View Full Version : Thursday 127, A 'Homely' Thread??

10-05-2005, 12:29 PM
Home, home on the range
Where Rascal, Emma and Annie all play
Where the house starts to teeter
With the water from the heater
And the plumber comes and spends the whole day.

First I want to say that we have a theme for NEXT weeks thread.

It involves a time machine, school and ??????

Be prepared.


This week is dedicated to all the folks who know their plumber's , electrician's and gardener's and
handyman's phone numbers by heart.

I have to look up a DOTD... but I just wanted to open so we can all relax for a bit...

10-05-2005, 12:49 PM
The plumber
The raker
The dry basement maker

Insurance men come
They all smile and nod
They aren't looking angry
Or snarling, my God!!

*shhhh, let's not wake Gini up... she deserves nice dreams*
Sweet Annie - our Hero Cat of the Day :)

10-05-2005, 12:55 PM
Do you mean homely as in ugly ? :eek:

Could I get a big cherry vanilla coke, four catnip teas and lots of crossed fingers for me? I go get the BP checked tomorrow morning.

Sure hope it's down. I don't think I can take a third BP pill. I can hardly stay awake now. :(

Is Mario redecorating the bar this month? :D

10-05-2005, 01:26 PM
Does having my building manager's phone number on speed dial count? I don't know anyone's number anymore! I just push buttons! :p

10-05-2005, 02:23 PM
I found out the other day that for the past 6 months, I was living on top of a natural gas leak :eek: !

The gas company says the whole building gets a refund, due to the error. I'm really glad now that we got evicted! I found out though that the management place is trying to rent out the building again :mad: . Somehow that should be illigal.

Anyway...three CNTs and a double whatever for me...I'm feeling a bit under the weather today.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-05-2005, 02:42 PM
Hmmm....I wonder if anyone knows the number for a good electrical contractor? My doorbell at work hasn't worked in about a year now.... :rolleyes:

I'll just join Gini in finishing off the green slushies. Haven't had one in a while and I think I'm going through withdrawals.

(FYI - I work for an electrical contractor!) :rolleyes: (I believe it's a case of the shoemakers kids going barefoot.....)

Lady's Human
10-05-2005, 03:35 PM
My wife knows the number to the plumber/electrician/carpenter/etc. maintenance person by heart. It's my cell phone number if I'm not home, or "Dear, the ______ isn't working right, can you fix it?"

I'll take an irish coffee, should go REAL well with the flexoril and naproxen I just took.

10-05-2005, 03:59 PM
My wife knows the number to the plumber/electrician/carpenter/etc. maintenance person by heart. It's my cell phone number if I'm not home, or "Dear, the ______ isn't working right, can you fix it?"

I'll take an irish coffee, should go REAL well with the flexoril and naproxen I just took.


Good one!

Cyber booze is quite alright taken in conjunction with any prescription medicines.

Irish coffee, heavy on the Irish, easy on the Columbian...DONE!

Electrical contractor??


What a shocking revelation..My dad made bricks and we lived in a wood house..go figure... ;)
Slushies? DONE!!


WHAT?????? LUcky you.

CNT and a double slushie...DONE!

Hi Redd.

Buy you a B-day drink?


I meant as in Homely good!!
A CVC, 4 Cnts and everything crossed.....do not worry everything will be alright.

Remember, your BP is always normal at Thursdays!

Laurie, I talked to the Ginster yesterday. She was in remarkably good spirits!
She was still woozy from the firemen at her door. ;)

10-05-2005, 06:14 PM
My wife knows the number to the plumber/electrician/carpenter/etc. maintenance person by heart. It's my cell phone number if I'm not home, or "Dear, the ______ isn't working right, can you fix it?"

Hehe! Me and the hubby both do that to each other, depending on what the issue is. We've both have lived in places where things need to be fixed and we've just kind of learned what works and what doesnt (most often the most difficult way!)

I'll have another slushie, in observance of the best part of the day...

5pm!! :D

10-05-2005, 07:45 PM
Anything on DOTD yet? Whatever it is, I'll take one. It will help work be a little easier. I don't know any handmen's phone number but I wouldn't mind a fireman stopping by to see me, as long as it wasn't business!!

