View Full Version : PICS of the dog show

10-06-2005, 01:23 PM
Better late then never right? ;)

Sorry there isn't a whole lot, *when* I was able to take pics (in between taking care of 3 wild kids & one crazy puppy lol) most of them didn't turn out too well. I tried to keep you pt'ers in mind but like I said I couldn't take a lot of pics. Here's what I ended up with that were visable:
2 beautiful English Pointers walking around waiting for their turn to show again (which was my other breed of choice besides the Aussie) I love Eng. Pointers!!!

Doberman doing agility (his handler was a loud mouth lol) (orangutango I thought of you with the dobes & tollers)

My neice sitting with Kaige, Kaige watching his future profession (agility):
Kaige:"wow they are fast"
"that looks like fun"

Some obedience pics:
Pretty Standard Poodle (for Pam & others)

doing the sit stay (some decided to lay down lol) (jesse3, lkpike & others)
from left to right, there was a golden on the very left but I couldn't fit him in the pic, he was laying down, border collie, keeshond, lab, springer, dalmation & border again.

Border again, (s)he was so smart (cali & others)

more in next post

10-06-2005, 01:24 PM
Back to agility
a blk. lab

Another Border, boy was this one good:

Another Border:

A Standard Poodle weeving:

And another Border:

A Toller, he was pretty good too:

2 Tervurens, both did a great job:

I didn't get a chance to get any pics of conformation cause it was so busy in that section I didn't trust my nieces or nephew to hang onto Kaige. I wanted to take a BUNCH more pics but didn't get a chance to.

And I don't know why my pictures all show up different sizes, I reduce them all by the same amount on photobucket. I just can't figure that site out too well I guess.

finn's mom
10-06-2005, 01:28 PM
Those photos are awesome! Thanks for sharing them all! Kaige is sure getting to be handsome!

10-06-2005, 02:40 PM
I could *spot* that boy a mile a way ;)

I've never seen an un-fluffy poodle before lol. she is pretty though :) their always so classy

10-06-2005, 03:12 PM
great photos!! looks like alot of fun :D

are you sure this was a BC? looks like a springer spaniel to me..

10-06-2005, 03:21 PM
great photos!! looks like alot of fun :D

are you sure this was a BC? looks like a springer spaniel to me..

Yup I'm sure. I talked to the owner after the run. I thought she was a mix at first. She had ultra fluffy ears and the owner trims the fur on her back & sides but leaves the belly & leg fur all long. I don't know why her forehead turned out to be so pronounced, it wasn't like that in person. Her name was Shasta I think.

If you look at her rear right leg, it looks like her leg but is really furry, thats actually her tail. If you can zoom in really close somehow it is more clear that she's a Border.

10-06-2005, 05:44 PM
great pics, its hard to get agility pics!

10-06-2005, 06:10 PM
Great pics! Looks like you had a really good time, I love dog shows :) lol...of course my favourites are of the Dobe and the Toller but they're all really good.

10-06-2005, 06:14 PM
Looks like a lot of fun. Cool pics.

10-06-2005, 06:20 PM
OMG lucky you~! I wish I would've been there!!!

Those are some GREAT pictures!

10-06-2005, 06:23 PM
kaige sure is cute!! hes getting sooo handsome. i have never watched a dog show before (they dont have any around here), but it looks fun! i was gonna do agility with my red heeler, but we had to give him away:( that poodle does look less fluffy, but i actually think thats prettier.

Glad you had fun! :)

10-07-2005, 08:32 AM
Great photos :D. I love the pics of the BCs. Thanks for sharing your day with us, it looked like fun.

10-07-2005, 09:07 AM
that looks like so much fun for everyone :)

didn't you enter Kaige at the most handsome puppy competition?

Ginger's Mom
10-07-2005, 09:51 AM
I love the ones of Kaige watching the agility. :) Yeah, he likes it, he is ready to try that. :) Great pictures.

10-07-2005, 01:19 PM
Great pics! I love seeing the different dogs. Those English Pointers are gorgeous. That looked like a fun day. I would love to go to something like that.