need to control her; Bandit is a typical husky who would disappear if he ever got loose.

I also have a Springer on my bike for the ones that can't go off-leash.

Earle plays with stuffies inside. Pingo is obssessed with tennis balls, although the bring it back part of fetch is beyond her! She just hides them in her dog house. Goldie loves tennis balls too, but not if a human throws them. She entertains herself with them! There are a variety of toys outside for them--ropes, plastic chewies, balls, bones ect.

Raven and I play "chase me" lots. She play bows and runs around like a nutball. I chase her. Deuce likes that game too. He usually catches Raven and they end up wrestling.

Franklin and I play "bark & chase". It's Franklin's special game and only he plays it. He barks and play bows at me. I chase him in a circle. When we first got Franklin, he was so timid we couldn't touch him. "Bark & Chase" was one of the only ways we could interact with him and not overwhelm him. He's much braver now, but he still likes his daily dose of his game.

10-07-2005, 02:04 PM
For my pups:

The only one that is allowed off-leash is Rocky, because he comes right back. I won't allow him to go off-leash around the block even, because we live in the city and by a VERY busy street and I don't want to take any chances. They all love to go for walks, though. My dad takes Jenny, because every time I take her she gets loose.

They all play in the house....it's either Jenny and Buster playing or Buster and Rocky playing. Ginger isn't really a playful one. ;)

We do play outside, too. They love rope toys, tennis balls....but won't go after a frisbee, what is up with that?? :rolleyes: The main thing they love is playing with plastic soda bottles or milk jugs.

Rocky LOVES to swim!! Jenny(thanks to my brother :rolleyes: ) is scared of water but when she goes to the lake with Rocky, it's like she is a different dog!! Ginger isn't crazy about it and Buster LOVES to 'bite' the water on the hose.

Great thread!! :)

10-10-2005, 03:07 PM
Off-leash running (or on a long leash
Playing inside (squeekies, rawhides...)
Playing outside (frisbee, ball...)
Swimming (or wading, if your dog is not a swimmer)
Agility, Flyball, other dog-sport...
Training new tricks

10-10-2005, 04:28 PM
They all love walks and when we get the chance off leash runs in the big field about 20 minutes away. But the most fav thing for them in the house is when I put on music and dance with them. They go crazy, jumping, howling, and generally acting silly.

Queen of Poop
10-11-2005, 02:07 PM
Sasha and I will start off the weekend morning with a run through our neighborhood, at her pace not mine as she is 11 and I'm happy she's out there running at all. When we return home I get on the floor to do my sit ups and Sasha, my trainer, helps me out. Nothing like trying to do a sit up with a 43 lb dog on your tummy. She thinks this is great fun and smiles, wiggles, howls and woo hoos, the whole bit. I'm usually laughing too hard to complete my sit ups.

Buddy Blaze Lover
10-11-2005, 05:08 PM
Let's see...well, Blaze and me have fun in a lot of ways. We love going for walks, swimming, playing outside, as well as going for bike rides! :)

10-11-2005, 05:18 PM
I voted for Walks and Other.

he loves to walk around with me outside.
but if i bring my camera with me,, he acts even more happy and hyper then he usally dogs.

so walking and picture time is our way of having fun. LOL

sometimes i'll play hide and seek on him if he runs too far ahead.
i guess he doesnt use his nose. as i can hide behind a tree not even a foot away from him and he'll run right by me. so he would really suck as a hunting dog. LOL :o

10-11-2005, 05:31 PM
Oh gosh, we chase each other around the house. I get on my hands and knees and bark and chase them..... until I'm out of breath!