10-05-2005, 07:47 PM
I'm ready for a drink!

Sometimes I'm thankful I rent, I just call the landlord.

10-05-2005, 09:40 PM
Since Richard is AWOL, I've taken it upon myself to pick the drink of the day. It has to do with plumbers. Taken from idrink.com

2000 Plumbers
Ingredients: 0.5 oz Lemon Lime Soda
0.5 oz Blue Curacao
0.5 oz Lemonade
0.5 oz Spiced Rum
0.5 oz Mango Rum

Directions: Combine the Captain Morgan Original spiced rum and Parrot Bay mango rum in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Add the blue curacao, shake well and strain into a cocktail glass. Add Sprite and lemonade, and serve.

Enjoy everyone! I will serve doubles but you have to leave your car keys with Mario. Good luck on that one!

LOL! It's supposed to be called 2000 flushes. I really had plumbers on the brain.

10-05-2005, 10:04 PM
Richard, you'll be happy to know that I went to my mechanic and said "my friend Richard said I should ask for four of those round black rubber things." He handed me 4 washers. :rolleyes: :D Got a great deal on four Firestone Destination LE tires and now my truck rides like a limo. Set me back quite a penny or two, but it's worth it. All the reviews I've read have been good and you can't put a price on safety.

Could sure use a slushie right about now. Anyone want to join me? Tomorrow at work will be just as busy today so won't have much PT time...must make the most of it now.

Hi to everyone!

10-05-2005, 10:14 PM
I wouldn't mind having a slushie. Been in Nashville all day, and could use one.

Did somebody say Mario is redecorating?!

How are you all doing tonight? Hope all are okay.

Willie :)

10-05-2005, 10:23 PM
I see you two aren't brave enough for the DOTD so here are your slushies. Mario is the Master of the Keys tonight for those of you wanting to stay a while. And I don't know what theme he has for decorating. Don't let him get into any paint.

10-05-2005, 10:38 PM
Val, I'd love a DOTD but it's that spiced Rum that wouldn't sit right. Maybe if you could sub some white rum...my tummy would like that better. ;) LOL, I love the website that came from....I Drink Dot Com. :D

Hi Willie. Been meaning to ask you about a "house" update and where you are now. I'm afraid I'm not on PT that much these days so I hope I have not missed a thread.

10-06-2005, 12:56 AM
DDM, the blue Curacao always reminds me of TIDY BOWL, so I avoid those drinks. Please don't be offended, my plumber wouldn't be. :D

Richard, did your Dad huff and puff?

Slick - new wheels? Well, people were starting to wonder why you were driving around on your rims. :p Congratulations. Don't you just love home improvements/and car improvements. Always adds such a nice touch to the budget!! :( (as in - no food for groceries for the next month).

Is it still RedHedd's birthday - can we encourage Mario to sing to you? He does a nice warble of HAPPY BIRTHDAY! But be warned, he throws cherries at you after he is done.

Willie, I have thought about you a million times. I hope your new house is coming along well - and soon you can settle back down. Mario has been upset too.

If you want "homely" don't come by my place - carpeting ripped up - basement full of mud - firemen tracked stuff all through the house - ah, ain't life grand???

How could I even think of complaining? A prayer for everyone who has lost their entire home......and loved ones.........my problem is nothing!

A drink? It's either a rum and coke tonight - or maybe the all time favorite - a slushie. But then there is the apple martini - or maybe a cosmopolitan -
or a good ice cold glass of wine - but then there is a good beer too - I am filled with indecision.

I think I will call it a night - and check in tomorrow when I am firm in my decisions!

xxoo to all of you

10-06-2005, 12:59 AM
Slick I got some new wheels yesterday. Well more like a new wheel. Monday I came home, got out of the car and heard the SSssssss of my tire leaking. I'm just thankful I had spent the extra money on the warranty for my tires.

