View Full Version : Well they couldn't wait *mad*

10-05-2005, 07:38 AM
My brother & SIL went out last night to some omish peoples house & bought a pug puppy. :mad: :mad: To say I am mad is an understatement. Read on to see why....

Parents of the dog were about 3-4 years old which have been breeding for a little over 2 years and multiple litters a year. :mad:

ACA registered & NOTHING else. :rolleyes:

Already had a hernia, supposably the vet repaired it. :rolleyes:

Has a huge lump in neck from vaccines that the omish people gave, been there for weeks. :mad:

No health warranty. :(


And this is all I found out in a 5 minute conversation and without seeing the dog yet, I guess there's more to it than that we just didn't have time to discuss it.

Nothing against the omish, & I don't know if it's like this everywhere but most of the omish out my way are all BYB & puppy mills. They have a very very bad rep as far as breeding dogs goes out here.

I decided that this is it, I am done. I wasted a year worth of research & communication for nothing! #@*&^$%@(^$(@*^%)^ They always come to me with animal related problems & questions & let me tell you I will not help them with this dog. Sure it sounds mean & yes I try to help as much as I can when it comes to animals, but when I already helped & they didn't listen then I will stop helping.
I just want to curse them the heck out. GGGGRRRRRR

10-05-2005, 08:00 AM
Awww, I'm sorry they decided to go that way. But, you did all you could, and your year of research is not wasted, someday someone else will come to you with the same question, and you will already be prepared to tell them how it really is. I'll be thinking of that little puppy today, and will pray they change their mind about breeding it.

10-05-2005, 08:13 AM
Oh just great. I just talked to my SIL some more and found out a few more things.

"Breeders" have no record of the hernia repair or any vet visit and puppy still has a slight bump on her abdomen.

Puppy has pretty weepy eyes

Breeders didn't know exactly how old she is, either 8 or 10 weeks old.

No paperwork with the dog, not even the ACA reg.

My nephew is not leaving the dog alone at all, SIL is not doing anything about it & puppy is starting to get scared, that age is when they really get imprinted on things.

SIL bought puppy before buying food, dishes, collar or leash

She REALLY wants to breed this dog

Sorry the puppy has no name yet thats why I'm just saying puppy. lol

I got disgusted & stopped the conversation. She wants me to come over sometime & look at the dog, a few things inparticual she said so I think there's even more to it than that.
Geesh. :mad:

10-05-2005, 08:46 AM
I'm sorry but have to say that the deed is done.

You just need to try to convince him to not breed the new dog.

I know... easy to say... difficult to convince.

You guys convinced me though. I was very stubborn and wanted to breed Beenie at all costs if you remember. After being here on PT I ended up just getting another instead and Beenie is getting spayed.

You also need to tell your brother that he may want his son not to mess with the dog too much. He may end up biting him, getting hurt or making the dog grow up to avoid and dislike kids.

Sorry you are going through this. It's frustrating I know....

10-05-2005, 09:03 AM
I feel for you and the new pup.
The puppy needs to feel safe and be treated

It must be so frustrating to take your time
to try to educate someone and than that person turns
around and does the opposite.
Not only did he help perpetuate the puppy mill
problem but will become a BYB him self. :(
Don't give up trying, maybe you will get through to

10-05-2005, 09:13 AM
maybe you've tried this before...but i would print out some articles and statistics about overpopulation and all the complications a female can have when giving birth, especially with pug puppies, if I remember right they have a hard time giving birth...

even print out some pics of euthanized animals....maybe that'll give them the jolt...

if none of that works tell them you dont want to speak to them until they get their act straight

10-05-2005, 09:15 AM
I hate to say it but told you! lol.

sorry. no matter how much you like to help people out, just by how you were wording it and saying it about his personality, its not worth it - let it go.

he'll be in a shelter in a few months, then you can 'help the animals'.

10-05-2005, 11:26 PM
My old neighbors also got their pug from an Amish farm. He's the most adorable, sweetest little boy but immediately developed severe eye problems, to the point they had to take him to an opthamologist and still have to medicate his eyes everyday. His poor little knees get dislocated. Poor little guy. What a pity your brother wanted a pug so badly he didn't take your advise or research anything. *Sigh*. As much as you don't want to, maybe for the sake of the poor dog, you should go over and see it. Another *sigh*.

10-06-2005, 08:47 AM
*Sigh*. As much as you don't want to, maybe for the sake of the poor dog, you should go over and see it. Another *sigh*.

I did, I went last night. The thing is very cute & I fell in love (come on it's not the puppy's fault, besides how can you not like a puppy) but I'm afraid it's a pretty bad speciman. I don't think the hernia was taken care of properly, you can see the scar but there's still a lump that feels like a hernia not scar tissue (If I can remember correctly from 4 years ago). I don't know but I *thought* unless it's an emergency than usually most vets wait a little longer to operate on hernias???? She seems really small for her age of 8-10 weeks. The lump on the neck is from vaccines supposably, it's been there for weeks, I don't think it will go away. The nose is REALLY pushed in, so much so that the nose is actually an indent in the face (although I think that it may just fit breed standards but can be hazardous to this puppy becuase of the ativity level of the family). She also looks like she'll have major dental problems, I think that actually a couple/few teeth may not even ever come in. And her underbite is major. I'm not sure about the dogs structure either, it could just be because she's still a puppy but it just doesn't look right when she walks, her joints, mainly on her right side have a strange movement to them that I am unsure of. Her eyes are pertruding a lot too, you can't even wipe the eye bugers off her face without wiping her eyes too. She has very dirty ears & a couple fleas.
I know a lot of these problems are even semi-common in even some well bred pugs but her problems seem much worse than that.

Well I went over with them again on what a properly bred pug should be like, and showed them the comparisons & my thoughts about the puppy's health & possibly future problems and of course not to breed her. I'll continue with bugging them not to breed but I think I'm done with helping them with any of the problems this puppy may have or encounter. I already spent a year telling & showing them & now I told them again what to expect & what I thought. They didn't listen for the entire year & if they don't listen this one last time then they are out of luck.

She still has no name and dumb me forgot my camera. She is a cute friendly puppy though.