10-06-2005, 05:32 AM
Okay everyone. Time to wake up! I've got some fresh coffee made and it's about time for me to go home. Guess we'll have to send the Bloodhound out to find Richard. I noticed some of you decided to stay the night. You'll have to wake up Mario to get your keys. Have a good day, everyone!

10-06-2005, 06:39 AM
Oh please Val, let's just let sleeping Mario sleep his wee monkey dreams. If anyone wants their keys I'll just scurry up to roof and see what I can find. Coffee smells good! How about some buttermilk pancakes with real maple syrup. We still have some that Mayor Karen sent over last year from her trip to Vermont I think it was. Shall it be sausage or bacon with our flapjacks this morning? How about BOTH! I woke up hungary. Well, seeing as how it's about six hours earlier in Hungary - those folks probably woke ME up :rolleyes: *sorry, guess I need more sleep* ;)

10-06-2005, 07:19 AM
My wife knows the number to the plumber/electrician/carpenter/etc. maintenance person by heart. It's my cell phone number if I'm not home, or "Dear, the ______ isn't working right, can you fix it?"

That's the number I use as well, although since he doesn't get paid for his work he is often slow in responding. :p :rolleyes:

10-06-2005, 07:22 AM
Val, the coffee sounds wonderful! So does the buttermilk pancakes! I'll take some of each.

My house is coming along pretty good right now. I'll tell you all about it when they get it finished. I'll take some pictures and show you what it looks like and tell you what my husband done to save money on his project. Building material is very high right now!

Willie :)

10-06-2005, 07:44 AM
Good morning all sorry I'm so late , sooo much going on here. But the good news is I was just informed by hubby I may get to go to Washington state Oct 17th for a couple of days. Yahoo we thought the trip might be off but he's done enough work after his back surjury to allow us to go. I'm so happy I haven't seen my mom for a year!
I need somee caffine to get started this morning DLC please. Hate to drink and run but only a week left of work another YAHOO!!!!

10-06-2005, 10:33 AM
Hey all!

A coffee and Irish Creme sounds great! I'll take that, and maybe something to CALM the kitties down. They wanted to play all night last night :rolleyes: .

I bet now they're sleeping...while I'm working! I think I need to make them get a job...:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-06-2005, 10:48 AM
'morning everyone!

Gini, blue curacao and tidy bowl...too funny. :D No wonder they call it 2000 Plumbers. :D

Cafe' mocha sounds good about now. There's a nip in the air this morning and it's not supposed to get out of the 50's today....as compared to 86 yesterday! Yup, gotta love Chicago weather. If you don't like it, wait an hour and it will change. :)

Corinna, hope you get to take your trip! My best friend lives in Seattle and I got a call from her yesterday. She's coming to town for business. I just hope I'll get a chance to see her! It's been so hectic around here lately and every weekend we've got something going on out of town..... :rolleyes:

10-06-2005, 01:47 PM

Just got back from the doctors. By cuff my bp was 196 over 100 BUT by the machine they hooked me up to it was 137 over 85!!!
That's as normal as I've ever seen it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just need to keep taking my meds and go back in A MONTH!!!!

Um why are you jingling like that?
:eek: Where did you get all those car keys? :eek:

10-06-2005, 02:04 PM
YEA FOR MOFF!!! I'll dance with you both. Oh, car keys.. I thought they were castanets. Well jingle your little heart out Mario MOFF deserves a few laughs. ;) Way to go MOFF!

10-06-2005, 02:31 PM
** runs in and up to the bar ** **puff puff**
Hi folks...work has got me running in circles so only have a few minutes to spare and only two threads I'm interested in right now. Thursday's of course :rolleyes:

Can I please have a double BM to go?? Thanks. Sorry I can't stop longer.

CONGRATULATIONS MOFF!!! I'm so happy your BP is down. :)

OK, off to check on Gini's thread now.

10-06-2005, 02:58 PM
Is it still RedHedd's birthday - can we encourage Mario to sing to you? He does a nice warble of HAPPY BIRTHDAY! But be warned, he throws cherries at you after he is done. No, that was Tuesday, but I'm still celebrating .... in honor of this week's theme, how about a screwdriver? :rolleyes: :p

just me
10-06-2005, 03:32 PM
Im not really sure what this thread is about :confused:
But I see everyone is having a drink so, I guess Ill join.
Ill take a Scotch neat. ;)
My husband would join us but he is busy fixing all the things I called him about. Maybe later. hee hee.
Congrats on your BP, being down Moff. :)
Sorry about your basement Gina, hope you get back to normal soon. :(
Hope everyone has a great evening. ;)
Hey, :D can I get a refill??

10-06-2005, 03:52 PM
Hi, Just Me.
Don't worry, I'm not sure what this thread is about half the time either! :)
Just belly up to the bar and have a drink.
Watch you car keys. Mario our bar monkey mascot, likes to steal them. :D

10-06-2005, 04:04 PM
Im not really sure what this thread is about :confused:
But I see everyone is having a drink so, I guess Ill join.
Ill take a Scotch neat. ;)
My husband would join us but he is busy fixing all the things I called him about. Maybe later. hee hee.
Congrats on your BP, being down Moff. :)
Sorry about your basement Gina, hope you get back to normal soon. :(
Hope everyone has a great evening. ;)
Hey, :D can I get a refill??


Thursday's is a weekly cyber bar......
We try to have a theme each week and a Drink Of The Day (DOTD)

We all get together and laugh, poke fun and giggle like maniacs

Before I forget, You must submit a clean joke for your membership card (which is totally imaginary.)

The one rule that we loosely enforce is...

There are no rules. We try to keep Thursday's as a kinda happy, no problems thread. You can check your cares and problems at the door but you MUST KEEP your sense of humor close at hand and questions and encouraged, welcome and answered.

Mario is a real entity, He belongs to Tray and is a capuchin monkey, who is our official unofficial mascot. He loves cherries and will be your friend id you bring him some...

One neat scotch with a refill??



A screwdriver!! LOLOLOL, I forgot about those...


Double Bloody Mary?

HI Laurie,
How are you.

Tray, can we have a cyber housewarming party when it's done??


I told you that everything is 'normal' at Thursday's..
If you don't mind I'll take the next dance!.

Hi T&P

A thirty degree Shift? what's going on out there??? :eek:
Cafe Mocha? DONE..

A dark room for the kitties to relax them??

Cafe and Irish Cream....DONE!

Hi Corrina,

A Diet Lime Coke? DONE!!

Pam and LH..

I have to LAUGH about your posts...

I am not trying to be disrespectful! But I cannot resist.


Your wife and Pam should not complain. Look at all the "different" guys that they have at their beck and call!!!!

and finally,

Thank you for your holding down the place for me. It's been a hellacious two days....end of the quarter and report and numbers and ?????

Thanks tons!

10-06-2005, 04:08 PM

I told you that everything is 'normal' at Thursday's..
If you don't mind I'll take the next dance!.

DONE! ;) :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-06-2005, 04:33 PM
Hi T&P

A thirty degree Shift? what's going on out there??? :eek:
Cafe Mocha? DONE..

Nothing out of the ordinary, just typical Midwest weather, just ask MOFF.

MOFF is still busy dancing I see, so I'll try and explain. The weather changes in the Midwest. In winter it's cold and if we're lucky we get snow. In summer it's hot and if we're lucky we get rain. In between winter and summer, and summer and winter, we have what is called spring and fall respectively. In spring and/or fall, temps can vary drastically and we can get some dramatic weather such as hail storms, tornadoes (is that with or without an e?), floods, droughts, freak snowstorms, 70 degrees in January, 40 degrees in summer and 30 degree temperature swings at any moment. The ongoing changes tend to keep a Midwestern much more on her toes than the occassional earthquake or wildfire. :)

On a side note....I saw a girl two days ago, when the temp was 89, wearing Ugg boots. Rather than thinking how fashionable she looked with her dress and boots, all I could think of was how hot she must have been!

Just me, we also need to check ID's before we dispense alcohol to anyone. Didn't want you to think we're running a shady business here or anything. :)

Anyway, I'll have a slushie for now, and another in about 20 minutes as I head for home.

Oh, another thing Just me, you can consume as much alcohol you want here at Thursdays and you only get drunk if you want to. All food we serve has 0 fat, cholesterol, calories and sugar content, so no matter what you eat it won't hurt any special diets you're on. We tend to grieve as a group when necessary, and celebrate as a group as often as possible! Which reminds me - Way to go MOFF!!!!

Now, about that slushie.....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-06-2005, 04:36 PM
Oops, one more thing Just me. If you want to see what happens when Thursdays - our PT cyber bar - goes live, visit this thread 3rd Annual California BBQ (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=67633)

However, there are 93 pages to that thread :cool: so you might want to start at the back and read forward. :)

10-06-2005, 04:44 PM
Nothing out of the ordinary, just typical Midwest weather, just ask MOFF.

MOFF is still busy dancing I see, so I'll try and explain. The weather changes in the Midwest. In winter it's cold and if we're lucky we get snow. In summer it's hot and if we're lucky we get rain. In between winter and summer, and summer and winter, we have what is called spring and fall respectively. In spring and/or fall, temps can vary drastically and we can get some dramatic weather such as hail storms, tornadoes (is that with or without an e?), floods, droughts, freak snowstorms, 70 degrees in January, 40 degrees in summer and 30 degree temperature swings at any moment. The ongoing changes tend to keep a Midwestern much more on her toes than the occassional earthquake or wildfire. :)

- Way to go MOFF!!!!
Thanks Debbie!!!
Gosh you got our weather down pat!!! That 30 degree temp change was a real eye opener. We stayed in the low 50s all day today. It was near 90 yesterday. Never know how to dress!!!

I need to sit the next dance out. That Richard can really cut a rug!!! :D

10-06-2005, 04:52 PM
Richard, it's about time you checked in! I had the Bloodhound out earlier trying to find you. I tried to hold the place together in between dispatching fights and such. I'm glad more have joined in the fun. I wish we could get some cooler weather! It's so hot and humid here. That's about all we ever get. Give me a drink to make me forget or at least not care about the weather.

10-06-2005, 06:41 PM
Richard, it's about time you checked in! I had the Bloodhound out earlier trying to find you. I tried to hold the place together in between dispatching fights and such. I'm glad more have joined in the fun. I wish we could get some cooler weather! It's so hot and humid here. That's about all we ever get. Give me a drink to make me forget or at least not care about the weather.

thanks again....
a 2000 Plumber? DONE!

LOLOLOL, I had seen that drink before and forgot all about it!

Is Mom Nature going thru the "change" or what??

Thank you for the dance. Now let's keep the BP DOWN, eh? ;)

One Road Slushie?


10-06-2005, 06:48 PM
Is Mom Nature going thru the "change" or what??

Thank you for the dance. Now let's keep the BP DOWN, eh? ;)

You're very wlecome.

Don't know if Ma Nature is going thru the "change" of just a bad case of PMS!

Will try my best to keep the BP down. I get a third med if I don't!
I can hardly stay awake on two. :eek:

10-07-2005, 11:19 AM
Hi - sorry it took so long to get here. I've been busy, busy, busy!

Is there any of Slicks Bailey's left?

Killearn Kitties
10-07-2005, 11:45 AM
Me too, Catland! After me encouraging Richard to open the bar early, so poor Gini could have a glass of something cool, then I don't show up! :o It wasn't deliberate. I'm just about to go home, so how about a lovely glass of chilled white?

As far as next week is concerned, I am not going back to school and that is final!

10-07-2005, 11:54 AM
As far as next week is concerned, I am not going back to school and that is final!
Chilled white? DONE!

This kinda school 'gathering' is really fun.... :)

Hi catland.

Bailey's? Sure!!!!


Pull up by the fireplace and we'll get you a blanky!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-07-2005, 11:58 AM
Whew! What a morning already! One more auditor out of the way until next year. :rolleyes:

It's almost lunch time here, and Richard's post about salsa and frito feet has made me hungry for Mexican food. There's this great place just a few blocks down that makes the best burrito suizos. That's all you need is one and you'll be full for the next two days. :eek: ;)

Anybody else want anything? I'll call in an order and go pick it up....

Hmmm....a slushie sounds like it would go great with this lunch....but I think I better hold off until a little later this afternoon. Gotta do union reports now and one does not want to mess up the union reports!

10-07-2005, 12:04 PM
Whew, any extra DOTD left? Just came back from a verrrry long Meeting meeting - that's a meeting to discuss the meetings we will be covering next year. Funny thing was every city down the list made me think "hmmmm, So Cal, cool, lots of PT friends there. Seattle, WOW! I could visit with Slick. San Fran, Wolflady here I come! Chicago, HI DEBBIE". There's even one in Nashville and I'm thinking "I wonder how far Willie and Mario are from Nashville?" I doubt that's the kind of input they were looking for so I wisely kept my mouth shut ;) :D Hey! When did Richard post about frito feet? I haven't thought of them in years :D Richard, I didn't think you were even around for frito feet :eek: No Mario, I don't want to smell your feet - thank you very much :rolleyes:

10-07-2005, 12:58 PM
Ha! In Laurie's honor - let's hold a meeting! What should we talk about - since I am in this major repair and renovation mood - maybe we should spruce up the bar a bit. A good cleaning wouldn't hurt for starters.

Had the hazmat guy at my house this morning - walls/floors initially read 25% moisture. It is down to 15% now. The floor really got it good!

I have enough work to choke a horse - so I had better not let that happen..........so I will just opt for a good hot cup of coffee - so I can stay good and awake and tackle the jobs.

MOFF - I am THRILLED with your results. Naps are good - don't worry - we will watch over you!

Have a great day everyone, I will check in later this afternoon.

Could I please have a CNT for Annie and Rascal and Emma will want some too!

10-07-2005, 01:13 PM
Hey all!

I could use a cup of coffee. Work has been nothing but a cluster youknowwhat for days now and I only can see things getting worse from here. I think I need to go get a nice job picking cherries or something with Mario!

The kitties stayed asleep last night. I had them doing laps around the house chasing the laser pointer :D. I never knew a heard of three cats could run so fast!

Need help cleaning? I've got my beat up old truck in the back for hauling all those cherry pits away.

10-07-2005, 01:15 PM
Firemen AND HazMat guys. And not even a phone call to Laurie or Slick. And you said we were palzy-walzy's :( :mad: ;) ;) HUMPH

10-07-2005, 01:19 PM
MOFF - I am THRILLED with your results. Naps are good - don't worry - we will watch over you!

Good to hear you are getting dried out gini. I hope your floor wasn't wood or it may warp on you. :eek:

I'm off for a nap. That med sure knocks me out.

Mario, please don't braid my hair again unless you have the braids hanging down the sides. I picked up several radio stations from down under when you had them sticking straight up last time. :eek: :D

10-07-2005, 01:52 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA Gini's getting dried out! :eek: Good one MOFF :p ;)

10-07-2005, 02:45 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA Gini's getting dried out! :eek: Good one MOFF :p ;)
Now THAT is funny! No one can be dry here at Thursday's. I'm excited for several reasons. I got my first official greeting card order today from Jadapit! Now I really feel like a card maker. Also, it's getting nearer to Christmas and cooler weather for we humid humans here in Florida. Woo hoo! Also, I just decided to organise the Christmas card swap since a few people were inquiring about it. Ho ho ho! Wish me luck. If anyone can help me when the time comes, I'll need it. I will need to figure out how to type up the list in some program so it will be able to be mass emailed.

10-07-2005, 04:55 PM
Willie, I'm so glad to hear that your house is coming along great. {{HUGS}}
How are all of the pets doing? :)

TGIF - Dad and Brother are leaving right now so that leave peace and quiet for my mother and I. What a great sound! :D

Made a HUGE pot of chili last night because we had quite a few people over. I'm talking huge and enough to feed about 10 people and still have lots leftover! Got soup crackers to go along and plenty of clean bowls and spoons... feel free to get yourself a bowl and no flinging it around!

10-07-2005, 05:20 PM
Mmmmmm, chili(said in best Homer Simpson voice) Pretty soon, it'll actually be cold enough here to really enjoy a hot bowl. Bring on the cold weather!(or what we call cold, anyway) Who wants what to drink? I tell you, I don't drink much at all but a cold Bud Ice would be great to go with it. Anyone care to donate a dessert?

10-07-2005, 06:07 PM
I've got some Brownie/Butterscotch cheesecake that I experimented with the other day - took leftover brownies and made it into a crust, some butterscotch syrup type stuff, and put normal cheesecake inside. Wasn't sure how it'd turn out but I like it and so does everyone else who's tried. :)

10-07-2005, 06:27 PM
Yummy, I love Kay's chili. I want some! I have been craving some good chili.

I live about a 90 miles from Nashville, spent the day there Wednesday visiting with my Doctor. Keeps me going, he does, he does!

Kay, all the pets are all doing wonderful, getting more spoiled and more spoiled!

Willie :)

10-07-2005, 08:23 PM
Glad everyone's doing well. :)

10-08-2005, 10:18 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHA Gini's getting dried out! :eek: Good one MOFF :p ;)
:D :D :D :D :D :D
Right now, I have a million things to say running through my head.....but will be good! LOLOLOL
Hi folks...have not really been in a Pet Talk mood lately because of work and such and this weekend have alot to accomplish so won't be on much at all. Just thought I would check in one last time and grab a slushie to go. Have fun! :)

Killearn Kitties
10-08-2005, 10:21 AM
I'll have a quick slushie with you, Slick, just to start off your thanksgiving weekend!

10-08-2005, 10:23 AM
We miss you Slick! I won't be on a lot because I've got to work all this weekend but can check in. I hate to see the Thursdays thread being so empty lately. We need to recruite new members! What can I do to make it appealing to everyone? Free drinks? All the cherries you can eat? A super cute monkey? We have all of that already! Brunch is being made at this time. We have eggs for those that want that but we also have the grill heating up for some hamburgers and hot dogs. Take your pick.

10-08-2005, 10:28 AM
Val, I'll take all that and some hot coffee! I am super hungry this morning, though I don't think I want to eat on that little mischievous monkey, Mario!

Willie :)

10-08-2005, 10:39 AM
Great to see you, so to speak. Even though it's about noon here, I don't feel like a slushy quite yet. I haven't had coffee either so I'll fix some fresh. That stuff now is strong enough to make a crippled man walk.

10-08-2005, 11:11 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHA Gini's getting dried out! :eek: Good one MOFF :p ;)
I'm not responsible for what my finger's type when my brain is asleep!!!!!!!!! :D

Feeling a bit better right now. Of course, I just took an hour and half nap and it's not even noon yet. YAWN!!!!!!! :eek:

10-08-2005, 11:27 AM
With winter coming I know the snowy states we are in the house more Thursdays will be a hopping place again. I know I will.

10-08-2005, 08:43 PM
Hi again everyone! Heya Mario!!!

Just checking in and saying hi...I'm borrowing my parents connection for now. No internet is starting to really irk me :-(. But...next weekend mom has agreed to come and do a photoshoot of my new place and of the furkids so stay tuned!

I'll take a slushie and some CNTs...

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!

10-08-2005, 09:09 PM
Yeeeeeeeehaw! I've got my six shooter and am here to liven up this dead place! I've got Flair outside for anyone that wants to go riding. Be aware that he does like to buck on occasion. DJ, glad you could stop by. I'll have the barkeep get you your order. Mario is wearing some mighty fancy chaps but where's his diaper??? :eek:

10-08-2005, 09:12 PM
I don't think Flair could hold me!! :p

I'm drinking a white chocolate/hazelnut coffee from Hess.. YUM!

10-08-2005, 11:58 PM
Is a diaper part of his cowboy outfit? I love his hat and fringed shirt . He looks better than the monkey Taco Johns uses in the commercials. Flair is more suited for the ride than the border collie in the commercials.
It has been a while since we had Flair pics.